J'essaie de configurer Redmine pour Ubuntu 11.10, en utilisant cette méthode Redmine pour 11.1 , mais j'ai rencontré un problème fou quelque part avec Apache. Lors de l’émission du service Apache2, je reçois les erreurs suivantes.
* Restarting web server Apache2
ulimit: 88: error setting limit (Operation not permitted)
ulimit: 88: error setting limit (Operation not permitted)
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Je n'ai pas réussi à comprendre ce qui se passe exactement avec Apache. Je comprends ce que fait Ulimit (surveille l’allocation des ressources à l’échelle du système), mais je ne sais pas pourquoi l’établissement de la limite ne serait pas autorisé.
Voici le contenu de/etc/Apache2/sites-available/default, où la racine du problème pourrait être ...
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog ${Apache_LOG_DIR}/error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${Apache_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
<Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
# See
# http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html
# for details on what these options do. They will lead to an increase
# in memory usage, but significantly reduced access times.
# Speeds up spawn time tremendously -- if your app is compatible.
# RMagick seems to be incompatible with smart spawning
PassengerSpawnMethod smart
# Keep the application instances alive longer. Default is 300 (seconds)
PassengerPoolIdleTime 300
# Additionally keep a copy of the Rails framework in memory. If you're
# using multiple apps on the same version of Rails, this will speed up
# the creation of new RailsAppSpawners. This isn't necessary if you're
# only running one or 2 applications, or if your applications use
# different versions of Rails.
RailsFrameworkSpawnerIdleTime 0
# Just in case you're leaking memory, restart a listener
# after processing 5000 requests
PassengerMaxRequests 5000
# Only check for restart.txt et al up to once every 5 seconds,
# instead of once per processed request
PassengerStatThrottleRate 5
# Specify the minimum number of instances passenger can keep
# while cleaning idle instances
PassengerMinInstances 3
<Location /redmine>
Options Indexes -ExecCGI FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
# AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# mod_Rails
# PassengerUser redmine
#RailsEnv edoceo_live
RailsBaseURI /redmine
# environment.rb
# Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/redmine"
# Then after the virtualhost is loaded, send it a request
# to initialize the redmine installation
PassengerPreStart http://2222.us/redmine
EDIT J'ai eu le journal des erreurs qui fonctionnait par hasard, voici les erreurs que je reçois dans error.log, cela pourrait donner un aperçu.
[Wed Dec 14 12:06:09 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Dec 14 12:06:10 2011] [error] *** Passenger could not be initialized because of this error: Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog because its executable (/usr/lib/phusion-passenger/agents/PassengerWatchdog) does not exist. This probably means that your Phusion Passenger installation is broken or incomplete, or that your 'PassengerRoot' directive is set to the wrong value. Please reinstall Phusion Passenger or fix your 'PassengerRoot' directive, whichever is applicable.
[Wed Dec 14 12:06:10 2011] [error] *** Passenger could not be initialized because of this error: Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog because its executable (/usr/lib/phusion-passenger/agents/PassengerWatchdog) does not exist. This probably means that your Phusion Passenger installation is broken or incomplete, or that your 'PassengerRoot' directive is set to the wrong value. Please reinstall Phusion Passenger or fix your 'PassengerRoot' directive, whichever is applicable.
[Wed Dec 14 12:06:10 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/3.0.11 PHP/5.3.6-13ubuntu3.2 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations
Le problème était dû à des erreurs d’autorisation et à une installation incorrecte de Phusion Passenger.
Le problème était que j'essayais de m'exécuter en tant qu '"utilisateur" normal au lieu de root. J'ai résolu ce problème soit en exécutant ma commande, soit en prenant Sudo en racine et en relançant le service Apache2. Il est évident que redémarrer Apache2 en tant qu'utilisateur normal si vous le souhaitez, mais Redmine et Ruby nécessitent des autorisations escaladées pour exécuter les modifications ulimit.