
Impossible d'exécuter le script de génération local AWS CodeBuild

J'essaie d'exécuter le CodeBuild localement pour mon projet Golang. J'ai tiré l'image docker Amazon/aws-codebuild-local:latest et exécutez le script CodeBuild ./codebuild_build.sh -i aws/codebuild/standard:2.0 -s "/project/src", il ne s'est rien passé. J'ai ensuite capturé la commande docker générée dans le script: docker run -it -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e "IMAGE_NAME=aws/codebuild/standard:2.0" -e "SOURCE=/project/src" -e "INITIATOR=me" Amazon/aws-codebuild-local:latest.

Lorsque j'exécute la commande docker, je reçois l'erreur suivante:

Removing network agent-resources_default
Removing volume agent-resources_source_volume
Removing volume agent-resources_user_volume
Creating network "agent-resources_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "agent-resources_source_volume" with local driver
Creating volume "agent-resources_user_volume" with local driver
Pulling build (aws/codebuild/standard:2.0)...
ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.

Continue with the new image? [yN]y
Pulling build (aws/codebuild/standard:2.0)...
ERROR: pull access denied for aws/codebuild/standard, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied

Je suis sûr que mon docker est connecté, je ne sais pas quoi faire ensuite pour résoudre le problème.


J'ai suivi les instructions exactement comme les docs et Marcin l'ont indiqué, et j'obtiens la même erreur:

Pulling build (aws/codebuild:latest)...
ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data before continuing.

Continue with the new image? [yN]n
ERROR: pull access denied for aws/codebuild, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied