
Android format date à MM-JJ-AAAA à partir de Datepicker

J'ai un datepicker. Mon application envoie une notification. Je veux afficher la date au format 01-07-2013 MM-jj-aaaa. Veuillez vérifier mon code ci-dessous:

 //---Button view---
    Button btnOpen = ( Button ) findViewById( R.id.btEventDone );
    btnOpen.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {  

            String strT = title.getText().toString();
            String strDes = description.getText().toString();

            // check if user did not input anything
            if( strT.isEmpty() || strDes.isEmpty() ){

                Toast.makeText( getBaseContext(), "You have blank fields!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();


            //---use the AlarmManager to trigger an alarm---
            AlarmManager alarmManager = ( AlarmManager ) getSystemService( ALARM_SERVICE );                 

            //---get current date and time---
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();       

            //---sets the time for the alarm to trigger---
            calendar.set( Calendar.YEAR, date.getYear() );
            calendar.set( Calendar.MONTH, date.getMonth() );
            calendar.set( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, date.getDayOfMonth() );                 
            calendar.set( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, time.getCurrentHour() );
            calendar.set( Calendar.MINUTE, time.getCurrentMinute() );
            calendar.set( Calendar.SECOND, 0 );

            //---PendingIntent to launch activity when the alarm triggers---                    
            Intent i = new Intent( CalendarEvent.this, DisplayNotification.class );

            year = calendar.get( Calendar.YEAR );
            month = calendar.get( Calendar.MONTH );
            day = calendar.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH );

            hour = calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR );
            minute = calendar.get( Calendar.MINUTE );

            Date d = new Date(year, month, day);
            SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(
            String strDate = dateFormatter.format(d);

            String strTitle = title.getText().toString();
            String strDescription = description.getText().toString();
            strDate = String.valueOf( month ) + "-" + String.valueOf( day ) + "-" + String.valueOf( year );

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              sb.append(hour-12).append( ":" ).append(minute).append(" PM");
              sb.append(hour).append( ":" ).append(minute).append(" AM");
            String strTime = sb.toString();

            //---assign an ID of 1---
            i.putExtra( "NotifID", notifID ); 
            i.putExtra( "Title", strTitle );
            i.putExtra( "Description", strDescription );
            i.putExtra( "Date", strDate  );
            i.putExtra( "Time", strTime );

            PendingIntent displayIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
                getBaseContext(), notifID, i, 0 );               

            //---sets the alarm to trigger---
            alarmManager.set( AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, 
                calendar.getTimeInMillis(), displayIntent );




public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    //---look up the notification manager service---
    NotificationManager nm = ( NotificationManager ) 
        getSystemService( NOTIFICATION_SERVICE );

    title = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R.id.etDetailTitle );
    description = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R.id.etDetailDescription );
    date = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R.id.etDetailDate );
    time = ( EditText ) findViewById ( R.id.etDetailTime );
    done = ( Button ) findViewById ( R.id.btnAlarmDone );

    done.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    //---cancel the notification---
    nm.cancel( getIntent().getExtras().getInt( "NotifID" ) ); 

    String strTitle = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Title" );
    String strDescription = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Description" );
    strDate = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Date" );
    String strTime = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Time" );
    title.setText( strTitle );
    description.setText( strDescription );
    date.setText( strDate );
    time.setText( strTime );



public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//---get the notification ID for the notification; 
// passed in by the NotifyActivity---
int notifID = getIntent().getExtras().getInt( "NotifID" );
String strTitle = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Title" );
String strDescription = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Description" );
String strDate = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Date" );
String strTime = getIntent().getExtras().getString( "Time" );

//---PendingIntent to launch activity if the user selects 
// the notification---
Intent i = new Intent( DisplayNotification.this, AlarmDetails.class );
i.putExtra( "NotifID", notifID );  
i.putExtra( "Title", strTitle );
i.putExtra( "Description", strDescription );
i.putExtra( "Date", strDate );
i.putExtra( "Time", strTime );

PendingIntent detailsIntent = 
    PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, i, 0);

NotificationManager nm = ( NotificationManager )
    getSystemService( NOTIFICATION_SERVICE );
Notification notif = new Notification(
    "iHealthFirst: Notification!",
    System.currentTimeMillis() );

CharSequence from = "iHealthFirst - New Notification";
CharSequence message = "This is your alert, click to view";        
notif.setLatestEventInfo(this, from, message, detailsIntent);
notif.flags = Notification.FLAG_INSISTENT;
notif.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;

//---100ms delay, vibrate for 250ms, pause for 100 ms and
// then vibrate for 500ms---
notif.vibrate = new long[] { 100, 250, 100, 500};        
nm.notify( notifID, notif );

//---destroy the activity---

Mon application actuelle ne s'affiche que dans ce format M-j-aaaa. J'ai lu que nous devrions utiliser SimpleDateFormat, mais je ne sais pas comment l'utiliser dans mon application. Quelqu'un peut-il aider? Merci.


Vérifie ça:

changement de format de date dans le sélecteur de date et le calendrier

   year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
   month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
   day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    if(month < 10){

        month = "0" + month;
    if(day < 10){

        day  = "0" + day ;
    searchText.setText(day + "-" + month + "-" + year);

essaye ça

int year = mDatePicker.getYear();
int month = mDatePicker.getMonth();
int day = mDatePicker.getDayOfMonth();

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(year, month, day);

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");
String strDate = format.format(calendar.getTime());

Vous pouvez ajouter ce code:

Date d = new Date(year, month, day);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(
                "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm");
strDate = dateFormatter.format(d);


year = calendar.get( Calendar.YEAR );
month = calendar.get( Calendar.MONTH );
day = calendar.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH );

hour = calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR );
minute = calendar.get( Calendar.MINUTE );

Votre strDate sera donc dans le format que vous voulez (MM-jj-aaaa)


il suffit d'utiliser ce code ..

 date.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() 

            public void onClick(View v) 
                DatePickerDialog dateDlg = new DatePickerDialog(New_Quote_Activity.this, new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() 

                         public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year,int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) 
                                CharSequence strDate = null;
                                    Time chosenDate = new Time();        
                                    chosenDate.set(dayOfMonth, monthOfYear, year);
                                    long dtDob = chosenDate.toMillis(true);

                                    strDate = DateFormat.format("MM/dd/yyyy", dtDob);

                        }}, year,month,day);

Mehul Ranpara

Un moyen simple de le faire pourrait être de simplement collecter les données, puis d'utiliser String.format:

    int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    String dateString = String.format("%02d-%02d-%d", month, day, year);
    ((TextView) m_view.findViewById(R.id.dob)).setText(dateString);

Essaye ça:

        CharSequence formatted = DateFormat.format("MM/dd/yyyy", mDueDate);
Douglas Mesquita
import Java.text.ParseException;
import Java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import Java.util.Date;

 public class MainClass {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
     String pattern = "MM-dd-yyyy";
     SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
   try {
      Date date = format.parse("01-07-2013");
   } catch (ParseException e) {

    System.out.println(format.format(new Date()));

J'espère que c'est utile.

Vous pouvez également reportez-vous à la documentation .

Ayaz Ali Khatri

Je veux afficher la date au format 01-07-2013 MM-jj-aaaa.

oui, vous pouvez le faire par étapes ci-dessous.

Étape 1: vous devez d'abord convertir votre chaîne au format de date particulier

Étape 2: Utilisation de SimpleDateFormat Convertissez votre date au format MM-jj-aaaa

Étape 3: Convertir en chaîne et l'utiliser.

vous pouvez utiliser ci-dessous le code pour cela.

 public class DateFormat {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Put here what your are getting as String
    String mytime="Jan 7, 2013"; 
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
            "MMM dd, yyyy"); //Step1: Convert yout String to perticular Date Formate according to your Date String your are getting
    Date myDate = null;
    try {
        myDate = dateFormat.parse(mytime);

    } catch (ParseException e) {

    SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");
    String finalDate = timeFormat.format(myDate); 
    //Step3: Here you will get your Final Date. Set your String now to textview.

J'espère que cela vous aidera.

Bhavesh Patadiya

Essayez de cette façon:

private int m_month, m_year, m_day;
 SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy",
 m_month = m_calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
 m_year = m_calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
 m_day = m_calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
 //for the datepicker listener.
 m_calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, p_year);
 m_calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, p_monthOfYear);
 m_calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, p_dayOfMonth);
 String m_sDate = dateParser.format(m_calendar.getTime()).toString();

J'ai essayé de suivre mon projet. Cela pourrait vous aider. Demandez si vous avez des questions.

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy");
    Date originalDate = new Date();   //it will give today's date.
    String dateString = sdf.format(originalDate);
    Date formattedDate = sdf.parse(dateString);

}catch(Exception e){