J'ai un problème de code en C #:
Je ne sais pas comment implémenter la logique - itérant via Hashtable Ayant des valeurs de types de données différents, le schéma que je souhaite est ci-dessous:
if the value in variable is String type
do action1;
do action2;
Il y a une table de hachage contenant des données de Types - String et Int (combinées):
public string SQLCondGenerator {
Hashtable conditions = new Hashtable();
//data having String data type
conditions.Add("miap", ViewState["miap_txt"]);
conditions.Add("pocode", ViewState["po_txt "]);
conditions.Add("materialdescription", ViewState["mat_desc_txt"]);
conditions.Add("suppliername", ViewState["supplier_txt"]);
conditions.Add("manufacturername", ViewState["manufacturer_txt"]);
//data having Int32 data type
conditions.Add("spareparts", ViewState["sp_id"]);
conditions.Add("firstfills", ViewState["ff_id"]);
conditions.Add("specialtools", ViewState["st_id"]);
conditions.Add("ps_deleted", ViewState["ps_del_id"]);
conditions.Add("po_manuallyinserted", ViewState["man_ins_id"]);
String SQLCondString = "";
String SQLCondStringConverted = "";
string s = string.Empty;
foreach (string name in conditions.Keys)
if (conditions[name] != null)
SQLCondString += name+ "=" +conditions[name]+ " and ";
bool valtype = conditions[name].GetType().IsValueType;
if (valtype == string)
SQLCondString.Substring(0, SQLCondString.Length - 4);
SQLCondString += name + " and like '%" + conditions[name] + "%' and ";
SQLCondStringConverted = SQLCondString.Substring(0, SQLCondString.Length - 4);
return SQLCondStringConverted;
Peut-être que je me trompe dans le codage, s'il vous plaît aviser!
if(conditions[name] is string)
Hmm, je ne sais pas pourquoi vous appelez IsValueType
, mais cela devrait suffire:
if (conditions[name] is string)
Int32 Val = 0;
if (Int32.TryParse("Your Value", out Val))
//Your Logic for int
//Your Logic for String
Int32 Val = 0;
dynamic conditions = new Hashtable();
conditions.Add("miap", ViewState["miap_txt"]);
conditions.Add("pocode", ViewState["po_txt "]);
foreach (string name in conditions.Keys)
if (Int32.TryParse(conditions[name].ToString(), out Val))
//Your Logic for int
//Your Logic for String