
Pourquoi le message d'erreur "Impossible d'instancier le type d'implémentation" s'affiche-t-il pour mon service générique?

J'ai un référentiel générique que j'ai instancié directement dans mon contrôleur API WEB sans problème depuis un moment.

Voici à quoi ressemblait mon contrôleur:

public class EmployeesController : Controller
    private IGenericRepository<Employee> _empRepo;

    public EmployeesController(IGenericRepository<Employee> employeeRepo)
        _empRepo = employeeRepo;

    // GET: api/employees
    public async Task<IEnumerable<Employee>> GetEmployeesAsync(
            string firstName = null, string lastName = null)
        //return await _empRepo.GetAll().Include("Organization").Include("PayPlan").Include("GradeRank").Include("PositionTitle").Include("Series").Include("BargainingUnit")
        //    .Where(e => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || e.FirstName.Contains(firstName))
        //        && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) || e.LastName.Contains(lastName))
        //    )
        //    .ToListAsync();

        return await _empRepo.GetAllIncluding(
                a => a.Organization,
                b => b.PayPlan,
                c => c.GradeRank,
                d => d.PositionTitle,
                e => e.Series,
                f => f.BargainingUnit)
            .Where(e => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || e.FirstName.Contains(firstName))
                && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) || e.LastName.Contains(lastName))

    // GET api/employees/5
    [HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetEmployeeById")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetEmployeeByIdAsync(long id)
        //var employee = await _empRepo.Find(id).Include("Organization").Include("PayPlan").Include("GradeRank").Include("PositionTitle").Include("Series").Include("BargainingUnit").SingleAsync();
        var employee = await  _empRepo.GetSingleIncludingAsync(id,
            a => a.Organization,
            b => b.PayPlan,
            c => c.GradeRank, 
            d => d.PositionTitle,
            e => e.Series,
            f => f.BargainingUnit);

        if (employee == null)
            return NotFound();
            return new ObjectResult(employee);

    // PUT api/employees/id
    public async Task<IActionResult> PutEmployeeAsync([FromBody] Employee emp)
        var employee = await _empRepo.UpdateAsync(emp);
        if (employee == null)
            return NotFound();

        await _empRepo.SaveAsync();
        return new ObjectResult(employee);

et nous configurerions la DI dans StartUp comme ceci:

services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericRepository<>), typeof(GenericRepository<>));

Maintenant, je viens de refactoriser et d'essayer de mettre une couche de service entre le contrôleur et le référentiel générique.

Voici donc ma deuxième ligne DI dans StartUp:

services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericService<>), typeof(IGenericService<>));

Alors maintenant, j'ai ces deux lignes DI:

services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericRepository<>), typeof(GenericRepository<>));
services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericService<>), typeof(IGenericService<>));

Voici mon code actuel:

À partir du dépôt générique:

public enum FilteredSource

public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
    where T: BaseEntity
    protected readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
    protected DbSet<T> _dbSet;

    public GenericRepository(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;
        _dbSet = context.Set<T>();

    // no eager loading
    private IQueryable<T> All => _dbSet.Cast<T>();

    #region FIXME : DELETE
    // FIXME: Delete and use ALL instead.
    public IQueryable<T> GetAll() => _dbSet.AsQueryable();

    // FIXME: Delete and use GetSingleIncludingAsync instead.
    public IQueryable<T> Find(long id) =>
        _dbSet.Where(e => e.Id == id).AsQueryable();

    // eager loading
    private IQueryable<T> GetAllIncluding(
        params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties) =>
         includeProperties.Aggregate(All, (currentEntity, includeProperty) => currentEntity.Include(includeProperty));

    // no eager loading
    public async Task<T> GetSingleIncludingAsync(long id)
        return await _dbSet.SingleOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id);

    /// <summary>
    /// Takes in a lambda selector and let's you filter results from GetAllIncluding and All.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="selector">labmda expression to filter results by.</param>
    /// <param name="getFilteredSource">All or GetAllIncluding as the method to get results from.</param>
    /// <param name="includeProperties">array of eager load lamda expressions.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetFiltered(
        Expression<Func<T, bool>> selector, FilteredSource filteredSource,
        Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties = null)
        var results = default(IEnumerable<T>);
        switch (filteredSource)
            case FilteredSource.All:
                results = All.Where(selector);
            case FilteredSource.GetAllIncluding:
                results = GetAllIncluding(includeProperties).Where(selector);
        return await results.AsQueryable().ToListAsync();

    // eager loading
    public async Task<T> GetSingleIncludingAsync(
        long id, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties)
        IQueryable<T> entities = GetAllIncluding(includeProperties);
        //return await Filter<long>(entities, x => x.Id, id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
        return await entities.SingleOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id);

    public async Task<T> InsertAsync(T entity)
        if (entity == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException($"No {nameof(T)}  Entity was provided for Insert");
        await _dbSet.AddAsync(entity);
        return entity;

    public async Task<T> UpdateAsync(T entity)
        T entityToUpdate = await
            _dbSet.AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == entity.Id);
        if (entityToUpdate == null)
            //return null;
            throw new ArgumentNullException($"No {nameof(T)}  Entity was provided for Update");

        return entity;

    public async Task<T> DeleteAsync(T entity)
        return await Task.FromResult(entity);

    public Task SaveAsync() => _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Définition de l'interface:

public interface IGenericRepository<T>
    where T : BaseEntity
    #region FIXME : DELETE
    // FIXME: Delete and use ALL instead.
    IQueryable<T> GetAll();

    // FIXME: Delete and use GetSingleIncludingAsync instead.
    IQueryable<T> Find(long id);

    // eager loading
    Task<T> GetSingleIncludingAsync(
        long id, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties);

    Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetFiltered(
        Expression<Func<T, bool>> selector, FilteredSource filteredSource,
        Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties = null);

    Task<T> InsertAsync(T entity);
    Task<T> UpdateAsync(T entity);
    Task<T> DeleteAsync(T entity);

    #region Possible TODOs:
    //Task<IEnumerable<T>> FindBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate);
    //Task AddRange(IEnumerable<T> entities);
    //Task RemoveRange(IEnumerable<T> entities);

    Task SaveAsync();

Cela est injecté dans mon service générique:

public class GenericService<T> : IGenericService<T>
    where T : BaseEntity
    private IGenericRepository<T> _genericRepo;

    public GenericService(IGenericRepository<T> genericRepo)
        _genericRepo = genericRepo;

    public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetFiltered(
        Expression<Func<T, bool>> selector, FilteredSource filteredSource,
        Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties = null)
        return await _genericRepo.GetFiltered(selector, filteredSource,

    // eager loading
    public async Task<T> GetSingleIncludingAsync(long id, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties)
        IEnumerable<T> entities = await _genericRepo.GetFiltered(null, FilteredSource.GetAllIncluding, includeProperties);
        //return await Filter<long>(entities, x => x.Id, id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
        return entities.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);

    public async Task<T> InsertAsync(T entity)
        var result = await _genericRepo.InsertAsync(entity);
        await _genericRepo.SaveAsync();
        return entity;

    public async Task<T> UpdateAsync(T entity)
        var result = await _genericRepo.UpdateAsync(entity);
        if (result != null)
            await _genericRepo.SaveAsync();
        return result;

    public async Task<T> DeleteAsync(T entity)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Définition d'interface pour le service:

public interface IGenericService<T>
    where T : BaseEntity
    Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetFiltered(
        Expression<Func<T, bool>> selector, FilteredSource filteredSource,
        Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties = null);

    // eager loading
    Task<T> GetSingleIncludingAsync(long id, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties);

    Task<T> InsertAsync(T entity);
    Task<T> UpdateAsync(T entity);
    Task<T> DeleteAsync(T entity);

et enfin, voici le contrôleur:

public class EmployeesController : Controller
    private IGenericService<Employee> _genericService;

    public EmployeesController(IGenericService<Employee> genericService)
        _genericService = genericService;

    // GET: api/employees
    public async Task<IEnumerable<Employee>> GetEmployeesAsync(
            string firstName = null, string lastName = null)
        return await _genericService.GetFiltered(
                e => (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) || e.FirstName.Contains(firstName))
                && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) || e.LastName.Contains(lastName)),
                new Expression<Func<Employee, object>>[] { a => a.Organization,
                b => b.PayPlan,
                c => c.GradeRank,
                d => d.PositionTitle,
                e => e.Series,
                f => f.BargainingUnit }

    // GET api/employees/5
    [HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetEmployeeById")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetEmployeeByIdAsync(long id)
        //var employee = await _empRepo.Find(id).Include("Organization").Include("PayPlan").Include("GradeRank").Include("PositionTitle").Include("Series").Include("BargainingUnit").SingleAsync();
        var employee = await _genericService.GetSingleIncludingAsync(id,
            a => a.Organization,
            b => b.PayPlan,
            c => c.GradeRank,
            d => d.PositionTitle,
            e => e.Series,
            f => f.BargainingUnit);

        if (employee == null)
            return NotFound();
            return new ObjectResult(employee);

    // PUT api/employees/id
    public async Task<IActionResult> PutEmployeeAsync([FromBody] Employee emp)
        var employee = await _genericService.UpdateAsync(emp);
        if (employee == null)
            return NotFound();

        return new ObjectResult(employee);

Je ne sais pas comment brancher la couche de service intermédiaire.


Je suis un idiot. J'avais l'interface pour l'implémentation. J'ai changé:

services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericService<>), typeof(IGenericService<>));


services.AddScoped(typeof(IGenericService<>), typeof(GenericService<>));

Cela m'est arrivé récemment. J'ai eu la classe d'implémentation marquée "abstrait", un artefact ou une conception antérieure. Je l'ai supprimé et le conteneur a pu instancier la classe sans problème.


Cela m'est arrivé quand service la classe n'a pas hérité de IService interface

Amirhossein Yari