Je travaille sur une bibliothèque pour fournir une communication simple et fiable via une connexion RS232 ou RS485. Une partie de ce code implique l'utilisation d'une somme de contrôle CRC16 sur les données pour détecter une corruption due au bruit de ligne. J'ai créé une fonction pour calculer une somme de contrôle CRC16, mais elle ne semble pas générer de valeurs correctes.
Le code que j'ai écrit est ci-dessous (on peut également le trouver ici ).
#include <stdint.h>
#define CRC16 0x8005
uint16_t gen_crc16(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
uint16_t out = 0;
int bits_read = 0, bit_flag;
/* Sanity check: */
if(data == NULL)
return 0;
while(size > 0)
bit_flag = out >> 15;
/* Get next bit: */
out <<= 1;
out |= (*data >> (7 - bits_read)) & 1;
/* Increment bit counter: */
if(bits_read > 7)
bits_read = 0;
/* Cycle check: */
out ^= CRC16;
return out;
Je vérifie ma sortie contre cette calculatrice CRC en ligne .
Je suis parvenu à la conclusion que ma compréhension du calcul d'un CRC16 est erronée ou que la calculatrice en ligne est erronée (la première semble plus probable). Quelqu'un peut-il me dire où je peux me tromper?
Il faut concorder plusieurs détails pour une implémentation de CRC particulière - même si vous utilisez le même polynôme, les résultats peuvent être différents en raison de différences mineures dans la manière dont les bits de données sont gérés, en utilisant une valeur initiale particulière pour le CRC zéro, parfois 0xffff) et/ou inverser les bits du CRC. Par exemple, une implémentation fonctionne parfois à partir des bits de poids faible des octets de données, alors qu’elle fonctionne parfois à partir des bits de poids fort (comme le vôtre le fait actuellement).
En outre, vous devez «extraire» les derniers bits du CRC après avoir exécuté tous les bits de données.
N'oubliez pas que les algorithmes de CRC ont été conçus pour être implémentés dans le matériel. Par conséquent, la gestion de l'ordre des bits peut ne pas avoir beaucoup de sens du point de vue logiciel.
Si vous souhaitez faire correspondre le CRC16 avec le polynôme 0x8005, comme indiqué sur la page de calculateur CRC de, vous devez apporter les modifications suivantes à votre fonction CRC:
Donc, votre fonction pourrait ressembler à:
#define CRC16 0x8005
uint16_t gen_crc16(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
uint16_t out = 0;
int bits_read = 0, bit_flag;
/* Sanity check: */
if(data == NULL)
return 0;
while(size > 0)
bit_flag = out >> 15;
/* Get next bit: */
out <<= 1;
out |= (*data >> bits_read) & 1; // item a) work from the least significant bits
/* Increment bit counter: */
if(bits_read > 7)
bits_read = 0;
/* Cycle check: */
out ^= CRC16;
// item b) "Push out" the last 16 bits
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
bit_flag = out >> 15;
out <<= 1;
out ^= CRC16;
// item c) reverse the bits
uint16_t crc = 0;
i = 0x8000;
int j = 0x0001;
for (; i != 0; i >>=1, j <<= 1) {
if (i & out) crc |= j;
return crc;
Cette fonction me renvoie 0xbb3d
lorsque je passe dans "123456789"
Voici un code de travail pour calculer CCITT crc16. Je l'ai testé et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux fournis par .
unsigned short crc16(const unsigned char* data_p, unsigned char length){
unsigned char x;
unsigned short crc = 0xFFFF;
while (length--){
x = crc >> 8 ^ *data_p++;
x ^= x>>4;
crc = (crc << 8) ^ ((unsigned short)(x << 12)) ^ ((unsigned short)(x <<5)) ^ ((unsigned short)x);
return crc;
Il existe plusieurs variétés de CRC-16. Voir page wiki .
Chacun de ceux-ci retournera des résultats différents à partir de la même entrée.
Donc, vous devez soigneusement choisir celui qui convient à votre programme.
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
crc ^= (uint16_t)buf[pos]; // XOR byte into least sig. byte of crc
for (i = 8; i != 0; i--) { // Loop over each bit
if ((crc & 0x0001) != 0) { // If the LSB is set
crc >>= 1; // Shift right and XOR 0xA001
crc ^= CRC16;
} else { // Else LSB is not set
crc >>= 1; // Just shift right
return crc;
(crcany } _ génèrera un code C efficace pour tout CRC et comprend une bibliothèque de plus d'une centaine de définitions de CRC connues.
Un code CRC efficace utilise des tableaux au lieu de calculs au bit. crcany génère à la fois des routines d'octets et de Word, ces dernières étant adaptées à l'architecture sur laquelle elles sont générées. Word-wise est le plus rapide. Byte-wise est toujours beaucoup plus rapide que bit -wise, mais l'implémentation est plus facilement portable sur des architectures.
Vous ne semblez pas avoir de définition de protocole avec une définition de CRC spécifique à laquelle vous devez correspondre. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez sélectionner n'importe quel CRC 16 bits dans le catalogue , et vous obtiendrez de bonnes performances.
Si vous avez un taux d’erreur sur les bits relativement faible, p. Ex. Si vous souhaitez optimiser vos performances en matière de détection d’erreurs, vous devez examiner la taille de paquet à laquelle vous appliquez le CRC, en supposant qu’elle soit constante ou délimitée, et examiner les performances du polynômes dans { recherches approfondies de Philip Koopman }. Les CRC classiques, tels que le CRC 16 bits CCITT/Kermit ou le CRC X.25 16 bits ne sont pas les plus performants.
Le CRC-16/DNP est l’un des bons interprètes 16 bits des tables de Koopman qui figure également dans le catalogue des CRC utilisés dans la pratique. Il a de très bonnes performances en détectant les erreurs jusqu’à 6 bits dans un paquet. Voici le code généré par la société pour cette définition du CRC. Ce code suppose une architecture little-endian pour le calcul selon Word, par ex. Intel x86 et x86-64, et suppose que uintmax_t
est de 64 bits. crcany peut être utilisé pour générer du code alternatif pour le big-endian et d’autres tailles de Word.
// The _bit, _byte, and _Word routines return the CRC of the len bytes at mem,
// applied to the previous CRC value, crc. If mem is NULL, then the other
// arguments are ignored, and the initial CRC, i.e. the CRC of zero bytes, is
// returned. Those routines will all return the same result, differing only in
// speed and code complexity. The _rem routine returns the CRC of the remaining
// bits in the last byte, for when the number of bits in the message is not a
// multiple of eight. The low bits bits of the low byte of val are applied to
// crc. bits must be in 0..8.
#include <stddef.h>
// Compute the CRC a bit at a time.
unsigned crc16dnp_bit(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len);
// Compute the CRC of the low bits bits in val.
unsigned crc16dnp_rem(unsigned crc, unsigned val, unsigned bits);
// Compute the CRC a byte at a time.
unsigned crc16dnp_byte(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len);
// Compute the CRC a Word at a time.
unsigned crc16dnp_Word(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len);
#include <stdint.h>
#include "crc16dnp.h"
// This code assumes that unsigned is 4 bytes.
unsigned crc16dnp_bit(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len) {
unsigned char const *data = mem;
if (data == NULL)
return 0xffff;
crc = ~crc;
crc &= 0xffff;
while (len--) {
crc ^= *data++;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc & 1 ? (crc >> 1) ^ 0xa6bc : crc >> 1;
crc ^= 0xffff;
return crc;
unsigned crc16dnp_rem(unsigned crc, unsigned val, unsigned bits) {
crc = ~crc;
crc &= 0xffff;
val &= (1U << bits) - 1;
crc ^= val;
while (bits--)
crc = crc & 1 ? (crc >> 1) ^ 0xa6bc : crc >> 1;
crc ^= 0xffff;
return crc;
#define table_byte table_Word[0]
static unsigned short const table_Word[][256] = {
{0xed35, 0xdb6b, 0x8189, 0xb7d7, 0x344d, 0x0213, 0x58f1, 0x6eaf, 0x12bc, 0x24e2,
0x7e00, 0x485e, 0xcbc4, 0xfd9a, 0xa778, 0x9126, 0x5f5e, 0x6900, 0x33e2, 0x05bc,
0x8626, 0xb078, 0xea9a, 0xdcc4, 0xa0d7, 0x9689, 0xcc6b, 0xfa35, 0x79af, 0x4ff1,
0x1513, 0x234d, 0xc49a, 0xf2c4, 0xa826, 0x9e78, 0x1de2, 0x2bbc, 0x715e, 0x4700,
0x3b13, 0x0d4d, 0x57af, 0x61f1, 0xe26b, 0xd435, 0x8ed7, 0xb889, 0x76f1, 0x40af,
0x1a4d, 0x2c13, 0xaf89, 0x99d7, 0xc335, 0xf56b, 0x8978, 0xbf26, 0xe5c4, 0xd39a,
0x5000, 0x665e, 0x3cbc, 0x0ae2, 0xbe6b, 0x8835, 0xd2d7, 0xe489, 0x6713, 0x514d,
0x0baf, 0x3df1, 0x41e2, 0x77bc, 0x2d5e, 0x1b00, 0x989a, 0xaec4, 0xf426, 0xc278,
0x0c00, 0x3a5e, 0x60bc, 0x56e2, 0xd578, 0xe326, 0xb9c4, 0x8f9a, 0xf389, 0xc5d7,
0x9f35, 0xa96b, 0x2af1, 0x1caf, 0x464d, 0x7013, 0x97c4, 0xa19a, 0xfb78, 0xcd26,
0x4ebc, 0x78e2, 0x2200, 0x145e, 0x684d, 0x5e13, 0x04f1, 0x32af, 0xb135, 0x876b,
0xdd89, 0xebd7, 0x25af, 0x13f1, 0x4913, 0x7f4d, 0xfcd7, 0xca89, 0x906b, 0xa635,
0xda26, 0xec78, 0xb69a, 0x80c4, 0x035e, 0x3500, 0x6fe2, 0x59bc, 0x4b89, 0x7dd7,
0x2735, 0x116b, 0x92f1, 0xa4af, 0xfe4d, 0xc813, 0xb400, 0x825e, 0xd8bc, 0xeee2,
0x6d78, 0x5b26, 0x01c4, 0x379a, 0xf9e2, 0xcfbc, 0x955e, 0xa300, 0x209a, 0x16c4,
0x4c26, 0x7a78, 0x066b, 0x3035, 0x6ad7, 0x5c89, 0xdf13, 0xe94d, 0xb3af, 0x85f1,
0x6226, 0x5478, 0x0e9a, 0x38c4, 0xbb5e, 0x8d00, 0xd7e2, 0xe1bc, 0x9daf, 0xabf1,
0xf113, 0xc74d, 0x44d7, 0x7289, 0x286b, 0x1e35, 0xd04d, 0xe613, 0xbcf1, 0x8aaf,
0x0935, 0x3f6b, 0x6589, 0x53d7, 0x2fc4, 0x199a, 0x4378, 0x7526, 0xf6bc, 0xc0e2,
0x9a00, 0xac5e, 0x18d7, 0x2e89, 0x746b, 0x4235, 0xc1af, 0xf7f1, 0xad13, 0x9b4d,
0xe75e, 0xd100, 0x8be2, 0xbdbc, 0x3e26, 0x0878, 0x529a, 0x64c4, 0xaabc, 0x9ce2,
0xc600, 0xf05e, 0x73c4, 0x459a, 0x1f78, 0x2926, 0x5535, 0x636b, 0x3989, 0x0fd7,
0x8c4d, 0xba13, 0xe0f1, 0xd6af, 0x3178, 0x0726, 0x5dc4, 0x6b9a, 0xe800, 0xde5e,
0x84bc, 0xb2e2, 0xcef1, 0xf8af, 0xa24d, 0x9413, 0x1789, 0x21d7, 0x7b35, 0x4d6b,
0x8313, 0xb54d, 0xefaf, 0xd9f1, 0x5a6b, 0x6c35, 0x36d7, 0x0089, 0x7c9a, 0x4ac4,
0x1026, 0x2678, 0xa5e2, 0x93bc, 0xc95e, 0xff00},
{0x740f, 0xdf41, 0x6fea, 0xc4a4, 0x43c5, 0xe88b, 0x5820, 0xf36e, 0x1b9b, 0xb0d5,
0x007e, 0xab30, 0x2c51, 0x871f, 0x37b4, 0x9cfa, 0xab27, 0x0069, 0xb0c2, 0x1b8c,
0x9ced, 0x37a3, 0x8708, 0x2c46, 0xc4b3, 0x6ffd, 0xdf56, 0x7418, 0xf379, 0x5837,
0xe89c, 0x43d2, 0x8726, 0x2c68, 0x9cc3, 0x378d, 0xb0ec, 0x1ba2, 0xab09, 0x0047,
0xe8b2, 0x43fc, 0xf357, 0x5819, 0xdf78, 0x7436, 0xc49d, 0x6fd3, 0x580e, 0xf340,
0x43eb, 0xe8a5, 0x6fc4, 0xc48a, 0x7421, 0xdf6f, 0x379a, 0x9cd4, 0x2c7f, 0x8731,
0x0050, 0xab1e, 0x1bb5, 0xb0fb, 0xdf24, 0x746a, 0xc4c1, 0x6f8f, 0xe8ee, 0x43a0,
0xf30b, 0x5845, 0xb0b0, 0x1bfe, 0xab55, 0x001b, 0x877a, 0x2c34, 0x9c9f, 0x37d1,
0x000c, 0xab42, 0x1be9, 0xb0a7, 0x37c6, 0x9c88, 0x2c23, 0x876d, 0x6f98, 0xc4d6,
0x747d, 0xdf33, 0x5852, 0xf31c, 0x43b7, 0xe8f9, 0x2c0d, 0x8743, 0x37e8, 0x9ca6,
0x1bc7, 0xb089, 0x0022, 0xab6c, 0x4399, 0xe8d7, 0x587c, 0xf332, 0x7453, 0xdf1d,
0x6fb6, 0xc4f8, 0xf325, 0x586b, 0xe8c0, 0x438e, 0xc4ef, 0x6fa1, 0xdf0a, 0x7444,
0x9cb1, 0x37ff, 0x8754, 0x2c1a, 0xab7b, 0x0035, 0xb09e, 0x1bd0, 0x6f20, 0xc46e,
0x74c5, 0xdf8b, 0x58ea, 0xf3a4, 0x430f, 0xe841, 0x00b4, 0xabfa, 0x1b51, 0xb01f,
0x377e, 0x9c30, 0x2c9b, 0x87d5, 0xb008, 0x1b46, 0xabed, 0x00a3, 0x87c2, 0x2c8c,
0x9c27, 0x3769, 0xdf9c, 0x74d2, 0xc479, 0x6f37, 0xe856, 0x4318, 0xf3b3, 0x58fd,
0x9c09, 0x3747, 0x87ec, 0x2ca2, 0xabc3, 0x008d, 0xb026, 0x1b68, 0xf39d, 0x58d3,
0xe878, 0x4336, 0xc457, 0x6f19, 0xdfb2, 0x74fc, 0x4321, 0xe86f, 0x58c4, 0xf38a,
0x74eb, 0xdfa5, 0x6f0e, 0xc440, 0x2cb5, 0x87fb, 0x3750, 0x9c1e, 0x1b7f, 0xb031,
0x009a, 0xabd4, 0xc40b, 0x6f45, 0xdfee, 0x74a0, 0xf3c1, 0x588f, 0xe824, 0x436a,
0xab9f, 0x00d1, 0xb07a, 0x1b34, 0x9c55, 0x371b, 0x87b0, 0x2cfe, 0x1b23, 0xb06d,
0x00c6, 0xab88, 0x2ce9, 0x87a7, 0x370c, 0x9c42, 0x74b7, 0xdff9, 0x6f52, 0xc41c,
0x437d, 0xe833, 0x5898, 0xf3d6, 0x3722, 0x9c6c, 0x2cc7, 0x8789, 0x00e8, 0xaba6,
0x1b0d, 0xb043, 0x58b6, 0xf3f8, 0x4353, 0xe81d, 0x6f7c, 0xc432, 0x7499, 0xdfd7,
0xe80a, 0x4344, 0xf3ef, 0x58a1, 0xdfc0, 0x748e, 0xc425, 0x6f6b, 0x879e, 0x2cd0,
0x9c7b, 0x3735, 0xb054, 0x1b1a, 0xabb1, 0x00ff},
{0x7c67, 0x65df, 0x4f17, 0x56af, 0x1a87, 0x033f, 0x29f7, 0x304f, 0xb1a7, 0xa81f,
0x82d7, 0x9b6f, 0xd747, 0xceff, 0xe437, 0xfd8f, 0xaa9e, 0xb326, 0x99ee, 0x8056,
0xcc7e, 0xd5c6, 0xff0e, 0xe6b6, 0x675e, 0x7ee6, 0x542e, 0x4d96, 0x01be, 0x1806,
0x32ce, 0x2b76, 0x9cec, 0x8554, 0xaf9c, 0xb624, 0xfa0c, 0xe3b4, 0xc97c, 0xd0c4,
0x512c, 0x4894, 0x625c, 0x7be4, 0x37cc, 0x2e74, 0x04bc, 0x1d04, 0x4a15, 0x53ad,
0x7965, 0x60dd, 0x2cf5, 0x354d, 0x1f85, 0x063d, 0x87d5, 0x9e6d, 0xb4a5, 0xad1d,
0xe135, 0xf88d, 0xd245, 0xcbfd, 0xf008, 0xe9b0, 0xc378, 0xdac0, 0x96e8, 0x8f50,
0xa598, 0xbc20, 0x3dc8, 0x2470, 0x0eb8, 0x1700, 0x5b28, 0x4290, 0x6858, 0x71e0,
0x26f1, 0x3f49, 0x1581, 0x0c39, 0x4011, 0x59a9, 0x7361, 0x6ad9, 0xeb31, 0xf289,
0xd841, 0xc1f9, 0x8dd1, 0x9469, 0xbea1, 0xa719, 0x1083, 0x093b, 0x23f3, 0x3a4b,
0x7663, 0x6fdb, 0x4513, 0x5cab, 0xdd43, 0xc4fb, 0xee33, 0xf78b, 0xbba3, 0xa21b,
0x88d3, 0x916b, 0xc67a, 0xdfc2, 0xf50a, 0xecb2, 0xa09a, 0xb922, 0x93ea, 0x8a52,
0x0bba, 0x1202, 0x38ca, 0x2172, 0x6d5a, 0x74e2, 0x5e2a, 0x4792, 0x29c0, 0x3078,
0x1ab0, 0x0308, 0x4f20, 0x5698, 0x7c50, 0x65e8, 0xe400, 0xfdb8, 0xd770, 0xcec8,
0x82e0, 0x9b58, 0xb190, 0xa828, 0xff39, 0xe681, 0xcc49, 0xd5f1, 0x99d9, 0x8061,
0xaaa9, 0xb311, 0x32f9, 0x2b41, 0x0189, 0x1831, 0x5419, 0x4da1, 0x6769, 0x7ed1,
0xc94b, 0xd0f3, 0xfa3b, 0xe383, 0xafab, 0xb613, 0x9cdb, 0x8563, 0x048b, 0x1d33,
0x37fb, 0x2e43, 0x626b, 0x7bd3, 0x511b, 0x48a3, 0x1fb2, 0x060a, 0x2cc2, 0x357a,
0x7952, 0x60ea, 0x4a22, 0x539a, 0xd272, 0xcbca, 0xe102, 0xf8ba, 0xb492, 0xad2a,
0x87e2, 0x9e5a, 0xa5af, 0xbc17, 0x96df, 0x8f67, 0xc34f, 0xdaf7, 0xf03f, 0xe987,
0x686f, 0x71d7, 0x5b1f, 0x42a7, 0x0e8f, 0x1737, 0x3dff, 0x2447, 0x7356, 0x6aee,
0x4026, 0x599e, 0x15b6, 0x0c0e, 0x26c6, 0x3f7e, 0xbe96, 0xa72e, 0x8de6, 0x945e,
0xd876, 0xc1ce, 0xeb06, 0xf2be, 0x4524, 0x5c9c, 0x7654, 0x6fec, 0x23c4, 0x3a7c,
0x10b4, 0x090c, 0x88e4, 0x915c, 0xbb94, 0xa22c, 0xee04, 0xf7bc, 0xdd74, 0xc4cc,
0x93dd, 0x8a65, 0xa0ad, 0xb915, 0xf53d, 0xec85, 0xc64d, 0xdff5, 0x5e1d, 0x47a5,
0x6d6d, 0x74d5, 0x38fd, 0x2145, 0x0b8d, 0x1235},
{0xf917, 0x3bff, 0x31be, 0xf356, 0x253c, 0xe7d4, 0xed95, 0x2f7d, 0x0c38, 0xced0,
0xc491, 0x0679, 0xd013, 0x12fb, 0x18ba, 0xda52, 0x5e30, 0x9cd8, 0x9699, 0x5471,
0x821b, 0x40f3, 0x4ab2, 0x885a, 0xab1f, 0x69f7, 0x63b6, 0xa15e, 0x7734, 0xb5dc,
0xbf9d, 0x7d75, 0xfa20, 0x38c8, 0x3289, 0xf061, 0x260b, 0xe4e3, 0xeea2, 0x2c4a,
0x0f0f, 0xcde7, 0xc7a6, 0x054e, 0xd324, 0x11cc, 0x1b8d, 0xd965, 0x5d07, 0x9fef,
0x95ae, 0x5746, 0x812c, 0x43c4, 0x4985, 0x8b6d, 0xa828, 0x6ac0, 0x6081, 0xa269,
0x7403, 0xb6eb, 0xbcaa, 0x7e42, 0xff79, 0x3d91, 0x37d0, 0xf538, 0x2352, 0xe1ba,
0xebfb, 0x2913, 0x0a56, 0xc8be, 0xc2ff, 0x0017, 0xd67d, 0x1495, 0x1ed4, 0xdc3c,
0x585e, 0x9ab6, 0x90f7, 0x521f, 0x8475, 0x469d, 0x4cdc, 0x8e34, 0xad71, 0x6f99,
0x65d8, 0xa730, 0x715a, 0xb3b2, 0xb9f3, 0x7b1b, 0xfc4e, 0x3ea6, 0x34e7, 0xf60f,
0x2065, 0xe28d, 0xe8cc, 0x2a24, 0x0961, 0xcb89, 0xc1c8, 0x0320, 0xd54a, 0x17a2,
0x1de3, 0xdf0b, 0x5b69, 0x9981, 0x93c0, 0x5128, 0x8742, 0x45aa, 0x4feb, 0x8d03,
0xae46, 0x6cae, 0x66ef, 0xa407, 0x726d, 0xb085, 0xbac4, 0x782c, 0xf5cb, 0x3723,
0x3d62, 0xff8a, 0x29e0, 0xeb08, 0xe149, 0x23a1, 0x00e4, 0xc20c, 0xc84d, 0x0aa5,
0xdccf, 0x1e27, 0x1466, 0xd68e, 0x52ec, 0x9004, 0x9a45, 0x58ad, 0x8ec7, 0x4c2f,
0x466e, 0x8486, 0xa7c3, 0x652b, 0x6f6a, 0xad82, 0x7be8, 0xb900, 0xb341, 0x71a9,
0xf6fc, 0x3414, 0x3e55, 0xfcbd, 0x2ad7, 0xe83f, 0xe27e, 0x2096, 0x03d3, 0xc13b,
0xcb7a, 0x0992, 0xdff8, 0x1d10, 0x1751, 0xd5b9, 0x51db, 0x9333, 0x9972, 0x5b9a,
0x8df0, 0x4f18, 0x4559, 0x87b1, 0xa4f4, 0x661c, 0x6c5d, 0xaeb5, 0x78df, 0xba37,
0xb076, 0x729e, 0xf3a5, 0x314d, 0x3b0c, 0xf9e4, 0x2f8e, 0xed66, 0xe727, 0x25cf,
0x068a, 0xc462, 0xce23, 0x0ccb, 0xdaa1, 0x1849, 0x1208, 0xd0e0, 0x5482, 0x966a,
0x9c2b, 0x5ec3, 0x88a9, 0x4a41, 0x4000, 0x82e8, 0xa1ad, 0x6345, 0x6904, 0xabec,
0x7d86, 0xbf6e, 0xb52f, 0x77c7, 0xf092, 0x327a, 0x383b, 0xfad3, 0x2cb9, 0xee51,
0xe410, 0x26f8, 0x05bd, 0xc755, 0xcd14, 0x0ffc, 0xd996, 0x1b7e, 0x113f, 0xd3d7,
0x57b5, 0x955d, 0x9f1c, 0x5df4, 0x8b9e, 0x4976, 0x4337, 0x81df, 0xa29a, 0x6072,
0x6a33, 0xa8db, 0x7eb1, 0xbc59, 0xb618, 0x74f0},
{0x3108, 0x120e, 0x7704, 0x5402, 0xbd10, 0x9e16, 0xfb1c, 0xd81a, 0x6441, 0x4747,
0x224d, 0x014b, 0xe859, 0xcb5f, 0xae55, 0x8d53, 0x9b9a, 0xb89c, 0xdd96, 0xfe90,
0x1782, 0x3484, 0x518e, 0x7288, 0xced3, 0xedd5, 0x88df, 0xabd9, 0x42cb, 0x61cd,
0x04c7, 0x27c1, 0x2955, 0x0a53, 0x6f59, 0x4c5f, 0xa54d, 0x864b, 0xe341, 0xc047,
0x7c1c, 0x5f1a, 0x3a10, 0x1916, 0xf004, 0xd302, 0xb608, 0x950e, 0x83c7, 0xa0c1,
0xc5cb, 0xe6cd, 0x0fdf, 0x2cd9, 0x49d3, 0x6ad5, 0xd68e, 0xf588, 0x9082, 0xb384,
0x5a96, 0x7990, 0x1c9a, 0x3f9c, 0x01b2, 0x22b4, 0x47be, 0x64b8, 0x8daa, 0xaeac,
0xcba6, 0xe8a0, 0x54fb, 0x77fd, 0x12f7, 0x31f1, 0xd8e3, 0xfbe5, 0x9eef, 0xbde9,
0xab20, 0x8826, 0xed2c, 0xce2a, 0x2738, 0x043e, 0x6134, 0x4232, 0xfe69, 0xdd6f,
0xb865, 0x9b63, 0x7271, 0x5177, 0x347d, 0x177b, 0x19ef, 0x3ae9, 0x5fe3, 0x7ce5,
0x95f7, 0xb6f1, 0xd3fb, 0xf0fd, 0x4ca6, 0x6fa0, 0x0aaa, 0x29ac, 0xc0be, 0xe3b8,
0x86b2, 0xa5b4, 0xb37d, 0x907b, 0xf571, 0xd677, 0x3f65, 0x1c63, 0x7969, 0x5a6f,
0xe634, 0xc532, 0xa038, 0x833e, 0x6a2c, 0x492a, 0x2c20, 0x0f26, 0x507c, 0x737a,
0x1670, 0x3576, 0xdc64, 0xff62, 0x9a68, 0xb96e, 0x0535, 0x2633, 0x4339, 0x603f,
0x892d, 0xaa2b, 0xcf21, 0xec27, 0xfaee, 0xd9e8, 0xbce2, 0x9fe4, 0x76f6, 0x55f0,
0x30fa, 0x13fc, 0xafa7, 0x8ca1, 0xe9ab, 0xcaad, 0x23bf, 0x00b9, 0x65b3, 0x46b5,
0x4821, 0x6b27, 0x0e2d, 0x2d2b, 0xc439, 0xe73f, 0x8235, 0xa133, 0x1d68, 0x3e6e,
0x5b64, 0x7862, 0x9170, 0xb276, 0xd77c, 0xf47a, 0xe2b3, 0xc1b5, 0xa4bf, 0x87b9,
0x6eab, 0x4dad, 0x28a7, 0x0ba1, 0xb7fa, 0x94fc, 0xf1f6, 0xd2f0, 0x3be2, 0x18e4,
0x7dee, 0x5ee8, 0x60c6, 0x43c0, 0x26ca, 0x05cc, 0xecde, 0xcfd8, 0xaad2, 0x89d4,
0x358f, 0x1689, 0x7383, 0x5085, 0xb997, 0x9a91, 0xff9b, 0xdc9d, 0xca54, 0xe952,
0x8c58, 0xaf5e, 0x464c, 0x654a, 0x0040, 0x2346, 0x9f1d, 0xbc1b, 0xd911, 0xfa17,
0x1305, 0x3003, 0x5509, 0x760f, 0x789b, 0x5b9d, 0x3e97, 0x1d91, 0xf483, 0xd785,
0xb28f, 0x9189, 0x2dd2, 0x0ed4, 0x6bde, 0x48d8, 0xa1ca, 0x82cc, 0xe7c6, 0xc4c0,
0xd209, 0xf10f, 0x9405, 0xb703, 0x5e11, 0x7d17, 0x181d, 0x3b1b, 0x8740, 0xa446,
0xc14c, 0xe24a, 0x0b58, 0x285e, 0x4d54, 0x6e52},
{0xffb8, 0x4a5f, 0xd90f, 0x6ce8, 0xb2d6, 0x0731, 0x9461, 0x2186, 0x6564, 0xd083,
0x43d3, 0xf634, 0x280a, 0x9ded, 0x0ebd, 0xbb5a, 0x8779, 0x329e, 0xa1ce, 0x1429,
0xca17, 0x7ff0, 0xeca0, 0x5947, 0x1da5, 0xa842, 0x3b12, 0x8ef5, 0x50cb, 0xe52c,
0x767c, 0xc39b, 0x0e3a, 0xbbdd, 0x288d, 0x9d6a, 0x4354, 0xf6b3, 0x65e3, 0xd004,
0x94e6, 0x2101, 0xb251, 0x07b6, 0xd988, 0x6c6f, 0xff3f, 0x4ad8, 0x76fb, 0xc31c,
0x504c, 0xe5ab, 0x3b95, 0x8e72, 0x1d22, 0xa8c5, 0xec27, 0x59c0, 0xca90, 0x7f77,
0xa149, 0x14ae, 0x87fe, 0x3219, 0x51c5, 0xe422, 0x7772, 0xc295, 0x1cab, 0xa94c,
0x3a1c, 0x8ffb, 0xcb19, 0x7efe, 0xedae, 0x5849, 0x8677, 0x3390, 0xa0c0, 0x1527,
0x2904, 0x9ce3, 0x0fb3, 0xba54, 0x646a, 0xd18d, 0x42dd, 0xf73a, 0xb3d8, 0x063f,
0x956f, 0x2088, 0xfeb6, 0x4b51, 0xd801, 0x6de6, 0xa047, 0x15a0, 0x86f0, 0x3317,
0xed29, 0x58ce, 0xcb9e, 0x7e79, 0x3a9b, 0x8f7c, 0x1c2c, 0xa9cb, 0x77f5, 0xc212,
0x5142, 0xe4a5, 0xd886, 0x6d61, 0xfe31, 0x4bd6, 0x95e8, 0x200f, 0xb35f, 0x06b8,
0x425a, 0xf7bd, 0x64ed, 0xd10a, 0x0f34, 0xbad3, 0x2983, 0x9c64, 0xee3b, 0x5bdc,
0xc88c, 0x7d6b, 0xa355, 0x16b2, 0x85e2, 0x3005, 0x74e7, 0xc100, 0x5250, 0xe7b7,
0x3989, 0x8c6e, 0x1f3e, 0xaad9, 0x96fa, 0x231d, 0xb04d, 0x05aa, 0xdb94, 0x6e73,
0xfd23, 0x48c4, 0x0c26, 0xb9c1, 0x2a91, 0x9f76, 0x4148, 0xf4af, 0x67ff, 0xd218,
0x1fb9, 0xaa5e, 0x390e, 0x8ce9, 0x52d7, 0xe730, 0x7460, 0xc187, 0x8565, 0x3082,
0xa3d2, 0x1635, 0xc80b, 0x7dec, 0xeebc, 0x5b5b, 0x6778, 0xd29f, 0x41cf, 0xf428,
0x2a16, 0x9ff1, 0x0ca1, 0xb946, 0xfda4, 0x4843, 0xdb13, 0x6ef4, 0xb0ca, 0x052d,
0x967d, 0x239a, 0x4046, 0xf5a1, 0x66f1, 0xd316, 0x0d28, 0xb8cf, 0x2b9f, 0x9e78,
0xda9a, 0x6f7d, 0xfc2d, 0x49ca, 0x97f4, 0x2213, 0xb143, 0x04a4, 0x3887, 0x8d60,
0x1e30, 0xabd7, 0x75e9, 0xc00e, 0x535e, 0xe6b9, 0xa25b, 0x17bc, 0x84ec, 0x310b,
0xef35, 0x5ad2, 0xc982, 0x7c65, 0xb1c4, 0x0423, 0x9773, 0x2294, 0xfcaa, 0x494d,
0xda1d, 0x6ffa, 0x2b18, 0x9eff, 0x0daf, 0xb848, 0x6676, 0xd391, 0x40c1, 0xf526,
0xc905, 0x7ce2, 0xefb2, 0x5a55, 0x846b, 0x318c, 0xa2dc, 0x173b, 0x53d9, 0xe63e,
0x756e, 0xc089, 0x1eb7, 0xab50, 0x3800, 0x8de7},
{0xc20e, 0x9d6c, 0x7cca, 0x23a8, 0xf2ff, 0xad9d, 0x4c3b, 0x1359, 0xa3ec, 0xfc8e,
0x1d28, 0x424a, 0x931d, 0xcc7f, 0x2dd9, 0x72bb, 0x01ca, 0x5ea8, 0xbf0e, 0xe06c,
0x313b, 0x6e59, 0x8fff, 0xd09d, 0x6028, 0x3f4a, 0xdeec, 0x818e, 0x50d9, 0x0fbb,
0xee1d, 0xb17f, 0x08ff, 0x579d, 0xb63b, 0xe959, 0x380e, 0x676c, 0x86ca, 0xd9a8,
0x691d, 0x367f, 0xd7d9, 0x88bb, 0x59ec, 0x068e, 0xe728, 0xb84a, 0xcb3b, 0x9459,
0x75ff, 0x2a9d, 0xfbca, 0xa4a8, 0x450e, 0x1a6c, 0xaad9, 0xf5bb, 0x141d, 0x4b7f,
0x9a28, 0xc54a, 0x24ec, 0x7b8e, 0x1a95, 0x45f7, 0xa451, 0xfb33, 0x2a64, 0x7506,
0x94a0, 0xcbc2, 0x7b77, 0x2415, 0xc5b3, 0x9ad1, 0x4b86, 0x14e4, 0xf542, 0xaa20,
0xd951, 0x8633, 0x6795, 0x38f7, 0xe9a0, 0xb6c2, 0x5764, 0x0806, 0xb8b3, 0xe7d1,
0x0677, 0x5915, 0x8842, 0xd720, 0x3686, 0x69e4, 0xd064, 0x8f06, 0x6ea0, 0x31c2,
0xe095, 0xbff7, 0x5e51, 0x0133, 0xb186, 0xeee4, 0x0f42, 0x5020, 0x8177, 0xde15,
0x3fb3, 0x60d1, 0x13a0, 0x4cc2, 0xad64, 0xf206, 0x2351, 0x7c33, 0x9d95, 0xc2f7,
0x7242, 0x2d20, 0xcc86, 0x93e4, 0x42b3, 0x1dd1, 0xfc77, 0xa315, 0x3e41, 0x6123,
0x8085, 0xdfe7, 0x0eb0, 0x51d2, 0xb074, 0xef16, 0x5fa3, 0x00c1, 0xe167, 0xbe05,
0x6f52, 0x3030, 0xd196, 0x8ef4, 0xfd85, 0xa2e7, 0x4341, 0x1c23, 0xcd74, 0x9216,
0x73b0, 0x2cd2, 0x9c67, 0xc305, 0x22a3, 0x7dc1, 0xac96, 0xf3f4, 0x1252, 0x4d30,
0xf4b0, 0xabd2, 0x4a74, 0x1516, 0xc441, 0x9b23, 0x7a85, 0x25e7, 0x9552, 0xca30,
0x2b96, 0x74f4, 0xa5a3, 0xfac1, 0x1b67, 0x4405, 0x3774, 0x6816, 0x89b0, 0xd6d2,
0x0785, 0x58e7, 0xb941, 0xe623, 0x5696, 0x09f4, 0xe852, 0xb730, 0x6667, 0x3905,
0xd8a3, 0x87c1, 0xe6da, 0xb9b8, 0x581e, 0x077c, 0xd62b, 0x8949, 0x68ef, 0x378d,
0x8738, 0xd85a, 0x39fc, 0x669e, 0xb7c9, 0xe8ab, 0x090d, 0x566f, 0x251e, 0x7a7c,
0x9bda, 0xc4b8, 0x15ef, 0x4a8d, 0xab2b, 0xf449, 0x44fc, 0x1b9e, 0xfa38, 0xa55a,
0x740d, 0x2b6f, 0xcac9, 0x95ab, 0x2c2b, 0x7349, 0x92ef, 0xcd8d, 0x1cda, 0x43b8,
0xa21e, 0xfd7c, 0x4dc9, 0x12ab, 0xf30d, 0xac6f, 0x7d38, 0x225a, 0xc3fc, 0x9c9e,
0xefef, 0xb08d, 0x512b, 0x0e49, 0xdf1e, 0x807c, 0x61da, 0x3eb8, 0x8e0d, 0xd16f,
0x30c9, 0x6fab, 0xbefc, 0xe19e, 0x0038, 0x5f5a},
{0x4a8f, 0x5c9d, 0x66ab, 0x70b9, 0x12c7, 0x04d5, 0x3ee3, 0x28f1, 0xfa1f, 0xec0d,
0xd63b, 0xc029, 0xa257, 0xb445, 0x8e73, 0x9861, 0x66d6, 0x70c4, 0x4af2, 0x5ce0,
0x3e9e, 0x288c, 0x12ba, 0x04a8, 0xd646, 0xc054, 0xfa62, 0xec70, 0x8e0e, 0x981c,
0xa22a, 0xb438, 0x123d, 0x042f, 0x3e19, 0x280b, 0x4a75, 0x5c67, 0x6651, 0x7043,
0xa2ad, 0xb4bf, 0x8e89, 0x989b, 0xfae5, 0xecf7, 0xd6c1, 0xc0d3, 0x3e64, 0x2876,
0x1240, 0x0452, 0x662c, 0x703e, 0x4a08, 0x5c1a, 0x8ef4, 0x98e6, 0xa2d0, 0xb4c2,
0xd6bc, 0xc0ae, 0xfa98, 0xec8a, 0xfbeb, 0xedf9, 0xd7cf, 0xc1dd, 0xa3a3, 0xb5b1,
0x8f87, 0x9995, 0x4b7b, 0x5d69, 0x675f, 0x714d, 0x1333, 0x0521, 0x3f17, 0x2905,
0xd7b2, 0xc1a0, 0xfb96, 0xed84, 0x8ffa, 0x99e8, 0xa3de, 0xb5cc, 0x6722, 0x7130,
0x4b06, 0x5d14, 0x3f6a, 0x2978, 0x134e, 0x055c, 0xa359, 0xb54b, 0x8f7d, 0x996f,
0xfb11, 0xed03, 0xd735, 0xc127, 0x13c9, 0x05db, 0x3fed, 0x29ff, 0x4b81, 0x5d93,
0x67a5, 0x71b7, 0x8f00, 0x9912, 0xa324, 0xb536, 0xd748, 0xc15a, 0xfb6c, 0xed7e,
0x3f90, 0x2982, 0x13b4, 0x05a6, 0x67d8, 0x71ca, 0x4bfc, 0x5dee, 0x653e, 0x732c,
0x491a, 0x5f08, 0x3d76, 0x2b64, 0x1152, 0x0740, 0xd5ae, 0xc3bc, 0xf98a, 0xef98,
0x8de6, 0x9bf4, 0xa1c2, 0xb7d0, 0x4967, 0x5f75, 0x6543, 0x7351, 0x112f, 0x073d,
0x3d0b, 0x2b19, 0xf9f7, 0xefe5, 0xd5d3, 0xc3c1, 0xa1bf, 0xb7ad, 0x8d9b, 0x9b89,
0x3d8c, 0x2b9e, 0x11a8, 0x07ba, 0x65c4, 0x73d6, 0x49e0, 0x5ff2, 0x8d1c, 0x9b0e,
0xa138, 0xb72a, 0xd554, 0xc346, 0xf970, 0xef62, 0x11d5, 0x07c7, 0x3df1, 0x2be3,
0x499d, 0x5f8f, 0x65b9, 0x73ab, 0xa145, 0xb757, 0x8d61, 0x9b73, 0xf90d, 0xef1f,
0xd529, 0xc33b, 0xd45a, 0xc248, 0xf87e, 0xee6c, 0x8c12, 0x9a00, 0xa036, 0xb624,
0x64ca, 0x72d8, 0x48ee, 0x5efc, 0x3c82, 0x2a90, 0x10a6, 0x06b4, 0xf803, 0xee11,
0xd427, 0xc235, 0xa04b, 0xb659, 0x8c6f, 0x9a7d, 0x4893, 0x5e81, 0x64b7, 0x72a5,
0x10db, 0x06c9, 0x3cff, 0x2aed, 0x8ce8, 0x9afa, 0xa0cc, 0xb6de, 0xd4a0, 0xc2b2,
0xf884, 0xee96, 0x3c78, 0x2a6a, 0x105c, 0x064e, 0x6430, 0x7222, 0x4814, 0x5e06,
0xa0b1, 0xb6a3, 0x8c95, 0x9a87, 0xf8f9, 0xeeeb, 0xd4dd, 0xc2cf, 0x1021, 0x0633,
0x3c05, 0x2a17, 0x4869, 0x5e7b, 0x644d, 0x725f}
unsigned crc16dnp_byte(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len) {
unsigned char const *data = mem;
if (data == NULL)
return 0xffff;
crc &= 0xffff;
while (len--)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^
table_byte[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff];
return crc;
// This code assumes that integers are stored little-endian.
unsigned crc16dnp_Word(unsigned crc, void const *mem, size_t len) {
unsigned char const *data = mem;
if (data == NULL)
return 0xffff;
crc &= 0xffff;
while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)data & 0x7)) {
crc = (crc >> 8) ^
table_byte[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff];
if (len >= 8) {
do {
uintmax_t Word = crc ^ *(uintmax_t const *)data;
crc = table_Word[7][Word & 0xff] ^
table_Word[6][(Word >> 8) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[5][(Word >> 16) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[4][(Word >> 24) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[3][(Word >> 32) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[2][(Word >> 40) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[1][(Word >> 48) & 0xff] ^
table_Word[0][Word >> 56];
data += 8;
len -= 8;
} while (len >= 8);
while (len--)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^
table_byte[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff];
return crc;
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