Dans Synaptic Packages Manager, il y a clamav-unofficial-sigs app.
Est-il absolument nécessaire de l'installer?
Si nous l’avons installé, est-ce une bonne idée de le désinstaller?
tilisez apt pour découvrir ce que font les paquets.
Voici un exemple:
$ apt show clamav-unofficial-sigs
This package provides a script for updating the following sources of
3rd-party clamav signatures until freshclamav gains support for such
The SaneSecurity/OITC signatures provide detection of phishing, spear
phishing, fake lottery, ecard malware, casino, fake jobs, fake loans,
419s, fake diplomas, porn, emailed malware and other general spam.
MSRBL signatures provide detection of image spam and general spam.
SecuriteInfo signatures provide various badware signatures,
securiteinfo.com honeypot signatures, honeynet.cz signatures
and French anti-spam signatures
MalwarePatrol provides detection of mail containing URLs to malware.