
Renvoi des résultats de recherche par pertinence, y compris les types de publication personnalisés

La configuration de recherche par défaut pour WordPress ne fonctionne pas vraiment pour la configuration de mon site Web.

J'ai deux types de publication personnalisés (species, glossary) que j'aimerais rechercher, ainsi que le type standard post.

Le type de poste species (que je nommerai ici species profiles) est composé d'un certain nombre de champs meta, y compris genus et species (deux rangs taxonomiques utilisés pour identifier communément les espèces de poisson). La title d'un profil d'espèce est son nom scientifique ( Genre espèce) et tous les noms communs non scientifiques qu'il peut avoir.

Un article species typique (profil AKA) ressemblera à ceci :


INSERT INTO `wp_postmeta` (`meta_id`, `post_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES
(104395, 2288, 'genus', '<em>Puntius</em>'),
(104396, 2288, 'species', '<em>sahyadriensis</em>'),
(104397, 2288, 'family', 'Cyprinidae'),
(104398, 2288, 'common_names', ''),
(104399, 2288, 'distribution', '<a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/e/endemic" rel="/glossary/e/endemic?hover=true">Endemic</a> to streams of the Yenna <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/r/river%20basin" rel="/glossary/r/river%20basin?hover=true">river basin</a> close to the city of Mahabaleshwar in the Western Ghats mountain range, Satara district, Maharashtra state, India.'),
(104400, 2288, 'habitat', 'The <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/r/river" rel="/glossary/r/river?hover=true">river</a> Yenna flows through lush evergreen forest meaning the hill streams in which the fish can be found are likely to be shaded by the forest canopy and dense <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/marginal" rel="/glossary/m/marginal?hover=true">marginal</a> vegetation. Substrates should be composed of boulders, smaller stones, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/sand" rel="/glossary/s/sand?hover=true">sand</a> or <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/gravel" rel="/glossary/g/gravel?hover=true">gravel</a> with submerged tree roots around the margins and quieter areas in which fallen branches and leaf litter collect. As with similar members of the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> it is likely to congregate in <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/backwater" rel="/glossary/b/backwater?hover=true">backwater</a> pools or deeper areas with lower flow.'),
(104402, 2288, 'max_size', 'Around 2.75"/7cm.'),
(104403, 2288, 'aquarium_size', 'It is an active <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> and a <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/t/tank" rel="/glossary/t/tank?hover=true">tank</a> measuring at least 36" x 12" x 12"/90cm x 30cm x 30cm/85 litres is needed to house a group.'),
(104404, 2288, 'maintenance', 'Choice of decor is not as critical as water quality and the amount of swimming-space provided. We suggest keeping it in a roomy, well-planted <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/a/aquarium" rel="/glossary/a/aquarium?hover=true">aquarium</a> or alternatively it would look superb in a set-up designed to resemble a flowing <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/r/river" rel="/glossary/r/river?hover=true">river</a> with a <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/substrate" rel="/glossary/s/substrate?hover=true">substrate</a> of variably-sized rocks and <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/gravel" rel="/glossary/g/gravel?hover=true">gravel</a> and some large water-worn boulders. A rivertank manifold could also be constructed to provide naturalistic unidirectional flow. The <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/t/tank" rel="/glossary/t/tank?hover=true">tank</a> can be further furnished with driftwood branches and <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/a/aquatic" rel="/glossary/a/aquatic?hover=true">aquatic</a> plants for aesthetic value. While the vast majority of plant <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> will fail to thrive in such conditions possibilities include hardy <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> such as Java fern, <em>Bolbitis</em> or <em>Anubias</em> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> which can be grown attached to the decor. Like many other <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> that hail from pristine natural environments it is intolerant to the accumulation of <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/o/organic" rel="/glossary/o/organic?hover=true">organic</a> wastes and requires spotless water at all times in order to thrive.'),
(104405, 2288, 'water_chemistry', '<strong>Temperature</strong>: Prefers slightly cool conditions within the range 20 - 24°C/68 - 75°C. Higher temperatures are known to stimulate spawning with an associated increase of aggression in males.\r\n\r\n<strong>pH</strong>: 6.8 - 7.8\r\n\r\n<strong>Hardness</strong>: 5 - 15°H'),
(104406, 2288, 'diet', 'Likely to feed on small invertebrates, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/a/algae" rel="/glossary/a/algae?hover=true">algae</a> and other <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/z/zooplankton" rel="/glossary/z/zooplankton?hover=true">zooplankton</a> in nature. In the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/a/aquarium" rel="/glossary/a/aquarium?hover=true">aquarium</a> it will accept dried foods of a suitable size but should not be fed these exclusively. Daily meals of small live and frozen fare such as <em><a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/D/Daphnia" rel="/glossary/D/Daphnia?hover=true">Daphnia</a></em>, <em><a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/A/Artemia" rel="/glossary/A/Artemia?hover=true">Artemia</a></em> and suchlike will result in the best colouration and encourage the fish to come into breeding condition.'),
(104407, 2288, 'behaviour', 'Not an aggressive fish but best kept with other hillstream-dwelling <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> such as <em>Danio</em>, <em>Devario</em>, other small <em>Puntius</em>, <em>Garra</em> and balitorid loaches. That said provided its oxygen and temperature requirements can be met it can be mixed with most peaceful fish too large to be considered food. A <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/biotope" rel="/glossary/b/biotope?hover=true">biotope</a>-style <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/c/community" rel="/glossary/c/community?hover=true">community</a> based around <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> from hill streams of the Western Ghats would also make an interesting project with <em><a class="link_species" href="/species/puntius-filamentosus" rel="/species/puntius-filamentosus/?hover=true">Puntius filamentosus</a></em>, <em><a class="link_species" href="/species/puntius-fasciatus" rel="/species/puntius-fasciatus/?hover=true">P. fasciatus</a></em>, <em><a class="link_species" href="/species/puntius-narayani" rel="/species/puntius-narayani/?hover=true">P. narayani</a></em>, <em><a class="link_species" href="/species/puntius-ticto" rel="/species/puntius-ticto/?hover=true">P. ticto</a></em>, <em>Barilius bakeri</em>, <em>B. canarensis</em>, <em><a class="link_species" href="/speciesario-aequipinnatus" rel="/speciesario-aequipinnatus/?hover=true">Devario aequipinnatus</a></em>, <em><a class="link_species" href="/speciesario-malabaricus" rel="/speciesario-malabaricus/?hover=true">D. malabaricus</a></em>, <em>Rasbora daniconius</em>, <em>Laubuca laubuca</em>, <em>Nemacheilus rupelli</em>, <em>Mesonemacheilus triangularis</em> and <em><a class="link_species" href="/species/mesonoemacheilus-guentheri" rel="/species/mesonoemacheilus-guentheri/?hover=true">M. guentheri</a></em> among the numerous suitable <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> available in the trade at times.\r\n\r\nIt''s a shoaling <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> by nature and really should be kept in a group of at least 8-10 specimens. Maintaining it in decent numbers will not only make the fish less nervous but will result in a more effective, natural-looking display while allowing individuals some respite from the vigorous alpha male(s). Males will also display their best colours and some interesting behaviour as they compete with one other for female attention. In particular the dominant individual in a given group will develop some stunning colouration.'),
(104408, 2288, 'dimorphism', 'The male is noticeably slimmer and more brightly coloured than the female especially when the fish are in <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/spawning" rel="/glossary/s/spawning?hover=true">spawning</a> condition. Most notably the body colouration is more intense, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/v/ventral" rel="/glossary/v/ventral?hover=true">ventral</a> fins tipped with white, other finnage redder and prominent tubercules develop around the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/snout" rel="/glossary/s/snout?hover=true">snout</a> and head in sexually <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/mature" rel="/glossary/m/mature?hover=true">mature</a> specimens.'),
(104409, 2288, 'reproduction', 'We''re not sure if it has been bred in the hobby although it should certainly be possible. Like most cyprinids this <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> is an <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/e/Egg" rel="/glossary/e/egg?hover=true">Egg</a>-scattering, continuous spawner that exhibits no <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/parental%20care" rel="/glossary/p/parental%20care?hover=true">parental care</a>. That is to say when the fish are in good condition they will <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/spawn" rel="/glossary/s/spawn?hover=true">spawn</a> often and in a well-furnished, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/mature" rel="/glossary/m/mature?hover=true">mature</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/a/aquarium" rel="/glossary/a/aquarium?hover=true">aquarium</a> it is feasible that small numbers of <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/f/fry" rel="/glossary/f/fry?hover=true">fry</a> may start to appear without human intervention.\r\n\r\nHowever if you want to increase the yield of <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/f/fry" rel="/glossary/f/fry?hover=true">fry</a> a slightly more controlled approach is required and we suggest using an approach that has proven successful for similar members of the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> as a starting point. The adult group can still be conditioned together but one or more small, say 18" x 10" x 10"/45cm x 25cm x 25cm/29.5 <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/l/litre" rel="/glossary/l/litre?hover=true">litre</a> containers should also be set up and half-filled with water. These should be very dimly lit with the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/base" rel="/glossary/b/base?hover=true">base</a> either left bare or covered with some kind of mesh of a large enough grade so that any eggs that fail to adhere to the plant can pass through but small enough so that the adults cannot reach them. The widely available plastic ''grass''-<a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/t/type" rel="/glossary/t/type?hover=true">type</a> matting can also be used and works very well. A decent-sized clump of Java moss or other fine-leaved plant should also be added filling perhaps half the available space. The water should be around <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/n/neutral" rel="/glossary/n/neutral?hover=true">neutral</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/pH" rel="/glossary/p/pH?hover=true">pH</a>, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/G/GH" rel="/glossary/G/GH?hover=true">gH</a> &lt;8, with a slightly raised temperature of 75 - 80°F. A small air-powered <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/sponge%20filter" rel="/glossary/s/sponge%20filter?hover=true">sponge filter</a> bubbling away very gently is all that is needed in terms of filtration.\r\n\r\nWhen the adult fish are well-conditioned and the females appear full of eggs a single <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/pair" rel="/glossary/p/pair?hover=true">pair</a> should then be introduced to each container. If conditions are to their liking they should <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/spawn" rel="/glossary/s/spawn?hover=true">spawn</a> the following morning. Be sure to provide plenty of cover for the female as the male may be quite aggressive in his pursuit of her. In some cases she might even require a period of post-<a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/spawning" rel="/glossary/s/spawning?hover=true">spawning</a> rehabilitation in a <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/t/tank" rel="/glossary/t/tank?hover=true">tank</a> that does not contain any males.\r\n\r\nThe adults will eat the eggs given the chance and should be removed as soon as any are noticed. Incubation in <em>Puntius</em> eggs is temperature-dependant to an extent but usually takes between 20 and 48 hours with the young free-swimming 24 to 48 hours later. Initial food should be <em>Paramecium</em> or similar introducing <em><a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/A/Artemia" rel="/glossary/A/Artemia?hover=true">Artemia</a></em> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/n/nauplii" rel="/glossary/n/nauplii?hover=true">nauplii</a> and/or <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/microworm" rel="/glossary/m/microworm?hover=true">microworm</a> once the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/f/fry" rel="/glossary/f/fry?hover=true">fry</a> are large enough to accept them.'),
(104410, 2288, 'misc_notes', 'This beautiful <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> is not often seen in the hobby, presumably as a result of its limited distribution, and tends to command a relatively high price when available. It may be seen on sale under the trade names ''Maharaja'' or ''Khavli'' <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/barb" rel="/glossary/b/barb?hover=true">barb</a>.\r\n\r\nThe <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> <em>Puntius</em> is currently viewed as something of a catch-all for well over 100 <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> of small cyprinid. Most experts agree that a full <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/r/revision" rel="/glossary/r/revision?hover=true">revision</a> is required, with the likely outcome that many <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> will be placed into new or different <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genera" rel="/glossary/g/genera?hover=true">genera</a>. When describing the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> in 1822, Hamilton identified the defining characteristics as: "absence or presence of <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/maxillary" rel="/glossary/m/maxillary?hover=true">maxillary</a> only or <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/r/rostral" rel="/glossary/r/rostral?hover=true">rostral</a> and <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/m/maxillary" rel="/glossary/m/maxillary?hover=true">maxillary</a> barbels; <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/d/dorsal" rel="/glossary/d/dorsal?hover=true">dorsal</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/f/fin" rel="/glossary/f/fin?hover=true">fin</a> with last <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/simple%20ray" rel="/glossary/s/simple%20ray?hover=true">simple ray</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/serrate" rel="/glossary/s/serrate?hover=true">serrate</a> or entire, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/branched%20rays" rel="/glossary/b/branched%20rays?hover=true">branched rays</a> usually 8; anal <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/f/fin" rel="/glossary/f/fin?hover=true">fin</a> with last <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/simple%20ray" rel="/glossary/s/simple%20ray?hover=true">simple ray</a> entire, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/b/branched%20rays" rel="/glossary/b/branched%20rays?hover=true">branched rays</a> usually 5; <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/l/lateral%20line" rel="/glossary/l/lateral%20line?hover=true">lateral line</a> complete or incomplete, <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/l/lateral" rel="/glossary/l/lateral?hover=true">lateral</a>-line scales 17-36 in row; <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/c/cephalic" rel="/glossary/c/cephalic?hover=true">cephalic</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/c/cutaneous" rel="/glossary/c/cutaneous?hover=true">cutaneous</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/papillae" rel="/glossary/p/papillae?hover=true">papillae</a> minute or absent; <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/pharyngeal%20teeth" rel="/glossary/p/pharyngeal%20teeth?hover=true">pharyngeal teeth</a> in 3 rows, usually 2,3,5/5,3,2; colour pattern extremely variable." All the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> currently in the <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> are <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/n/native" rel="/glossary/n/native?hover=true">native</a> to Southeast Asia, India and Sri Lanka.\r\n\r\nThe other main source of confusion with <em>Puntius</em> is that some authors do not recognise all the member <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> as such, rather following Walter Rainboth (1996) and preferring to place some into the alternative <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> <em>Systomus</em>. Rainboth proposed that <em>Systomus</em> should be reinstated (it was first erected in the 19th century) as a valid <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/genus" rel="/glossary/g/genus?hover=true">genus</a> on account of the fact that in its current state <em>Puntius</em> would seem to constitute a <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/p/polyphyletic" rel="/glossary/p/polyphyletic?hover=true">polyphyletic</a> grouping i.e. not all of its members appear to have descended from the same common ancestor. The defining characteristics of a <em>Systomus</em> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> are (according to Rainboth) a <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/serrated" rel="/glossary/s/serrated?hover=true">serrated</a> (vs. smooth in <em>Puntius</em>) <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/d/dorsal" rel="/glossary/d/dorsal?hover=true">dorsal</a> <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/spine" rel="/glossary/s/spine?hover=true">spine</a>, the presence of 2 or 4 barbels (vs. always 2) and less than 12 <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/g/gill" rel="/glossary/g/gill?hover=true">gill</a> rakers (vs. 12-20). SF tentatively lists all <a class="link_glossary" href="/glossary/s/species" rel="/glossary/s/species?hover=true">species</a> as <em>Puntius</em> at present.'),
(167927, 2288, 'etymology', ''),
(104421, 2288, 'attached_media', 'a:4:{i:0;s:5:"22881";i:1;s:5:"22882";i:2;s:5:"22883";i:3;s:5:"22884";}'),
(150578, 2288, 'references', 'a:2:{i:0;a:5:{s:13:"ref_doc_title";s:67:"Assemblage structure of stream fishes in the Western Ghats (India).";s:12:"ref_pub_year";s:0:"";s:13:"ref_page_nums";s:5:"1-31.";s:14:"ref_publishers";s:17:"Hydrobiologia 430";s:11:"ref_authors";s:19:"Arunachalam M. 2000";}i:1;a:5:{s:13:"ref_doc_title";s:0:"";s:12:"ref_pub_year";s:0:"";s:13:"ref_page_nums";s:0:"";s:14:"ref_publishers";s:16:"www.fishbase.org";s:11:"ref_authors";s:0:"";}}'),
(167925, 2288, '_edit_lock', '1341244017:4'),
(167928, 2288, 'species_author', 'Silas'),
(167929, 2288, 'year_described', '1953'),
(167930, 2288, 'beginner_suitability', '3'),
(167931, 2288, 'type_of_fish', '2')

INSERT INTO `wp_posts` (`ID`, `post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`, `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`, `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`, `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`, `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`) VALUES
(2288, 4, '2012-03-13 13:24:32', '2012-03-13 13:24:32', '', 'Puntius sahyadriensis', 'This beautiful species is not often seen in the hobby, presumably as a result of its limited distribution, and tends to command a relatively high price when available. It may be seen on sale under the trade names &#039;Maharaja&#039; or &#039;Khavli&#039; barb.\r\n\r\nThe genus Puntius is currently viewed as something of a catch-all for well over 100 species of small cyprinid. Most experts agree that a full revision is required, with the likely outcome that many species will be placed into new or di...', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'puntius-sahyadriensis', '', '', '2012-07-02 16:48:43', '2012-07-02 15:48:43', '', 0, 'http://www.seriouslyfish.com/?post_type=species&#038;p=2288', 0, 'species', '', 0);

Si possible, j'aimerais les commander comme ceci:

  • Si l’utilisateur recherche une espèce de poisson, par exemple Satanoperca daemon, elle doit être renvoyée en premier (cette information est la variable title d’une publication de type species-, et se trouve également dans les méta-champs méta genus et species correspondant).
  • Si un article a été écrit sur cette espèce, il doit être renvoyé sous l’espèce elle-même.
  • Si cette espèce de poisson est mentionnée dans d'autres profils d'espèces, ceux-ci doivent être renvoyés sous l'espèce elle-même et les articles qui y sont joints.
  • Si l’utilisateur recherche un genre de poisson, c’est-à-dire Satanoperca, tout article relatif au genre Satanoperca doit apparaître en premier.
  • Les résultats des espèces doivent ensuite apparaître dans l’ordre alphabétique selon species, c’est-à-dire Satanoperca daemon puis Satanoperca leucosticta, etc. sous tous les articles écrits sur le genre.

Sinon, les résultats devraient apparaître par pertinence, pondérés par le titre (disons 5); publier le contenu (2); étiquettes (0.5).

Est-ce possible? J'ai installé le plugin Relevanssi , qui semble faire presque tout ce que j'ai besoin, mais après l'avoir installé, définir les options et l'indexer, rechercher Betta splendens renvoie le dernier profil d'espèce sous Amica splendens et un couple d'autres espèces.

Merci d'avance,


Oui, Relevanssi fera l'affaire pour vous, mais vous avez besoin de code supplémentaire. Relevanssi a un crochet de filtre relevanssi_hits_filter, qui vous permet de modifier la liste des résultats.

Donc, vous devez créer une fonction qui prendra les occurrences et si un profil d’espèce correspond à la requête de recherche, la fonction l’ajoutera en haut des résultats.

Quelque chose comme ça:

add_filter('relevanssi_hits_filter', 'fish_filter');
function fish_filter($hits) {
    // $hits[0] has the array of hits found
    // $hits[1] has the search query
    $results = array();

    if ($hits[1] matches a species) {
        $sp_post = get_post(the correct post ID);
        $results[] = $sp_post;
    if (posts about species exist) {
        $sp_posts = fetch them somehow;
        array_merge($results, $sp_posts);

    // and so on for other article types

    // then the rest of the posts
    foreach ($hits[0] as $hit) {
        if (!in_array($hit, $results)) $results[] = $hit;
        // this skips all the posts that are already in the results

    $hits[0] = $results;
    return $hits;

C'est la structure de base. Bien sûr, il y a beaucoup de détails que vous devez renseigner, comment reconnaître les messages que vous souhaitez et comment les récupérer, mais je ne pense pas qu'il existe une solution plus facile que celle-ci.

Mikko Saari

Je ne suis pas tout à fait sûr que vous trouviez un plugin pour faire exactement ce dont vous avez besoin. J'ai essayé de nombreux plug-ins 'out of the box' et j'ai décidé de faire ma propre recherche. Il y a trop de variations à anticiper. Un ajout consiste à suggérer automatiquement si possible en fonction du contexte. Si un utilisateur effectue une recherche aussi spécifiquement que mentionné, il n'y a pas trop de résultats alternatifs. C'est à dire. Laissez les utilisateurs sélectionner des balises spécifiques dans une liste de suggestion automatique après avoir sélectionné une espèce. Puis montrer les résultats. Qu'en est-il des fautes d'orthographe?

En bref, la réponse à votre question est OUI, c'est possible, mais pas sans écrire votre propre recherche ou changer la façon dont les utilisateurs effectuent des recherches/navigation. Parfois, faire les choses différemment apporte une meilleure solution au problème.
