Mon but est de lancer hadoop 2.2.0 sur Ubuntu 12.4. J'ai été capable de le faire, mais quand j'ai lancé la commande suivante: rushi @ ubuntu:/usr/local/hadoop $ sbin/
mon dfs commence namenode, scondarynamenode et aussi datanode mais le problème est que je suis en train de suivre Avertissement
rushi@ubuntu:/usr/local/hadoop$ sbin/
14/01/24 12:05:46 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-Java classes where applicable
Starting namenodes on [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: You have loaded library /usr/local/hadoop-2.2.0/lib/native/ which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'
Java: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Java: Name or service not known
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Name or service not known
warning:: ssh: Could not resolve hostname warning:: Name or service not known
which: ssh: Could not resolve hostname which: Name or service not known
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Name or service not known
might: ssh: Could not resolve hostname might: Name or service not known
You: ssh: Could not resolve hostname You: Name or service not known
loaded: ssh: Could not resolve hostname loaded: Name or service not known
Server: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Server: Name or service not known
HotSpot(TM): ssh: Could not resolve hostname HotSpot(TM): Name or service not known
have: ssh: Could not resolve hostname have: Name or service not known
64-Bit: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 64-Bit: Name or service not known
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Name or service not known
disabled: ssh: Could not resolve hostname disabled: Name or service not known
VM: ssh: Could not resolve hostname VM: Name or service not known
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Name or service not known
The: ssh: Could not resolve hostname The: Name or service not known
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Name or service not known
try: ssh: Could not resolve hostname try: Name or service not known
guard.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard.: Name or service not known
to: ssh: Could not resolve hostname to: Name or service not known
now.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname now.: Name or service not known
will: ssh: Could not resolve hostname will: Name or service not known
that: ssh: Could not resolve hostname that: Name or service not known
stack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname stack: Name or service not known
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Name or service not known
you: ssh: Could not resolve hostname you: Name or service not known
-c: Unknown cipher type 'cd'
guard: ssh: Could not resolve hostname guard: Name or service not known
It's: ssh: Could not resolve hostname It's: Name or service not known
highly: ssh: Could not resolve hostname highly: Name or service not known
fix: ssh: Could not resolve hostname fix: Name or service not known
recommended: ssh: Could not resolve hostname recommended: Name or service not known
or: ssh: Could not resolve hostname or: Name or service not known
the: ssh: Could not resolve hostname the: Name or service not known
library: ssh: Could not resolve hostname library: Name or service not known
link: ssh: Could not resolve hostname link: Name or service not known
'execstack: ssh: Could not resolve hostname 'execstack: Name or service not known
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Name or service not known
<libfile>',: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <libfile>',: Name or service not known
it: ssh: Could not resolve hostname it: Name or service not known
noexecstack'.: ssh: Could not resolve hostname noexecstack'.: Name or service not known
with: ssh: Could not resolve hostname with: Name or service not known
'-z: ssh: Could not resolve hostname '-z: Name or service not known
localhost: starting namenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-2.2.0/logs/hadoop-rushi-namenode-ubuntu.out
localhost: starting datanode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-2.2.0/logs/hadoop-rushi-datanode-ubuntu.out
Starting secondary namenodes [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: You have loaded library /usr/local/hadoop-2.2.0/lib/native/ which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
Quel peut être le problème et comment le résoudre? S'il vous plaît aidez-moi
Ce sont les mêmes questions que données dans ce lien . Il a juste été demandé d'une autre manière
Après avoir suivi ce lien, il y a encore une chance de suivre Warning
WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-Java classes where applicable
pour résoudre cet avertissement suivez ce lien
Une des raisons pourrait être que la bibliothèque native par défaut dans Hadoop est conçue pour 32 bits.
Ajoutez ces lignes à votre .bashrc ou .bash_profile:
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_INSTALL/lib"
Cela a fonctionné pour moi sur Ubuntu 12.04.
$ HADOOP_INSTALL est l'emplacement où vous installez Hadoop (généralement, c'est/usr/local/hadoop).
ou même il peut y avoir HADOOP_HOME au lieu de HADOOP_INSTALL.
Je pense que le seul problème ici est le même que dans cette question , donc la solution est aussi la même:
Empêchez JVM d’imprimer l’avertissement de garde de pile sur stdout/stderr, car c’est ce qui rompt le script de démarrage HDFS.
Faites-le en remplaçant dans votre ligne etc/hadoop/
export HADOOP_OPTS="$HADOOP_OPTS -XX:-PrintWarnings"
( Cette solution a été trouvée sur Le blog de Sumit Chawla )
Cette erreur est principalement due à une mauvaise configuration de .bashrc.
ajoutez ces codes ci-dessous dans votre fichier .bashrc à la fin.
export Java_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/Java-7-openjdk-AMD64
export HADOOP_INSTALL=/usr/local/hadoop
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_INSTALL/lib/native"
Pour supprimer l'erreur sur l'hôte. Installez le serveur Apache2. Il va configurer toute la configuration de base de localhost.
Sudo apt-get install Apache2.
vérifiez-le sur cette URL: http: // localhost
lire ci-dessous tout l'article pour configurer depuis le début.