
Obtenir le nom du lieu à partir de Latitude et longitude dans iOS

Je veux trouver le nom de l'emplacement actuel à partir de la latitude et de la longitude,

Voici mon extrait de code que j'ai essayé, mais mon journal affiche une valeur nulle dans tous les emplacements sauf dans placemark, placemark.ISOcountryCode et placemark.country

Je veux la valeur de placemark.locality et placemark.subLocality mais il affiche des valeurs null.

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
     [super viewWillAppear:animated];

    // this creates the CCLocationManager that will find your current location
    locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
    locationManager.delegate = self;
    locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters;
    [locationManager startUpdatingLocation];


// this delegate is called when the app successfully finds your current location
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
    CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
    [geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:locationManager.location
                   completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
                       NSLog(@"reverseGeocodeLocation:completionHandler: Completion Handler called!");

                       if (error){
                           NSLog(@"Geocode failed with error: %@", error);


                       NSLog(@"placemarks=%@",[placemarks objectAtIndex:0]);
                       CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];

                       NSLog(@"placemark.ISOcountryCode =%@",placemark.ISOcountryCode);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.country =%@",placemark.country);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.postalCode =%@",placemark.postalCode);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.administrativeArea =%@",placemark.administrativeArea);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.locality =%@",placemark.locality);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.subLocality =%@",placemark.subLocality);
                       NSLog(@"placemark.subThoroughfare =%@",placemark.subThoroughfare);


// this delegate method is called if an error occurs in locating your current location
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
    NSLog(@"locationManager:%@ didFailWithError:%@", manager, error);

Merci d'avance.


- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
    CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];

    CLLocation *currentLocation = newLocation;

    if (currentLocation != nil)
        NSLog(@"longitude = %.8f\nlatitude = %.8f", currentLocation.coordinate.longitude,currentLocation.coordinate.latitude);

    // stop updating location in order to save battery power
    [locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];

    [geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:currentLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
         NSLog(@"Found placemarks: %@, error: %@", placemarks, error);
         if (error == nil && [placemarks count] > 0)
             CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks lastObject];

             // strAdd -> take bydefault value nil
             NSString *strAdd = nil;

             if ([placemark.subThoroughfare length] != 0)
                 strAdd = placemark.subThoroughfare;

             if ([placemark.thoroughfare length] != 0)
                 // strAdd -> store value of current location
                 if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                     strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark thoroughfare]];
                     // strAdd -> store only this value,which is not null
                     strAdd = placemark.thoroughfare;

             if ([placemark.postalCode length] != 0)
                 if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                     strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark postalCode]];
                     strAdd = placemark.postalCode;

             if ([placemark.locality length] != 0)
                 if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                     strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark locality]];
                     strAdd = placemark.locality;

             if ([placemark.administrativeArea length] != 0)
                 if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                     strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark administrativeArea]];
                     strAdd = placemark.administrativeArea;

             if ([placemark.country length] != 0)
                 if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                     strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark country]];
                     strAdd = placemark.country;

Je vous donne l'extrait que j'utilise pour résoudre l'adresse. J'inclus aussi des commentaires à l'endroit nécessaire pour comprendre le code pour vous. En outre, n'hésitez pas à poser n'importe quelle question de snippet si vous ne comprenez rien.

Écrire l'extrait suivant dans la méthode didUpdateToLocation

NSLog(@"didUpdateToLocation: %@", newLocation);
CLLocation *currentLocation = newLocation;

if (currentLocation != nil)
    NSLog(@"longitude = %.8f\nlatitude = %.8f", currentLocation.coordinate.longitude,currentLocation.coordinate.latitude);

// stop updating location in order to save battery power
[locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];

// Reverse Geocoding
NSLog(@"Resolving the Address");

// “reverseGeocodeLocation” method to translate the locate data into a human-readable address.

// The reason for using "completionHandler" ----
   //  Instead of using delegate to provide feedback, the CLGeocoder uses “block” to deal with the response. By using block, you do not need to write a separate method. Just provide the code inline to execute after the geocoding call completes.

[geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:currentLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
    NSLog(@"Found placemarks: %@, error: %@", placemarks, error);
    if (error == nil && [placemarks count] > 0)
        placemark = [placemarks lastObject];

        // strAdd -> take bydefault value nil
        NSString *strAdd = nil;

        if ([placemark.subThoroughfare length] != 0)
            strAdd = placemark.subThoroughfare;

        if ([placemark.thoroughfare length] != 0)
            // strAdd -> store value of current location
            if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark thoroughfare]];
            // strAdd -> store only this value,which is not null
                strAdd = placemark.thoroughfare;

        if ([placemark.postalCode length] != 0)
            if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark postalCode]];
                strAdd = placemark.postalCode;

        if ([placemark.locality length] != 0)
            if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark locality]];
                strAdd = placemark.locality;

        if ([placemark.administrativeArea length] != 0)
            if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark administrativeArea]];
                strAdd = placemark.administrativeArea;

        if ([placemark.country length] != 0)
            if ([strAdd length] != 0)
                strAdd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",strAdd,[placemark country]];
                strAdd = placemark.country;

Où strAdd retournera l'adresse en utilisant la géolocalisation.

Profitez de la programmation !!

Niru Mukund Shah

Méthode avec bloc d'achèvement:

typedef void(^addressCompletion)(NSString *);

-(void)getAddressFromLocation:(CLLocation *)location complationBlock:(addressCompletion)completionBlock
    __block CLPlacemark* placemark;
    __block NSString *address = nil;

    CLGeocoder* geocoder = [CLGeocoder new];
    [geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:location completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
         if (error == nil && [placemarks count] > 0)
             placemark = [placemarks lastObject];
             address = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@ %@", placemark.name, placemark.postalCode, placemark.locality];

Voici comment l'utiliser:

CLLocation* eventLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:_latitude longitude:_longitude];

[self getAddressFromLocation:eventLocation complationBlock:^(NSString * address) {
        if(address) {
            _address = address;

J'ai implémenté la solution de Niru dans Swift 3 , en publiant ici si quelqu'un en avait besoin:

let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(self.location!) { (placemarksArray, error) in

    if (placemarksArray?.count)! > 0 {

        let placemark = placemarksArray?.first
        let number = placemark!.subThoroughfare
        let bairro = placemark!.subLocality
        let street = placemark!.thoroughfare

        self.addressLabel.text = "\(street!), \(number!) - \(bairro!)"
Paula Hasstenteufel

Dans Swift 4.1 et Xcode 9.4.1, c'est l'une de mes solutions. Ici, j'utilise geocode API pour obtenir l'adresse complète. Avec cette api, je peux aussi obtenir les noms de village. 

J'utilise reverseGeocodeLocation mais cela ne donne pas les détails d'adresse de village ni les noms de village, mais seulement les noms de villes proches… .. C'est l'une des meilleures solutions ....

func getAddressForLatLng(latitude: String, longitude: String)  { // Call this function

     let url = NSURL(string: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=\(latitude),\(longitude)")//Here pass your latitude, longitude
     let data = NSData(contentsOf: url! as URL)

     if data != nil {
        let json = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data! as Data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments) as! NSDictionary

        let status = json["status"] as! String
        if status == "OK" {

            if let result = json["results"] as? NSArray   {

                if result.count > 0 {
                    if let addresss:NSDictionary = result[0] as? NSDictionary {
                        if let address = addresss["address_components"] as? NSArray {
                            var newaddress = ""
                            var number = ""
                            var street = ""
                            var city = ""
                            var state = ""
                            var Zip = ""
                            var country = ""

                            if(address.count > 1) {
                                number =  (address.object(at: 0) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                            if(address.count > 2) {
                                street = (address.object(at: 1) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                            if(address.count > 3) {
                                city = (address.object(at: 2) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                            if(address.count > 4) {
                                state = (address.object(at: 4) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                            if(address.count > 6) {
                                Zip =  (address.object(at: 6) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                            newaddress = "\(number) \(street), \(city), \(state) \(Zip)"

                            // OR 
                            //This is second type to fetch pincode, country, state like this type of data

                            for i in 0..<address.count {
                                print(((address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["types"] as! Array)[0])
                                if ((address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["types"] as! Array)[0] == "postal_code" {
                                    Zip =  (address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["short_name"] as! String
                                if ((address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["types"] as! Array)[0] == "country" {
                                    country =  (address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["long_name"] as! String
                                if ((address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["types"] as! Array)[0] == "administrative_area_level_1" {
                                    state =  (address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["long_name"] as! String
                                if ((address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["types"] as! Array)[0] == "administrative_area_level_2" {
                                    district =  (address.object(at: i) as! NSDictionary)["long_name"] as! String








Appelez cette fonction comme ceci

self.getAddressForLatLng(latitude: "\(self.lat!)", longitude: "\(self.lng!)")

Si l'emplacement que vous essayez d'obtenir est répertorié dans cette liste, il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas dans votre code. 


sinon, CLGeoCoder n’a pas d’adresses vers d’autres pays.

J'ai fait face au même problème, donc je l'ai utilisé pour obtenir l'adresse. Donne une adresse vraiment précise. 


Ahmed Z.

Tout d’abord, filtrez les emplacements dans didUpdateToLocation pour empêcher l’utilisation d’emplacements en cache ou erronés pour le géocodage.

NSTimeInterval locationAge = -[newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceNow];

if (abs(locationAge) > 5.0) return;

if (newLocation.horizontalAccuracy < 0) return;

Essayez également de déplacer la méthode reverseGeoCoding hors de didUpdateToLocation


Une fois que vous avez latitude, longitude valeurs d’un emplacement, vous pouvez utiliser CLGeocoder Voici un tutorial qui pourrait vous aider.

Deepesh Gairola

utilisez cette API pour obtenir les données et transmettez les valeurs lat et long.

API pour géolocalisation
