J'utilise Pdfbox pour générer des fichiers PDF en utilisant Java. Le problème est que lorsque j'ajoute un long texte dans le document, il ne s'affiche pas correctement. Seule une partie de celui-ci est affichée. Cela aussi en une seule ligne.
Je veux que le texte soit sur plusieurs lignes.
Mon code est donné ci-dessous:
PDPageContentStream pdfContent=new PDPageContentStream(pdfDocument, pdfPage, true, true);
pdfContent.setFont(pdfFont, 11);
pdfContent.drawString("I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox");
Ma sortie:
Ajoutant à la réponse de Mark, vous voudrez peut-être savoir où diviser votre longue chaîne. Vous pouvez utiliser la méthode PDFont
pour cela.
En rassemblant tout, vous obtenez quelque chose comme ça (avec des différences mineures selon la version de PDFBox):
PDDocument doc = null;
doc = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
PDFont pdfFont = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
float fontSize = 25;
float leading = 1.5f * fontSize;
PDRectangle mediabox = page.findMediaBox();
float margin = 72;
float width = mediabox.getWidth() - 2*margin;
float startX = mediabox.getLowerLeftX() + margin;
float startY = mediabox.getUpperRightY() - margin;
String text = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
int lastSpace = -1;
while (text.length() > 0)
int spaceIndex = text.indexOf(' ', lastSpace + 1);
if (spaceIndex < 0)
spaceIndex = text.length();
String subString = text.substring(0, spaceIndex);
float size = fontSize * pdfFont.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
System.out.printf("'%s' - %f of %f\n", subString, size, width);
if (size > width)
if (lastSpace < 0)
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
subString = text.substring(0, lastSpace);
text = text.substring(lastSpace).trim();
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", subString);
lastSpace = -1;
else if (spaceIndex == text.length())
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", text);
text = "";
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
contentStream.setFont(pdfFont, fontSize);
contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(startX, startY);
for (String line: lines)
contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(0, -leading);
if (doc != null)
( BreakLongString.Java test testBreakString
pour PDFBox 1.8.x)
PDDocument doc = null;
doc = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
PDFont pdfFont = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
float fontSize = 25;
float leading = 1.5f * fontSize;
PDRectangle mediabox = page.getMediaBox();
float margin = 72;
float width = mediabox.getWidth() - 2*margin;
float startX = mediabox.getLowerLeftX() + margin;
float startY = mediabox.getUpperRightY() - margin;
String text = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
int lastSpace = -1;
while (text.length() > 0)
int spaceIndex = text.indexOf(' ', lastSpace + 1);
if (spaceIndex < 0)
spaceIndex = text.length();
String subString = text.substring(0, spaceIndex);
float size = fontSize * pdfFont.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
System.out.printf("'%s' - %f of %f\n", subString, size, width);
if (size > width)
if (lastSpace < 0)
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
subString = text.substring(0, lastSpace);
text = text.substring(lastSpace).trim();
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", subString);
lastSpace = -1;
else if (spaceIndex == text.length())
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", text);
text = "";
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
contentStream.setFont(pdfFont, fontSize);
contentStream.newLineAtOffset(startX, startY);
for (String line: lines)
contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, -leading);
doc.save(new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "break-long-string.pdf"));
if (doc != null)
( BreakLongString.Java test testBreakString
pour PDFBox 2.0.x)
Cela semble comme prévu.
Il y a bien sûr de nombreuses améliorations à apporter mais cela devrait montrer comment le faire.
Dans un commentaire, aleskv a demandé:
pourriez-vous ajouter des sauts de ligne quand il y a\n dans la chaîne?
On peut facilement étendre la solution pour rompre inconditionnellement les caractères de nouvelle ligne en divisant d'abord la chaîne en caractères '\ n' puis en itérant sur le résultat du fractionnement.
Par exemple. si au lieu de la longue chaîne d'en haut
String text = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox";
vous souhaitez traiter cette chaîne encore plus longue avec de nouveaux caractères de ligne intégrés
String textNL = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox.\nFurthermore, I have added some newline characters to the string at which lines also shall be broken.\nIt should work alright like this...";
vous pouvez simplement remplacer
String text = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
int lastSpace = -1;
while (text.length() > 0)
dans les solutions ci-dessus par
String textNL = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox.\nFurthermore, I have added some newline characters to the string at which lines also shall be broken.\nIt should work alright like this...";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String text : textNL.split("\n"))
int lastSpace = -1;
while (text.length() > 0)
(from BreakLongString.Java test testBreakStringNL
Le résultat:
Je sais qu'il est un peu tard, mais j'ai eu un petit problème avec la solution de mkl. Si la dernière ligne ne contient qu'un seul mot, votre algorithme l'écrit sur le précédent.
Par exemple: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" est votre texte et il devrait ajouter un saut de ligne après "sit".
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Mais il fait ceci:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
J'ai trouvé ma propre solution que je veux partager avec vous.
* @param text The text to write on the page.
* @param x The position on the x-axis.
* @param y The position on the y-axis.
* @param allowedWidth The maximum allowed width of the whole text (e.g. the width of the page - a defined margin).
* @param page The page for the text.
* @param contentStream The content stream to set the text properties and write the text.
* @param font The font used to write the text.
* @param fontSize The font size used to write the text.
* @param lineHeight The line height of the font (typically 1.2 * fontSize or 1.5 * fontSize).
* @throws IOException
private void drawMultiLineText(String text, int x, int y, int allowedWidth, PDPage page, PDPageContentStream contentStream, PDFont font, int fontSize, int lineHeight) throws IOException {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
String myLine = "";
// get all words from the text
// keep in mind that words are separated by spaces -> "Lorem ipsum!!!!:)" -> words are "Lorem" and "ipsum!!!!:)"
String[] words = text.split(" ");
for(String Word : words) {
if(!myLine.isEmpty()) {
myLine += " ";
// test the width of the current line + the current Word
int size = (int) (fontSize * font.getStringWidth(myLine + Word) / 1000);
if(size > allowedWidth) {
// if the line would be too long with the current Word, add the line without the current Word
// and start a new line with the current Word
myLine = Word;
} else {
// if the current line + the current Word would fit, add the current Word to the line
myLine += Word;
// add the rest to lines
for(String line : lines) {
contentStream.setFont(font, fontSize);
contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(x, y);
y -= lineHeight;
///// FOR PDBOX 2.0.X
import Java.io.File;
import Java.io.IOException;
import Java.util.ArrayList;
import Java.util.List;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.Apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font;
public class Document_Creation {
public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException {
PDDocument doc = null;
doc = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page);
PDFont pdfFont = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
float fontSize = 25;
float leading = 1.5f * fontSize;
PDRectangle mediabox = page.getMediaBox();
float margin = 72;
float width = mediabox.getWidth() - 2*margin;
float startX = mediabox.getLowerLeftX() + margin;
float startY = mediabox.getUpperRightY() - margin;
String text = "I am trying to create a PDF file with a lot of text contents in the document. I am using PDFBox.An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument — but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are characterized by serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, length,whereas the informal essay is characterized by the personal element (self-revelation, individual tastes and experiences, confidential manner), humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality or novelty of theme.Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless procedure. Cats also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never necessary because under ordinary circumstances cats clean themselves. Cats are more particular about personal cleanliness than people are. In addition, cats can be left home alone for a few hours without fear. Unlike some pets, most cats will not destroy the furnishings when left alone. They are content to go about their usual activities until their owners return.";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
int lastSpace = -1;
while (text.length() > 0)
int spaceIndex = text.indexOf(' ', lastSpace + 1);
if (spaceIndex < 0)
spaceIndex = text.length();
String subString = text.substring(0, spaceIndex);
float size = fontSize * pdfFont.getStringWidth(subString) / 1000;
System.out.printf("'%s' - %f of %f\n", subString, size, width);
if (size > width)
if (lastSpace < 0)
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
subString = text.substring(0, lastSpace);
text = text.substring(lastSpace).trim();
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", subString);
lastSpace = -1;
else if (spaceIndex == text.length())
System.out.printf("'%s' is line\n", text);
text = "";
lastSpace = spaceIndex;
contentStream.setFont(pdfFont, fontSize);
contentStream.newLineAtOffset(startX, startY);
float currentY=startY;
for (String line: lines)
currentY -=leading;
PDPage new_Page = new PDPage();
contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, new_Page);
contentStream.setFont(pdfFont, fontSize);
contentStream.newLineAtOffset(startX, startY);
contentStream.newLineAtOffset(0, -leading);
if (doc != null)
Dessinez simplement la chaîne dans une position ci-dessous, généralement dans une boucle:
float textx = margin+cellMargin;
float texty = y-15;
for(int i = 0; i < content.length; i++){
for(int j = 0 ; j < content[i].length; j++){
String text = content[i][j];
textx += colWidth;
textx = margin+cellMargin;
Ce sont les lignes importantes:
Continuez à dessiner de nouvelles chaînes dans de nouvelles positions. Pour un exemple d'utilisation d'un tableau, voir ici: http://fahdshariff.blogspot.ca/2010/10/creating-tables-with-pdfbox.html
contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount (textx, texty) est le point clé.
par exemple, si vous utilisez un format A4, 580 800 correspondent à la largeur et à la hauteur (approximativement). vous devez donc déplacer votre texte en fonction de la position de la taille de votre document.
PDFBox prend en charge varie le format de page. de sorte que la hauteur et la largeur varient en fonction du format de page