J'ai les tableaux suivants comment puis-je les mapper aux entités JPA:
TABLE Event {
....Other event fields
PK (EventID, SourceID)
...Other meeting fields
PK(MeetingID,EventID, SourceID)
FK(EventID, SourceID) //FK with Event table
La table d'événements a une relation un-à-plusieurs avec la table de réunion. Comment puis-je cartographier cette relation bidirectionnelle dans JPA?
public class EventID {
public int eventID;
public int sourceID;
public class Event {
public EventID id;
public Collection<Meeting> meetings;
public class MeetingID {
public EventID eventID; // corresponds to ID type of Event
public int meetingID;
public class Meeting {
public MeetingID id;
@JoinColumn(name="EventID", referencedColumnName="EventID"),
@JoinColumn(name="SourceID", referencedColumnName="SourceID")
public Event event;
Discuté dans la spécification JPA 2.1, section 2.4.1.
public class Event {
private EventId id;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "event")
private List<Meeting> meetings = new ArrayList<>();
public class EventId implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "EventID")
private Long eventId;
@Column(name = "SourceID")
private Long sourceId;
//implements equals and hashCode
public class Meeting {
private MeetingId id;
@JoinColumn(name="EventID", referencedColumnName="EventID"),
@JoinColumn(name="SourceID", referencedColumnName="SourceID")
private Event event;
public class MeetingId implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "MeetingID")
private Long meetingId;
private EventId eventId;
//implements equals and hashCode
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