
Spring Security OAuth - Une authentification complète est requise pour accéder à cette ressource.

Voici la configuration de mon serveur d'autorisation:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.config.annotation.configurers.ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.config.annotation.web.configuration.AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter;
import org.springframework.security.oauth2.config.annotation.web.configurers.AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer;

public class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {

    public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
                .authorizedGrantTypes("authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password").scopes("openid")

    public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception {


Et la configuration de la sécurité Web:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
import org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationManager;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.authentication.builders.AuthenticationManagerBuilder;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter;

@Order(-20) // Very important
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

                .antMatchers("/login", "/oauth/authorize", "/oauth/confirm_access").and().authorizeRequests()


Désormais, à partir de l'application cliente, lorsque j'essaie d'accéder à une ressource sécurisée, celle-ci est redirigée vers le serveur d'autorisations, mais l'erreur suivante apparaît:

Full authentication is required to access this resource

La même configuration fonctionne bien en cas d'authentification de base. Je rencontre des problèmes lorsque je passe à la connexion. 

Mettre à jour

Le paramètre de sécurité Web suivant a fonctionné. 

                .antMatchers("/login", "/oauth/authorize", "/oauth/confirm_access","/oauth/token").permitAll().anyRequest()

Maintenant, je peux voir la page de connexion et je peux également me connecter, mais après la connexion, le client ne peut pas obtenir de jeton oauth. 

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.

Mon Jul 11 17:39:46 IST 2016
There was an unexpected error (type=Unauthorized, status=401).
Authentication Failed: Could not obtain access token

Je suis capable de voir le journal de serveur suivant

2016-07-11 17:39:46.119 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/css/**'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.119 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/js/**'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.119 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/images/**'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/**/favicon.ico'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/error'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 1 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 2 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'SecurityContextPersistenceFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] w.c.HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository : No HttpSession currently exists
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] w.c.HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository : No SecurityContext was available from the HttpSession: null. A new one will be created.
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 3 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'HeaderWriterFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.header.writers.HstsHeaderWriter  : Not injecting HSTS header since it did not match the requestMatcher org.springframework.security.web.header.writers.HstsHeaderWriter$SecureRequestMatcher@13bb1f26
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 4 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'LogoutFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/logout'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 5 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/login'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 6 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'RequestCacheAwareFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 7 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 8 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'AnonymousAuthenticationFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter  : Populated SecurityContextHolder with anonymous token: 'org.springframework.security.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationToken@9055e4a6: Principal: anonymousUser; Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details: org.springframework.security.web.authentication.WebAuthenticationDetails@957e: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: null; Granted Authorities: ROLE_ANONYMOUS'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.120 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 9 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'SessionManagementFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 10 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'ExceptionTranslationFilter'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token at position 11 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'FilterSecurityInterceptor'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/login'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/oauth/authorize'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/oauth/confirm_access'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.u.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher  : Checking match of request : '/oauth/token'; against '/oauth/token'
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor    : Secure object: FilterInvocation: URL: /oauth/token; Attributes: [permitAll]
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor    : Previously Authenticated: org.springframework.security.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationToken@9055e4a6: Principal: anonymousUser; Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details: org.springframework.security.web.authentication.WebAuthenticationDetails@957e: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: null; Granted Authorities: ROLE_ANONYMOUS
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.access.vote.AffirmativeBased       : Voter: org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.WebExpressionVoter@6780c4c7, returned: 1
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor    : Authorization successful
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.i.FilterSecurityInterceptor    : RunAsManager did not change Authentication object
2016-07-11 17:39:46.121 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.security.web.FilterChainProxy        : /oauth/token reached end of additional filter chain; proceeding with original chain
2016-07-11 17:39:46.122 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] .s.o.p.e.FrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping : Looking up handler method for path /oauth/token
2016-07-11 17:39:46.122 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] .s.o.p.e.FrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping : Returning handler method [public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<org.springframework.security.oauth2.common.OAuth2AccessToken> org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.endpoint.TokenEndpoint.postAccessToken(Java.security.Principal,Java.util.Map<Java.lang.String, Java.lang.String>) throws org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException]
2016-07-11 17:39:46.123  INFO 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.o.provider.endpoint.TokenEndpoint  : Handling error: InsufficientAuthenticationException, There is no client authentication. Try adding an appropriate authentication filter.
2016-07-11 17:39:46.125 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] w.c.HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository : SecurityContext is empty or contents are anonymous - context will not be stored in HttpSession.
2016-07-11 17:39:46.126 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] o.s.s.w.a.ExceptionTranslationFilter     : Chain processed normally
2016-07-11 17:39:46.126 DEBUG 12502 --- [nio-9999-exec-2] s.s.w.c.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter : SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

Mise à jour 2

Voici ma configuration client.

      accessTokenUri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/token
      userAuthorizationUri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/authorize
      clientId: acme
      clientSecret: acmesecret
      userInfoUri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user
    org.springframework.security: DEBUG

Mise à jour 3

Le code est disponible dans le référentiel suivant


Pavan Andhukuri

Je pense avoir compris quel était le problème. 

Je suis passé par l'exemple suivant disponible sur github où le mécanisme d'authentification basé sur la forme a été utilisé (et c'est ce que je cherchais).


Le code exact fonctionne correctement si j'utilise une page non HTML comme page de connexion. Par exemple, JSP ou FTL. L'exemple utilise Freemarker. Tout fonctionne correctement avec mes paramètres si j'utilise des pages ftl. Mais les mêmes ne fonctionnent pas dans le cas de pages .html. 

Pavan Andhukuri

Vous devez rendre les points de terminaison /login publiquement disponibles (non autorisés), les utilisateurs doivent pouvoir se connecter sans être déjà connectés.

Les points de terminaison /oauthdoivent être sécurisés.

Essayez ce qui suit

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .antMatchers("/login.html", "/logout.do").permitAll()

J'ai un exemple de projet spring-security-oauth sur github, vous pouvez le vérifier ici https://github.com/FrontierPsychiatrist/spring-oauth-example/ .


J'essayais tout d'abord d'impl. OAuth Authorize avec grand_type = implicit

Je vous propose d'essayer les étapes suivantes pour résoudre les problèmes liés à OAuth2 au printemps:

  1. Nécessaire essayez de spécifier le paramètre redirect_uri existant; dans les spécifications OAuth2, il n'est pas obligatoire, mais au printemps, il devrait être présent;
  2. L'accès ouvert à OAuth2 pour la page de connexion Spring Secure dans WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (vous l'avez déjà fait) est requis:
  3. Essayez d’effectuer une commande forcée:@Order (-1)pour l’extension de WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter . Cela a résolu la plupart de mes problèmes dans cette question;

Méthodes Ovveriden dans le WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extender: 

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
        web.ignoring().antMatchers("/common/**", "/v2/api-docs", "/configuration/ui", "/swagger-resources",
                "/configuration/security", "/swagger-ui.html", "/webjars/**");