Je veux créer un dictionnaire en javascript comme suit:
myMappings = [
{ "Name":10%},
{ "Phone":10%},
{ "Address":50%},
{ "Zip":10%},
{ "Comments":20%}
Je souhaite remplir une table html ultérieurement et définir les titres de la table sur la première colonne de myMappings et la largeur des colonnes sur la seconde. Comme je suis nouveau à JS, j'ai du mal à trouver la voie propre. Certains pls peuvent suggérer?
Le principal problème que je vois avec ce que vous avez est qu’il est difficile de passer d’une table à l’autre.
Utilisez simplement un tableau de tableaux:
var myMappings = [
["Name", "10%"], // Note the quotes around "10%"
["Phone", "10%"],
// etc..
... ce qui simplifie l'accès:
myMappings[0][0]; // column name
myMappings[0][1]; // column width
var myMappings = {
names: ["Name", "Phone", etc...],
widths: ["10%", "10%", etc...]
Et accès avec:
Une autre approche serait d’avoir un tableau d’objets, chaque objet individuel contenant les propriétés d’une colonne. Cela change légèrement la structure de "myMappings", mais facilite le travail avec:
var myMappings = [
{ title: "Name", width: "10%" },
{ title: "Phone", width: "10%" },
{ title: "Address", width: "50%" },
{ title: "Zip", width: "10%" },
{ title: "Comments", width: "20%" }
Ensuite, vous pouvez facilement parcourir toutes vos "colonnes" avec une boucle for:
for (var i = 0; i < myMappings.length; i += 1) {
// myMappings[i].title ...
// myMappings[i].width ...
Essayez-vous d'utiliser un objet JSON?
var myMappings = { "name": "10%", "phone": "10%", "address": "50%", etc.. }
Techniquement, un objet est adictionary.
var myMappings = {
mykey1: 'myValue',
mykey2: 'myValue'
var myVal = myMappings['myKey1'];
alert(myVal); // myValue
Vous pouvez même en parcourir un.
for(var key in myMappings) {
var myVal = myMappings[key];
Il n'y a aucune raison de réinventer la roue. Et bien sûr, la mission va comme suit:
myMappings['mykey3'] = 'my value';
Et contient la clé:
if (myMappings.hasOwnProperty('myKey3')) {
alert('key already exists!');
Je vous suggère de suivre ceci
var myMappings = {"Name":"10%",
//access like this
myMappings["Name"] //returns "10%"
myMappings.Name //same thing as above
//to loop through...
for(var title in myMappings){
//do whatever with myMappings[title]
Édition >> Bonne nouvelle, voici maintenant un moyen plus simple, natif et plus efficace d’émuler un dict dans JS: Exploitez également le fait que JS est faiblement typé. Plutôt inférence de type. En tous cas..
Voici comment (extrait de la console de Google Chrome):
var myDict = {}; = 1;
myDict.two = 2;
if (myDict.hasOwnProperty('three'))
console.log('Key does not exist!');
Key does not exist! VM361:8
if (myDict.hasOwnProperty('two'))
console.log('Key does not exist!');
2 VM362:4
["one", "two"]
Je suggère de ne pas utiliser de tableau sauf si vous avez plusieurs objets à prendre en compte. Il n'y a rien de mal à cette déclaration.
var myMappings = {
for (var col in myMappings) {
alert((myMappings[col] * 100) + "%");
Voici un dictionnaire qui prendra n'importe quel type de clé tant que la propriété toString () renvoie des valeurs uniques. Le dictionnaire utilise n'importe quoi comme valeur pour la paire clé-valeur.
Pour utiliser le dictionnaire tel quel:
var dictFact = new Dict();
var myDict = dictFact.New();
myDict.addOrUpdate("key1", "Value1");
myDict.addOrUpdate("key2", "Value2");
myDict.addOrUpdate("keyN", "ValueN");
Code du dictionnaire ci-dessous:
* Dictionary Factory Object
* Holds common object functions. similar to V-Table
* this.New() used to create new dictionary objects
* Uses Object.defineProperties so won't work on older browsers.
* Browser Compatibility (
* Firefox (Gecko) 4.0 (2), Chrome 5, IE 9, Opera 11.60, Safari 5
function Dict() {
* Create a new Dictionary
this.New = function () {
return new dict();
* Return argument f if it is a function otherwise return undefined
function ensureF(f) {
if (isFunct(f)) {
return f;
function isFunct(f) {
return (typeof f == "function");
* Add a "_" as first character just to be sure valid property name
function makeKey(k) {
return "_" + k;
* Key Value Pair object - held in array
function newkvp(key, value) {
return {
key: key,
value: value,
toString: function () { return this.key; },
valueOf: function () { return this.key; }
* Return the current set of keys.
function keys(a) {
// remove the leading "-" character from the keys
return (e) { return e.key.substr(1); });
// Alternative: Requires Opera 12 vs. 11.60
// -- Must pass the internal object instead of the array
// -- Still need to remove the leading "-" to return user key values
// Object.keys(o).map(function (e) { return e.key.substr(1); });
* Return the current set of values.
function values(a) {
return { return e.value; } );
* Return the current set of key value pairs.
function kvPs(a) {
// remove the leading "-" character from the keys
return (e) { return newkvp(e.key.substr(1), e.value); });
* Returns true if key exists in the dictionary.
* k - Key to check (with the leading "_" character)
function exists(k, o) {
return o.hasOwnProperty(k);
* Array Map implementation
function map(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) { return; }
return (e, i) { return f(e.value, i); });
* Array Every implementation
function every(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) { return; }
return a.every(function (e, i) { return f(e.value, i) });
* Returns subset of "values" where function "f" returns true for the "value"
function filter(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) {return; }
var ret = a.filter(function (e, i) { return f(e.value, i); });
// if anything returned by array.filter, then get the "values" from the key value pairs
if (ret && ret.length > 0) {
ret = values(ret);
return ret;
* Array Reverse implementation
function reverse(a, o) {
reindex(a, o, 0);
* Randomize array element order in-place.
* Using Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.
function shuffle(a, o) {
var j, t;
for (var i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
t = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = t;
reindex(a, o, 0);
return a;
* Array Some implementation
function some(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) { return; }
return a.some(function (e, i) { return f(e.value, i) });
* Sort the dictionary. Sorts the array and reindexes the object.
* a - dictionary array
* o - dictionary object
* sf - dictionary default sort function (can be undefined)
* f - sort method sort function argument (can be undefined)
function sort(a, o, sf, f) {
var sf1 = f || sf; // sort function method used if not undefined
// if there is a customer sort function, use it
if (isFunct(sf1)) {
a.sort(function (e1, e2) { return sf1(e1.value, e2.value); });
else {
// sort by key values
// reindex - adds O(n) to perf
reindex(a, o, 0);
// return sorted values (not entire array)
// adds O(n) to perf
return values(a);
* forEach iteration of "values"
* uses "for" loop to allow exiting iteration when function returns true
function forEach(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) { return; }
// use for loop to allow exiting early and not iterating all items
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (f(a[i].value, i)) { break; }
* forEachR iteration of "values" in reverse order
* uses "for" loop to allow exiting iteration when function returns true
function forEachR(a, f) {
if (!isFunct(f)) { return; }
// use for loop to allow exiting early and not iterating all items
for (var i = a.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
if (f(a[i].value, i)) { break; }
* Add a new Key Value Pair, or update the value of an existing key value pair
function add(key, value, a, o, resort, sf) {
var k = makeKey(key);
// Update value if key exists
if (exists(k, o)) {
a[o[k]].value = value;
else {
// Add a new Key value Pair
var kvp = newkvp(k, value);
o[kvp.key] = a.length;
// resort if requested
if (resort) { sort(a, o, sf); }
* Removes an existing key value pair and returns the "value" If the key does not exists, returns undefined
function remove(key, a, o) {
var k = makeKey(key);
// return undefined if the key does not exist
if (!exists(k, o)) { return; }
// get the array index
var i = o[k];
// get the key value pair
var ret = a[i];
// remove the array element
a.splice(i, 1);
// remove the object property
delete o[k];
// reindex the object properties from the remove element to end of the array
reindex(a, o, i);
// return the removed value
return ret.value;
* Returns true if key exists in the dictionary.
* k - Key to check (without the leading "_" character)
function keyExists(k, o) {
return exists(makeKey(k), o);
* Returns value assocated with "key". Returns undefined if key not found
function item(key, a, o) {
var k = makeKey(key);
if (exists(k, o)) {
return a[o[k]].value;
* changes index values held by object properties to match the array index location
* Called after sorting or removing
function reindex(a, o, i){
for (var j = i; j < a.length; j++) {
o[a[j].key] = j;
* The "real dictionary"
function dict() {
var _a = [];
var _o = {};
var _sortF;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
"length": { get: function () { return _a.length; }, enumerable: true },
"keys": { get: function() { return keys(_a); }, enumerable: true },
"values": { get: function() { return values(_a); }, enumerable: true },
"keyValuePairs": { get: function() { return kvPs(_a); }, enumerable: true},
"sortFunction": { get: function() { return _sortF; }, set: function(funct) { _sortF = ensureF(funct); }, enumerable: true }
// Array Methods - Only modification to not pass the actual array to the callback function = function(funct) { return map(_a, funct); };
this.every = function(funct) { return every(_a, funct); };
this.filter = function(funct) { return filter(_a, funct); };
this.reverse = function() { reverse(_a, _o); };
this.shuffle = function () { return shuffle(_a, _o); };
this.some = function(funct) { return some(_a, funct); };
this.sort = function(funct) { return sort(_a, _o, _sortF, funct); };
// Array Methods - Modified aborts when funct returns true.
this.forEach = function (funct) { forEach(_a, funct) };
// forEach in reverse order
this.forEachRev = function (funct) { forEachR(_a, funct) };
// Dictionary Methods
this.addOrUpdate = function(key, value, resort) { return add(key, value, _a, _o, resort, _sortF); };
this.remove = function(key) { return remove(key, _a, _o); };
this.exists = function(key) { return keyExists(key, _o); };
this.item = function(key) { return item(key, _a, _o); };
this.get = function (index) { if (index > -1 && index < _a.length) { return _a[index].value; } } ,
this.clear = function() { _a = []; _o = {}; };
return this;
return this;