
Dropzone JS - Chunking

Je pense que je suis assez proche de cela, j'ai la configuration de dropzone suivante:

Dropzone.options.myDZ = {
  chunking: true,
  chunkSize: 500000,
  retryChunks: true,
  retryChunksLimit: 3,
  chunksUploaded: function(file, done) {

Cependant, en raison de la commande done(), elle se termine après 1 morceau. Je pense qu'à ce stade, je dois vérifier si tous les morceaux ont été téléchargés, et si c'est le cas, appelez done()

Voici le wiki pour le découpage: https://gitlab.com/meno/dropzone/wikis/faq#chunked-uploads

Et voici les options de configuration: http://www.dropzonejs.com/#configuration

Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà utilisé dropzone?


Après avoir travaillé dessus pendant un certain temps, je peux confirmer (avec la dernière version de dropzone 5.4.0) que chunksUploaded ne sera appelé que lorsque tous les morceaux d'un fichier auront été téléchargés. L'appel de done() traitera file comme un succès. Quelle est la taille du fichier que vous essayez de télécharger? S'il est en dessous de chunkSize, il ne fragmentera pas réellement ce fichier (puisque la valeur par défaut de forceChunking = false;) Et chunksUploaded ne seront pas appelés ( source ).

Ci-dessous, j'ai inclus mon implémentation frontale de travail de segmentation avec dropzone.js. Quelques notes au préalable: myDropzone et currentFile sont des variables globales déclarées en dehors de la $(document).ready() comme ceci:

var currentFile = null;
var myDropzone = null;

C'est parce que j'ai besoin qu'ils soient dans la portée lorsque je fais ma gestion des erreurs pour la demande PUT à l'intérieur de la fonction chunksUploaded (la done() passée ici n'accepte pas un message d'erreur comme un argument, nous devons donc le gérer nous-mêmes, ce qui nécessite ces variables globales. Je peux élaborer plus si nécessaire).

$(function () {
    myDropzone = new Dropzone("#attachDZ", {
        url: "/api/ChunkedUpload",  
        params: function (files, xhr, chunk) {
            if (chunk) {
                return {
                    dzUuid: chunk.file.upload.uuid,
                    dzChunkIndex: chunk.index,
                    dzTotalFileSize: chunk.file.size,
                    dzCurrentChunkSize: chunk.dataBlock.data.size,
                    dzTotalChunkCount: chunk.file.upload.totalChunkCount,
                    dzChunkByteOffset: chunk.index * this.options.chunkSize,
                    dzChunkSize: this.options.chunkSize,
                    dzFilename: chunk.file.name,
                    userID: <%= UserID %>,
        parallelUploads: 1,  // since we're using a global 'currentFile', we could have issues if parallelUploads > 1, so we'll make it = 1
        maxFilesize: 1024,   // max individual file size 1024 MB
        chunking: true,      // enable chunking
        forceChunking: true, // forces chunking when file.size < chunkSize
        parallelChunkUploads: true, // allows chunks to be uploaded in parallel (this is independent of the parallelUploads option)
        chunkSize: 1000000,  // chunk size 1,000,000 bytes (~1MB)
        retryChunks: true,   // retry chunks on failure
        retryChunksLimit: 3, // retry maximum of 3 times (default is 3)
        chunksUploaded: function (file, done) {
            // All chunks have been uploaded. Perform any other actions
            currentFile = file;

            // This calls server-side code to merge all chunks for the currentFile
                type: "PUT",
                url: "/api/ChunkedUpload?dzIdentifier=" + currentFile.upload.uuid
                    + "&fileName=" + encodeURIComponent(currentFile.name)
                    + "&expectedBytes=" + currentFile.size
                    + "&totalChunks=" + currentFile.upload.totalChunkCount
                    + "&userID=" + <%= UserID %>,
                success: function (data) {
                    // Must call done() if successful
                error: function (msg) {
                    currentFile.accepted = false;
                    myDropzone._errorProcessing([currentFile], msg.responseText);
        init: function() {

            // This calls server-side code to delete temporary files created if the file failed to upload
            // This also gets called if the upload is canceled
            this.on('error', function(file, errorMessage) {
                    type: "DELETE",
                    url: "/api/ChunkedUpload?dzIdentifier=" + file.upload.uuid
                        + "&fileName=" + encodeURIComponent(file.name)
                        + "&expectedBytes=" + file.size
                        + "&totalChunks=" + file.upload.totalChunkCount
                        + "&userID=" + <%= UserID %>,
                    success: function (data) {
                        // nothing

Si quelqu'un s'intéresse à mon code côté serveur, faites-le moi savoir et je le posterai. J'utilise C #/ASP.Net.

EDIT: Ajout du code côté serveur


public class ChunkedUploadController : ApiController
    private class DzMeta
        public int intChunkNumber = 0;
        public string dzChunkNumber { get; set; }
        public string dzChunkSize { get; set; }
        public string dzCurrentChunkSize { get; set; }
        public string dzTotalSize { get; set; }
        public string dzIdentifier { get; set; }
        public string dzFilename { get; set; }
        public string dzTotalChunks { get; set; }
        public string dzCurrentChunkByteOffset { get; set; }
        public string userID { get; set; }

        public DzMeta(Dictionary<string, string> values)
            dzChunkNumber = values["dzChunkIndex"];
            dzChunkSize = values["dzChunkSize"];
            dzCurrentChunkSize = values["dzCurrentChunkSize"];
            dzTotalSize = values["dzTotalFileSize"];
            dzIdentifier = values["dzUuid"];
            dzFilename = values["dzFileName"];
            dzTotalChunks = values["dzTotalChunkCount"];
            dzCurrentChunkByteOffset = values["dzChunkByteOffset"];
            userID = values["userID"];
            int.TryParse(dzChunkNumber, out intChunkNumber);

        public DzMeta(NameValueCollection values)
            dzChunkNumber = values["dzChunkIndex"];
            dzChunkSize = values["dzChunkSize"];
            dzCurrentChunkSize = values["dzCurrentChunkSize"];
            dzTotalSize = values["dzTotalFileSize"];
            dzIdentifier = values["dzUuid"];
            dzFilename = values["dzFileName"];
            dzTotalChunks = values["dzTotalChunkCount"];
            dzCurrentChunkByteOffset = values["dzChunkByteOffset"];
            userID = values["userID"];
            int.TryParse(dzChunkNumber, out intChunkNumber);

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadChunk()
        HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Created };

            if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data"))
                //No Files uploaded
                response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                response.Content = new StringContent("No file uploaded or MIME multipart content not as expected!");
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);

            var meta = new DzMeta(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form);
            var chunkDirBasePath = tSysParm.GetParameter("CHUNKUPDIR"); 
            var path = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", chunkDirBasePath, meta.dzIdentifier);
            var filename = string.Format(@"{0}.{1}.{2}.tmp", meta.dzFilename, (meta.intChunkNumber + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'), meta.dzTotalChunks.PadLeft(4, '0'));


            await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(path, filename)).ContinueWith((task) =>
                if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled)
                    response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                    response.Content = new StringContent("Chunk upload task is faulted or canceled!");
                    throw new HttpResponseException(response);
        catch (HttpResponseException ex)
            LogProxy.WriteError(ex.Response.Content.ToString(), ex);
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogProxy.WriteError("Error uploading/saving chunk to filesystem", ex);
            response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            response.Content = new StringContent(string.Format("Error uploading/saving chunk to filesystem: {0}", ex.Message));

        return response;

    public HttpResponseMessage CommitChunks([FromUri]string dzIdentifier, [FromUri]string fileName, [FromUri]int expectedBytes, [FromUri]int totalChunks, [FromUri]int userID)
        HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK };
        string path = "";

            var chunkDirBasePath = tSysParm.GetParameter("CHUNKUPDIR");
            path = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", chunkDirBasePath, dzIdentifier);
            var dest = Path.Combine(path, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName));
            FileInfo info = null;

            // Get all files in directory and combine in filestream
            var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path).Where(s => !s.Equals(dest)).OrderBy(s => s);
            // Check that the number of chunks is as expected
            if (files.Count() != totalChunks)
                response.Content = new StringContent(string.Format("Total number of chunks: {0}. Expected: {1}!", files.Count(), totalChunks));
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);

            // Merge chunks into one file
            using (var fStream = new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create))
                foreach (var file in files)
                    using (var sourceStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file))

            // Check that merged file length is as expected.
            info = new FileInfo(dest);
            if (info != null)
                if (info.Length == expectedBytes)
                    // Save the file in the database
                    tTempAtt file = tTempAtt.NewInstance();
                    file.ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(info.Name);
                    file.File = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(info.FullName);
                    file.FileName = info.Name;
                    file.Title = info.Name;
                    file.TemporaryID = userID;
                    file.Description = info.Name;
                    file.User = userID;
                    file.Date = SafeDateTime.Now;
                    response.Content = new StringContent(string.Format("Total file size: {0}. Expected: {1}!", info.Length, expectedBytes));
                    throw new HttpResponseException(response);
                response.Content = new StringContent("Chunks failed to merge and file not saved!");
                throw new HttpResponseException(response);
        catch (HttpResponseException ex)
            LogProxy.WriteError(ex.Response.Content.ToString(), ex);
            response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogProxy.WriteError("Error merging chunked upload!", ex);
            response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            response.Content = new StringContent(string.Format("Error merging chunked upload: {0}", ex.Message));
            // No matter what happens, we need to delete the temporary files if they exist
            if (!path.IsNullOrWS() && Directory.Exists(path))
                Directory.Delete(path, true);

        return response;

    public HttpResponseMessage DeleteCanceledChunks([FromUri]string dzIdentifier, [FromUri]string fileName, [FromUri]int expectedBytes, [FromUri]int totalChunks, [FromUri]int userID)
        HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK };

            var chunkDirBasePath = tSysParm.GetParameter("CHUNKUPDIR");
            var path = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", chunkDirBasePath, dzIdentifier);

            // Delete abandoned chunks if they exist
            if (!path.IsNullOrWS() && Directory.Exists(path))
                Directory.Delete(path, true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogProxy.WriteError("Error deleting canceled chunks", ex);
            response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            response.Content = new StringContent(string.Format("Error deleting canceled chunks: {0}", ex.Message));

        return response;

Et enfin, CustomMultipartFormDataStreamPrivder.cs:

public class CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider : MultipartFormDataStreamProvider
    public readonly string _filename;
    public CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(string path, string filename) : base(path)
        _filename = filename;

    public override string GetLocalFileName(HttpContentHeaders headers)
        return _filename;