
--fix ne corrige pas les erreurs en utilisant eslint

J'utilise eslint dans le code visuel pour formater les fichiers js mais cela me donne des erreurs à chaque fois que je l'exécute, voici ma ligne de commande pour l'exécuter node ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint -- src --fix le message d'erreur

  1:8   error  There should be no space after '{'                object-curly-spacing
  1:26  error  There should be no space before '}'               object-curly-spacing
  6:1   error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 2 spaces  indent
  7:1   error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 2 spaces  indent
  8:4   error  Newline required at end of file but not found     eol-last

   1:8   error  There should be no space after '{'                  object-curly-spacing
   1:22  error  There should be no space before '}'                 object-curly-spacing
   4:1   error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 4 spaces    indent
   7:24  error  Missing space before function parentheses           space-before-function-paren
   7:54  error  Missing space before opening brace                  space-before-blocks
   8:1   error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 4 spaces    indent
   9:1   error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 4 spaces    indent

   12:1  error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 2 spaces    indent
   17:1  error  Expected indentation of 5 tabs but found 6 spaces   indent
   17:7  error  Use regex shorthands to improve readability         Unicorn/regex-shorthand
   22:1  error  Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 2 spaces    indent

✖ 309 problems (309 errors, 0 warnings)
  309 errors, 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.

Comment puis-je les corriger automatiquement?

gretty volk

Utiliser --fix option, vous devez exécuter eslint directement.

Essaye ça

./node_modules/.bin/eslint src --fix

Le format doit être:

./node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix path/to/file.js

Voir ce fil (et la réponse de aravind1078) pour plus d'informations.



extend(config, ctx) {
      // Run ESLint on save
      if (ctx.isDev && ctx.isClient) {
          enforce: 'pre',
          test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
          loader: 'eslint-loader',
          exclude: /(node_modules)/,
          options: {
            fix: true
You. You can use this on the first page
    const colors = require('vuetify/es5/util/colors').default
    const pkg = require('./package')

    module.exports = {
      mode: 'universal',
      ** Headers of the page
      head: {
        titleTemplate: '%s - ' + process.env.npm_package_name,
        title: process.env.npm_package_name || '',
        meta: [
          { charset: 'utf-8' },
          { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
            hid: 'description',
            name: 'description',
            content: process.env.npm_package_description || ''
        link: [{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }]
      ** Customize the progress-bar color
      loading: { color: '#fff' },
      ** Global CSS
      css: [],
      ** Plugins to load before mounting the App
      plugins: [],
      ** Nuxt.js dev-modules
      buildModules: [
        // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/eslint-module
      ** Nuxt.js modules
      modules: [
        // Doc: https://axios.nuxtjs.org/usage
        // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/dotenv-module
      ** Axios module configuration
      ** See https://axios.nuxtjs.org/options
      axios: {},
      ** vuetify module configuration
      ** https://github.com/nuxt-community/vuetify-module
      ** Build configuration
      build: {
        extend(config, ctx) {
          // Run ESLint on save
          if (ctx.isDev && ctx.isClient) {
              enforce: 'pre',
              test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
              loader: 'eslint-loader',
              exclude: /(node_modules)/,
              options: {
                fix: true

Si vous ne me comprenez toujours pas.


J'ai juste eu le même problème que je cours

eslint --fix fileName.extention
Christopher Lowe