J'ai donc cette méthode de publication avec Axios et si je la soumets, elle dit
Erreur non détectée (en promesse): Erreur réseau à createError (createError.js: 16) à XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js: 87)
Si j'utilise cette méthode:
axios.post('http://localhost:5000/users', ({userid: this.state.userid})
ça marche. Mais si j'ajoute 2 arguments ou plus au message axios, il obtient à nouveau une erreur:
axios.post('http://localhost:5000/users', ({userid: this.state.userid}, {fullname: this.state.fullname} ))
Voici mon code complet. Comme vous pouvez le voir, j'essaie différentes combinaisons de code, et cela ne fonctionne que si je ne passe que 1 argument.
import React from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
// import { Form } from 'antd';
// import { List, Card, Form } from 'antd';
export default class FormUser extends React.Component {
// constructor(props) {
// super(props)
// this.state = {
state = {
userid: '',
fullname: '',
emailid: '',
mobile: '',
title: '',
handleChange = event => {
this.setState({ userid: event.target.value });
this.setState({ fullname: event.target.value });
this.setState({ usergroup: event.target.value });
this.setState({ emailid: event.target.value });
this.setState({ mobile: event.target.value });
this.setState({ title: event.target.value });
handleSubmit = event => {
// const userform = {userid: this.state.userid};
// const fullnameForm = {fullname: this.state.fullname};
// const usergroupForm = {usergroup: this.state.usergroup};
// const emailidForm = {emailid: this.state.emailid};
// const mobileForm = {mobile: this.state.mobile};
// const titleForm = {title: this.state.title};
axios.post('http://localhost:5000/users', ({userid: this.state.userid}, {fullname: this.state.fullname} ))
// { {userid: this.state.userid}, {fullname: this.state.fullname} , usergroup: this.state.usergroup, emailid: this.state.emailid, mobile: this.state.mobile, title: this.state.title })
// { userform, fullnameForm, usergroupForm, emailidForm, mobileForm, titleForm })
.then(res => {
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<label>User Project ID: <input type="text" name="userid" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label><br/>
<label>Full Name: <input type="text" name="fullname" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label><br/>
<label>User Group: <input type="text" name="usergroup" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label><br/>
<label>Email: <input type="text" name="emailid" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label><br/>
<label>Mobile: <input type="text" name="mobile" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label><br/>
<label>Title: <input type="text" name="title" onChange={this.handleChange}/></label>
<button type="submit">Add</button>
AXIOS POST sur Express
app.post('/users', function (req, res) {
var postData = req.body;
// postData.created_at = new Date();
connection.query("INSERT INTO users SET ?", postData, function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) throw error;
eventHandler pour chaque état. Existe-t-il un moyen de mieux faire cela? oui, cela fonctionnerait quelque chose comme ça
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class UserForm extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
fname: '',
lname: '',
email: '',
onChange = (e) => {
Because we named the inputs to match their
corresponding values in state, it's
super easy to update the state
this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value });
render() {
const { fname, lname, email } = this.state;
return (
et sur la soumission du formulaire que votre poste axios fonctionnerait quelque chose comme ça
onSubmit = (e) => {
// get our form data out of state
const { fname, lname, email } = this.state;
axios.post('/', { fname, lname, email })
.then((result) => {
//access the results here....
_ Le 3ème argument de axios.post(url[, data[, config]])
est l'objet de configuration Axios, que vous passez par inadvertance dans
axios.post('http://localhost:5000/users', ({userid: this.state.userid}, {fullname: this.state.fullname} ))
de sorte que la demande est mal configurée et ne fonctionne pas.
Au lieu de cela, toutes les données de POST doivent se trouver dans le seul objet data
axios.post('http://localhost:5000/users', {
userid: this.state.userid,
fullname: this.state.fullname,
Donc, apparemment, je dois ajouter un gestionnaire d'événements pour chaque état. Existe-t-il un moyen de mieux faire cela?
import React from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import { Form } from 'antd';
// import { List, Card, Form } from 'antd';
const FormItem = Form.Item;
export default class FormUser extends React.Component {
// constructor(props) {
// super(props)
// this.state = {
state = {
userid: '',
fullname: '',
usergroup: '',
emailid: '',
mobile: '',
title: '',
handleUserIDChange = event => {this.setState({ userid: event.target.value })}
handleFullNameChange = event => {this.setState({ fullname: event.target.value })}
handleUserGroupChange = event => {this.setState({ usergroup: event.target.value })}
handleEmailIDChange = event => {this.setState({ emailid: event.target.value })}
handleMobileChange = event => {this.setState({ mobile: event.target.value })}
handleTitleChange = event => {this.setState({ title: event.target.value })}
handleSubmit = event => {
// const userform = {userid: this.state.userid};
// const fullnameForm = {fullname: this.state.fullname};
// const usergroupForm = {usergroup: this.state.usergroup};
// const emailidForm = {emailid: this.state.emailid};
// const mobileForm = {mobile: this.state.mobile};
// const titleForm = {title: this.state.title};
{ userid: this.state.userid, fullname: this.state.fullname, usergroup: this.state.usergroup, emailid: this.state.emailid, mobile: this.state.mobile, title: this.state.title },)
.then(res => {
render() {
return (
// const formItemLayout = {
// labelCol: {
// xs: { span: 24 },
// sm: { span: 8 },
// },
// wrapperCol: {
// xs: { span: 24 },
// sm: { span: 16},
// },
// };
<Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<label>User Project ID: <input type="text" name="this.state.userid" onChange={this.handleUserIDChange} /></label>
<label>Full Name: <input type="text" name="this.state.fullname" onChange={this.handleFullNameChange} /></label><br />
<label>User Group: <input type="text" name="this.state.usergroup" onChange={this.handleUserGroupChange} /></label><br />
<label>Email: <input type="text" name="this.state.emailid" onChange={this.handleEmailIDChange} /></label>
<label>Mobile: <input type="text" name="this.state.mobile" onChange={this.handleMobileChange} /></label>
<label>Title: <input type="text" name="this.state.title" onChange={this.handleTitleChange} /></label>
<button type="submit">Add</button>