
Que fait _.debounce?

Un projet sur lequel je travaille utilise _.debounce ().

La documentation Underscore JS pour debounce se lit comme suit:

debounce _.debounce(function, wait, [immediate])

Crée et renvoie une nouvelle version anti-rebond de la fonction passée qui retardera son exécution jusqu'à ce que attende millisecondes se soit écoulée depuis la dernière invocation.

Cela suppose évidemment que quiconque veut savoir ce que fait debounce(), sait déjà ce que signifie 'debounce'.

Que fait réellement le anti-rebond?


Fondamentalement, il limite les appels, donc s'il est appelé plus d'une fois en peu de temps, une seule instance sera appelée.

Pourquoi l'utiliseriez-vous?

Des événements comme window.onresize se déclenchent plusieurs fois en succession rapide. Si vous devez effectuer de nombreux calculs sur la nouvelle position, vous ne voudrez pas déclencher les calculs plusieurs fois. Vous ne souhaitez le déclencher que lorsque l'utilisateur a terminé l'événement de redimensionnement.


Description du code source de underscore.js:

Renvoie une fonction qui, tant qu'elle continue d'être invoquée, ne sera pas déclenchée. La fonction sera appelée après avoir cessé d'être appelée pendant N millisecondes. Si "immédiat" est passé, déclenchez la fonction sur le bord avant, au lieu de la fin.

Codez-le vous-même:

_.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
  var timeout, result;
  return function() {
    var context = this, args = arguments;
    var later = function() {
      timeout = null;
      if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args);
    var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
    if (callNow) result = func.apply(context, args);
    return result;

J'ai écrit un article intitulé Démystifier Debounce en JavaScript où j'explique exactement comment fonctionne une fonction anti-rebond et j'inclus une démo.

Une fonction anti-rebond permet de "limiter" l'exécution d'une fonction. Ils sont généralement utilisés dans des circonstances où une fonction est liée à un événement qui se déclenche en succession rapide. Il est courant de voir une fonction anti-rebond utilisée lors du redimensionnement et du défilement des fenêtres.

Qu'elles soient soulignées ou une autre bibliothèque JavaScript, toutes les fonctions anti-rebond reposent sur la méthode native setTimeout de JavaScript. Donc, avant de vous plonger dans la compréhension de ce que fait une fonction anti-rebond, c'est une bonne idée d'avoir une compréhension de WindowTimers (liens vers MDN) approfondie.

De plus, vous souhaiterez avoir une bonne compréhension de la portée et des fermetures. Bien que relativement petites, les fonctions anti-rebond emploient en fait des concepts JavaScript assez avancés!

Cela dit, ci-dessous est la fonction de base anti-rebond expliquée et démontrée dans mon article référencé ci-dessus.

Le produit fini

// Create JD Object
// ----------------
var JD = {};

// Debounce Method
// ---------------
JD.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
    var timeout;
    return function() {
        var context = this,
            args = arguments;
        var later = function() {
            timeout = null;
            if ( !immediate ) {
                func.apply(context, args);
        var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait || 200);
        if ( callNow ) { 
            func.apply(context, args);


// Create JD Object
// ----------------
    It's a good idea to attach helper methods like `debounce` to your own 
    custom object. That way, you don't pollute the global space by 
    attaching methods to the `window` object and potentially run in to
var JD = {};

// Debounce Method
// ---------------
    Return a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will
    not be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being 
    called for `wait` milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the 
    function on the leading Edge, instead of the trailing.
JD.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
        Declare a variable named `timeout` variable that we will later use 
        to store the *timeout ID returned by the `setTimeout` function.

        *When setTimeout is called, it retuns a numeric ID. This unique ID
        can be used in conjunction with JavaScript's `clearTimeout` method 
        to prevent the code passed in the first argument of the `setTimout`
        function from being called. Note, this prevention will only occur
        if `clearTimeout` is called before the specified number of 
        milliseconds passed in the second argument of setTimeout have been
    var timeout;

        Return an anomymous function that has access to the `func`
        argument of our `debounce` method through the process of closure.
    return function() {

            1) Assign `this` to a variable named `context` so that the 
               `func` argument passed to our `debounce` method can be 
               called in the proper context.

            2) Assign all *arugments passed in the `func` argument of our
               `debounce` method to a variable named `args`.

            *JavaScript natively makes all arguments passed to a function
            accessible inside of the function in an array-like variable 
            named `arguments`. Assinging `arguments` to `args` combines 
            all arguments passed in the `func` argument of our `debounce` 
            method in a single variable.
        var context = this,   /* 1 */
            args = arguments; /* 2 */

            Assign an anonymous function to a variable named `later`.
            This function will be passed in the first argument of the
            `setTimeout` function below.
        var later = function() {

                When the `later` function is called, remove the numeric ID 
                that was assigned to it by the `setTimeout` function.

                Note, by the time the `later` function is called, the
                `setTimeout` function will have returned a numeric ID to 
                the `timeout` variable. That numeric ID is removed by 
                assiging `null` to `timeout`.
            timeout = null;

                If the boolean value passed in the `immediate` argument 
                of our `debouce` method is falsy, then invoke the 
                function passed in the `func` argument of our `debouce`
                method using JavaScript's *`apply` method.

                *The `apply` method allows you to call a function in an
                explicit context. The first argument defines what `this`
                should be. The second argument is passed as an array 
                containing all the arguments that should be passed to 
                `func` when it is called. Previously, we assigned `this` 
                to the `context` variable, and we assigned all arguments 
                passed in `func` to the `args` variable.
            if ( !immediate ) {
                func.apply(context, args);

            If the value passed in the `immediate` argument of our 
            `debounce` method is truthy and the value assigned to `timeout`
            is falsy, then assign `true` to the `callNow` variable.
            Otherwise, assign `false` to the `callNow` variable.
        var callNow = immediate && !timeout;

            As long as the event that our `debounce` method is bound to is 
            still firing within the `wait` period, remove the numerical ID  
            (returned to the `timeout` vaiable by `setTimeout`) from 
            JavaScript's execution queue. This prevents the function passed 
            in the `setTimeout` function from being invoked.

            Remember, the `debounce` method is intended for use on events
            that rapidly fire, ie: a window resize or scroll. The *first* 
            time the event fires, the `timeout` variable has been declared, 
            but no value has been assigned to it - it is `undefined`. 
            Therefore, nothing is removed from JavaScript's execution queue 
            because nothing has been placed in the queue - there is nothing 
            to clear.

            Below, the `timeout` variable is assigned the numerical ID 
            returned by the `setTimeout` function. So long as *subsequent* 
            events are fired before the `wait` is met, `timeout` will be 
            cleared, resulting in the function passed in the `setTimeout` 
            function being removed from the execution queue. As soon as the 
            `wait` is met, the function passed in the `setTimeout` function 
            will execute.

            Assign a `setTimout` function to the `timeout` variable we 
            previously declared. Pass the function assigned to the `later` 
            variable to the `setTimeout` function, along with the numerical 
            value assigned to the `wait` argument in our `debounce` method. 
            If no value is passed to the `wait` argument in our `debounce` 
            method, pass a value of 200 milliseconds to the `setTimeout` 
        timeout = setTimeout(later, wait || 200);

            Typically, you want the function passed in the `func` argument
            of our `debounce` method to execute once *after* the `wait` 
            period has been met for the event that our `debounce` method is 
            bound to (the trailing side). However, if you want the function 
            to execute once *before* the event has finished (on the leading 
            side), you can pass `true` in the `immediate` argument of our 
            `debounce` method.

            If `true` is passed in the `immediate` argument of our 
            `debounce` method, the value assigned to the `callNow` variable 
            declared above will be `true` only after the *first* time the 
            event that our `debounce` method is bound to has fired.

            After the first time the event is fired, the `timeout` variable
            will contain a falsey value. Therfore, the result of the 
            expression that gets assigned to the `callNow` variable is 
            `true` and the function passed in the `func` argument of our
            `debounce` method is exected in the line of code below.

            Every subsequent time the event that our `debounce` method is 
            bound to fires within the `wait` period, the `timeout` variable 
            holds the numerical ID returned from the `setTimout` function 
            assigned to it when the previous event was fired, and the 
            `debounce` method was executed.

            This means that for all subsequent events within the `wait`
            period, the `timeout` variable holds a truthy value, and the
            result of the expression that gets assigned to the `callNow`
            variable is `false`. Therefore, the function passed in the 
            `func` argument of our `debounce` method will not be executed.  

            Lastly, when the `wait` period is met and the `later` function
            that is passed in the `setTimeout` function executes, the 
            result is that it just assigns `null` to the `timeout` 
            variable. The `func` argument passed in our `debounce` method 
            will not be executed because the `if` condition inside the 
            `later` function fails. 
        if ( callNow ) { 
            func.apply(context, args);
John Dugan

Il retient l'exécution d'une fonction jusqu'à l'expiration d'un délai. Cela permet d'éviter l'exécution continue de fonctions lorsqu'elles ne sont pas nécessaires. Attention, puisque underscore.debounce () s'appuie sur du code complexe. La plupart du temps, une simple instruction "if" à l'intérieur de la fonction est beaucoup plus rapide que le rebounce. Vous pouvez implémenter un compteur, exécutant la méthode uniquement chaque N d'itérations, ou un délai d'attente, en vérifiant qu'au moins une certaine quantité de millisecondes s'est écoulée.
