J'ai besoin de convertir une chaîne Json en une structure de données de table dans Lua. J'utilise le code suivant.
local json = require "json"
local t = {
["name1"] = "value1",
["name2"] = { 1, false, true, 23.54, "a \021 string" },
name3 = json.null
local encode = json.encode (t)
print (encode) --> {"name1":"value1","name3":null,"name2":[1,false,true,23.54,"a \u0015 string"]}
local decode = json.decode( encode )
Mais lorsque j'exécute le script, j'obtiens les erreurs suivantes,
no field package.preload['json']
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/json.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/json/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/json.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/json/init.lua'
no file './json.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/json.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/loadall.so'
no file './json.so'
Alors, comment convertir ma chaîne json en table lua?
peut-être lua-cjson est votre ami:
installer par exemple à travers les luarocks:
$Sudo luarocks install lua-cjson
puis en lua:
local json = require('cjson')
local tab = json.decode(json_string)
json_string = json.encode(tab)
Vous pouvez utiliser json-lua . Une implémentation pure lua de json. Installez d'abord json-lua à l'aide de Luarocks. luarocks install json-lua
. Utilisez ensuite ce code:
local json = require "json"
local t = {
["name1"] = "value1",
["name2"] = { 1, false, true, 23.54, "a \021 string" },
name3 = json.null
local encode = json:encode (t)
print (encode) --> {"name1":"value1","name3":null,"name2":[1,false,true,23.54,"a \u0015 string"]}
local decode = json:decode( encode )
Testé et vérifié sur win 7 64 bits avec lua 5.1. lua-cjson est bien, mais ce n'est pas un pur rocher lua. Ainsi, son installation ne vous sera pas plus facile.
J'ai trouvé un fichier de script lua pur pour analyser les données json (un seul fichier).
local json = {}
-- Internal functions.
local function kind_of(obj)
if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return type(obj) end
local i = 1
for _ in pairs(obj) do
if obj[i] ~= nil then i = i + 1 else return 'table' end
if i == 1 then return 'table' else return 'array' end
local function escape_str(s)
local in_char = {'\\', '"', '/', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t'}
local out_char = {'\\', '"', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'}
for i, c in ipairs(in_char) do
s = s:gsub(c, '\\' .. out_char[i])
return s
-- Returns pos, did_find; there are two cases:
-- 1. Delimiter found: pos = pos after leading space + delim; did_find = true.
-- 2. Delimiter not found: pos = pos after leading space; did_find = false.
-- This throws an error if err_if_missing is true and the delim is not found.
local function skip_delim(str, pos, delim, err_if_missing)
pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos)
if str:sub(pos, pos) ~= delim then
if err_if_missing then
error('Expected ' .. delim .. ' near position ' .. pos)
return pos, false
return pos + 1, true
-- Expects the given pos to be the first character after the opening quote.
-- Returns val, pos; the returned pos is after the closing quote character.
local function parse_str_val(str, pos, val)
val = val or ''
local early_end_error = 'End of input found while parsing string.'
if pos > #str then error(early_end_error) end
local c = str:sub(pos, pos)
if c == '"' then return val, pos + 1 end
if c ~= '\\' then return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1, val .. c) end
-- We must have a \ character.
local esc_map = {b = '\b', f = '\f', n = '\n', r = '\r', t = '\t'}
local nextc = str:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1)
if not nextc then error(early_end_error) end
return parse_str_val(str, pos + 2, val .. (esc_map[nextc] or nextc))
-- Returns val, pos; the returned pos is after the number's final character.
local function parse_num_val(str, pos)
local num_str = str:match('^-?%d+%.?%d*[eE]?[+-]?%d*', pos)
local val = tonumber(num_str)
if not val then error('Error parsing number at position ' .. pos .. '.') end
return val, pos + #num_str
-- Public values and functions.
function json.stringify(obj, as_key)
local s = {} -- We'll build the string as an array of strings to be concatenated.
local kind = kind_of(obj) -- This is 'array' if it's an array or type(obj) otherwise.
if kind == 'array' then
if as_key then error('Can\'t encode array as key.') end
s[#s + 1] = '['
for i, val in ipairs(obj) do
if i > 1 then s[#s + 1] = ', ' end
s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(val)
s[#s + 1] = ']'
elseif kind == 'table' then
if as_key then error('Can\'t encode table as key.') end
s[#s + 1] = '{'
for k, v in pairs(obj) do
if #s > 1 then s[#s + 1] = ', ' end
s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(k, true)
s[#s + 1] = ':'
s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(v)
s[#s + 1] = '}'
elseif kind == 'string' then
return '"' .. escape_str(obj) .. '"'
elseif kind == 'number' then
if as_key then return '"' .. tostring(obj) .. '"' end
return tostring(obj)
elseif kind == 'boolean' then
return tostring(obj)
elseif kind == 'nil' then
return 'null'
error('Unjsonifiable type: ' .. kind .. '.')
return table.concat(s)
json.null = {} -- This is a one-off table to represent the null value.
function json.parse(str, pos, end_delim)
pos = pos or 1
if pos > #str then error('Reached unexpected end of input.') end
local pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos) -- Skip whitespace.
local first = str:sub(pos, pos)
if first == '{' then -- Parse an object.
local obj, key, delim_found = {}, true, true
pos = pos + 1
while true do
key, pos = json.parse(str, pos, '}')
if key == nil then return obj, pos end
if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between object items.') end
pos = skip_delim(str, pos, ':', true) -- true -> error if missing.
obj[key], pos = json.parse(str, pos)
pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',')
elseif first == '[' then -- Parse an array.
local arr, val, delim_found = {}, true, true
pos = pos + 1
while true do
val, pos = json.parse(str, pos, ']')
if val == nil then return arr, pos end
if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between array items.') end
arr[#arr + 1] = val
pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',')
elseif first == '"' then -- Parse a string.
return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1)
elseif first == '-' or first:match('%d') then -- Parse a number.
return parse_num_val(str, pos)
elseif first == end_delim then -- End of an object or array.
return nil, pos + 1
else -- Parse true, false, or null.
local literals = {['true'] = true, ['false'] = false, ['null'] = json.null}
for lit_str, lit_val in pairs(literals) do
local lit_end = pos + #lit_str - 1
if str:sub(pos, lit_end) == lit_str then return lit_val, lit_end + 1 end
local pos_info_str = 'position ' .. pos .. ': ' .. str:sub(pos, pos + 10)
error('Invalid json syntax starting at ' .. pos_info_str)
return json