J'utilise ce code pour obtenir l'URL complète:
$actual_link = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
Le problème est que j'utilise des masques dans mon .htaccess
, donc ce que nous voyons dans l'URL n'est pas toujours le chemin réel du fichier.
Ce dont j'ai besoin, c'est d'obtenir l'URL, ce qui est écrit dans l'URL, rien de plus, rien de moins - l'URL complète.
J'ai besoin de savoir comment il apparaît dans la barre de navigation du navigateur Web, et non pas le véritable chemin du fichier sur le serveur.
, c'est-à-dire.
$actual_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_Host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
(Notez que la syntaxe de chaîne entre guillemets est parfaitement correct )
Si vous souhaitez prendre en charge HTTP et HTTPS, vous pouvez utiliser
$actual_link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://{$_SERVER['HTTP_Host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
Note de l'éditeur: utiliser ce code a des conséquences sur la sécurité . Le client peut définir HTTP_Host et REQUEST_URI sur n’importe quelle valeur arbitraire.
$url = "//{$_SERVER['HTTP_Host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
$escaped_url = htmlspecialchars( $url, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
echo '<a href="' . $escaped_url . '">' . $escaped_url . '</a>';
Voici quelques détails supplémentaires sur les problèmes et les cas Edge de le format //example.com/path/
function url_Origin( $s, $use_forwarded_Host = false )
$ssl = ( ! empty( $s['HTTPS'] ) && $s['HTTPS'] == 'on' );
$sp = strtolower( $s['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] );
$protocol = substr( $sp, 0, strpos( $sp, '/' ) ) . ( ( $ssl ) ? 's' : '' );
$port = $s['SERVER_PORT'];
$port = ( ( ! $ssl && $port=='80' ) || ( $ssl && $port=='443' ) ) ? '' : ':'.$port;
$Host = ( $use_forwarded_Host && isset( $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host'] ) ) ? $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host'] : ( isset( $s['HTTP_Host'] ) ? $s['HTTP_Host'] : null );
$Host = isset( $Host ) ? $Host : $s['SERVER_NAME'] . $port;
return $protocol . '://' . $Host;
function full_url( $s, $use_forwarded_Host = false )
return url_Origin( $s, $use_forwarded_Host ) . $s['REQUEST_URI'];
$absolute_url = full_url( $_SERVER );
echo $absolute_url;
Ceci est une version fortement modifiée de http://snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=2734
scheme: // nom d'utilisateur: mot de passe @domain: port/chemin? chaîne_interrogation # fragment_id
Les parties en gras ne seront pas incluses par la fonction
d'une URL complète ou du fragment (hachage).#fragment_id
n'est pas envoyé au serveur par le client (navigateur) et ne sera pas ajouté à l'URL complète.$_GET
ne contiendra que foo=bar2
pour une URL telle que /example?foo=bar1&foo=bar2
et renvoyer /example?foo=bar2
pour une URL telle que /example?foo=bar1&foo=bar2
, utilisez $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
dans ce cas.URL + URN
, mais en raison de son utilisation courante, URL désigne désormais à la fois l'URI et l'URL.HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host
si vous ne prévoyez pas utiliser de mandataires ni d’équilibreurs.Host
doit contenir le numéro de port, sauf s'il s'agit du numéro par défaut.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
. Tous les caractères non pris en charge sont codés par le navigateur avant leur envoi.$_SERVER['HTTP_Host']
et n'est pas toujours disponible selon les commentaires du manuel PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.php$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host']
est défini par les équilibreurs et n'est pas mentionné dans la liste des variables $_SERVER
du manuel PHP.$_SERVER['HTTPS']
. Le client choisit de l'utiliser, mais le serveur renvoie la valeur réelle vide ou "on".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']
. Le serveur accepte uniquement les numéros autorisés en tant que ports.$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']
. Le serveur accepte uniquement certains protocoles.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
. Il est défini manuellement dans la configuration du serveur et n'est pas disponible pour IPv6 conformément à kralyk .HTTP_Host vs. SERVER_NAME
Le numéro de port est-il requis dans le paramètre d'en-tête "hôte" HTTP?
Exemples pour: https://(www.)example.com/subFolder/myfile.php?var=blabla#555
// ======= PATHINFO ====== //
$x = pathinfo($url);
$x['dirname'] ???? https://example.com/subFolder
$x['basename'] ???? myfile.php?
$x['extension'] ???? php?k=blaa#12345 // Unsecure! also, read my notice about hashtag parts
$x['filename'] ???? myfile
// ======= PARSE_URL ====== //
$x = parse_url($url);
$x['scheme'] ???? https
$x['Host'] ???? example.com
$x['path'] ???? /subFolder/myfile.php
$x['query'] ???? k=blaa
$x['fragment'] ???? 12345 // ! read my notice about hashtag parts
//=================================================== //
//========== self-defined SERVER variables ========== //
//=================================================== //
$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ???? /home/user/public_html
$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] ???? 80(or 443 etc..)
$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] ???? example.com (or with WWW) //similar: $_SERVER["ERVER_NAME"]
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ???? /subFolder/myfile.php?k=blaa
$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ???? k=blaa
__FILE__ ???? /home/user/public_html/subFolder/myfile.php
__DIR__ ???? /home/user/public_html/subFolder //same: dirname(__FILE__)
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ???? /subFolder/myfile.php?k=blaa
parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH)???? /subFolder/myfile.php
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ???? /subFolder/myfile.php
// ==================================================================//
//if "myfile.php" is included in "PARENTFILE.php" , and you visit "PARENTFILE.PHP?abc":
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]???? /home/user/public_html/parentfile.php
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ???? /parentfile.php
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ???? /parentfile.php?abc
__FILE__ ???? /home/user/public_html/subFolder/myfile.php
// =================================================== //
// ================= handy variables ================= //
// =================================================== //
//If site uses HTTPS:
$HTTP_or_HTTPS = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443) ? 'https://':'http://' ); //in some cases, you need to add this condition too: if ('https'==$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) ...
//To trim values to filename, i.e.
basename($url) ???? myfile.php
//excellent solution to find Origin
$debug_files = debug_backtrace();
$caller_file = count($debug_files) ? $debug_files[count($debug_files) - 1]['file'] : __FILE__;
renvoie \
pour l'hébergement de type Windows, au lieu de /
.//(let's say, if wordpress is installed in subdirectory: http://example.com/wpdir/)
home_url() ???? http://example.com/wpdir/ //if is_ssl() is true, then it will be "https"
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ???? http://example.com/wpdir/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME [same: get_bloginfo('template_url') ]
get_stylesheet_directory() ???? /home/user/public_html/wpdir/wp-content/themes/THEME_NAME
plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) ???? http://example.com/wpdir/wp-content/themes/PLUGIN_NAME
plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) ???? /home/user/public_html/wpdir/wp-content/plugins/PLUGIN_NAME/
Voici une solution utilisant un déclaration ternaire , en gardant le code minimal:
$url = "http" . (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
C’est le moyen le plus simple et le plus simple de procéder, en supposant que son serveur Web utilise le port standard 443 pour HTTPS .
Ma méthode multi-plateforme préférée pour trouver l'URL actuelle est:
$url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_Host]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
Utilisez simplement:
function full_path()
$s = &$_SERVER;
$ssl = (!empty($s['HTTPS']) && $s['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? true:false;
$sp = strtolower($s['SERVER_PROTOCOL']);
$protocol = substr($sp, 0, strpos($sp, '/')) . (($ssl) ? 's' : '');
$port = $s['SERVER_PORT'];
$port = ((!$ssl && $port=='80') || ($ssl && $port=='443')) ? '' : ':'.$port;
$Host = isset($s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host']) ? $s['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_Host'] : (isset($s['HTTP_Host']) ? $s['HTTP_Host'] : null);
$Host = isset($Host) ? $Host : $s['SERVER_NAME'] . $port;
$uri = $protocol . '://' . $Host . $s['REQUEST_URI'];
$segments = explode('?', $uri, 2);
$url = $segments[0];
return $url;
Remarque: Je viens de faire une mise à jour vers le code de Timo Huovinen , afin que vous n'obteniez aucun paramètre GET dans l'URL. Cette URL est simple et supprime des choses comme ?hi=i&am=a&get
sera affiché comme:
Ceci est correct sauf si vous utilisez des paramètres GET pour définir un contenu spécifique, auquel cas vous devez utiliser son code! :-)
Code clair, fonctionnant sur tous les serveurs Web (Apache, nginx, IIS, ...):
$url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
Voici ma solution - le code est inspiré par Tracy Debugger . Il a été modifié pour prendre en charge différents ports de serveur. Vous pouvez obtenir l'URL actuelle complète, y compris $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
ou simplement l'URL du serveur de base. Vérifier ma fonction:
function getCurrentUrl($full = true) {
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$parse = parse_url(
(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'], 'off') ? 'https://' : 'http://') .
(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_Host']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] : (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : '')) . (($full) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : null)
$parse['port'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; // Setup protocol for sure (80 is default)
return http_build_url('', $parse);
Voici le code de test:
// Follow $_SERVER variables was set only for test
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'off'; // on
$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = '9999'; // Setup
$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] = 'some.crazy.server.5.name:8088'; // Port is optional there
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/150/tail/single/normal?get=param';
echo getCurrentUrl();
// http://some.crazy.server.5.name:9999/150/tail/single/normal?get=param
echo getCurrentUrl(false);
// http://some.crazy.server.5.name:9999/
Même technique que la réponse acceptée, mais avec HTTPS support, et plus lisible:
$current_url = sprintf(
isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http',
J'ai créé cette fonction pour gérer l'URL:
function curPageURL()
$pageURL = 'http';
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
$pageURL .= "://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
$pageURL .=
else {
return $pageURL;
Utilisez cette ligne pour trouver l'URL du dossier parent (si vous n'avez pas accès à http_build_url () fourni avec pecl_http):
$url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://').$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
HTTP_Host et REQUEST_URI doivent être entre guillemets, sinon une erreur est générée dans PHP 7.2.
$actual_link = 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
Si vous souhaitez prendre en charge HTTP et HTTPS:
$actual_link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
C'est assez facile à faire avec vos variables d'environnement Apache. Cela ne fonctionne qu'avec Apache 2, que je suppose que vous utilisez.
Utilisez simplement le code PHP suivant:
$request_url = Apache_getenv("HTTP_Host") . Apache_getenv("REQUEST_URI");
echo $request_url;
Essaye ça:
est un tableau contenant des informations telles que des en-têtes, des chemins et des emplacements de script. Les entrées de ce tableau sont créées par le serveur Web. Rien ne garantit que chaque serveur Web fournira l'un de ces éléments; les serveurs peuvent en omettre ou en fournir d’autres qui ne sont pas listés ici. Cela dit, un grand nombre de ces variables sont prises en compte dans la spécification "CGI/1.1, vous devriez donc pouvoir vous y attendre.
contient les mêmes informations initiales, mais n'est pas un superglobal. (Notez que $HTTP_SERVER_VARS
sont des variables différentes et que PHP les traite comme telles.)
Vous pouvez utiliser http_build_url sans arguments pour obtenir le plein URL de la page en cours:
$url = http_build_url();
J'ai fait cette classe pour gérer mes URI
/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* URI management class
* @author Sandu Liviu Catalin
* @email slc(dot)universe(at)gmail(dot)com
* @license Public Domain
abstract class _URI
/** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $_Script_Hidden - Hide the script name from the returned URI
* $_Public_Path - Location where public resources are stored
* $_Public_Relative - Return the relative path version of public location
* $_Public_Skin - Is the skin directory located in the public directory
* $_Skin_Path - Location where skins are stored
* $_Skin_Relative - Return the relative path version of skin location
* $_Skin_Default - Use this as the default system skin
* $_Fallback_Base - Use this base URL if you can't extract the current URL
* $_Fallback_Scheme - Use this scheme if you can't find it automatically
* $_Fallback_User - Use this user name if you can't find it automatically
* $_Fallback_Passwd - Use this password if you can't find it automatically
* $_Fallback_Host - Use this Host if you can't find it automatically
* $_Fallback_Port - Use this port number if you can't find it automatically
* $_Fallback_Script - Use this script name if you can't find it automatically
* $_Separator_Scheme - Use this to separate the scheme from the rest of the url
* $_Separator_Credentials - Use this to separate the user name from the password
* $_Separator_Auth - Use this to separate the user name and password from Host
* $_Separator_Port - Use this to separate the port number from Host
* $_Separator_Query - Use this to separate the query data from base URL
* $_Separator_Fragment - Use this to separate the fragment data from query data
protected static $_Script_Hidden;
protected static $_Public_Path;
protected static $_Public_Relative;
protected static $_Public_Skin;
protected static $_Skin_Path;
protected static $_Skin_Relative;
protected static $_Skin_Default;
protected static $_Fallback_Base;
protected static $_Fallback_Scheme;
protected static $_Fallback_User;
protected static $_Fallback_Passwd;
protected static $_Fallback_Host;
protected static $_Fallback_Port;
protected static $_Fallback_Script;
protected static $_Separator_Scheme;
protected static $_Separator_Credentials;
protected static $_Separator_Auth;
protected static $_Separator_Port;
protected static $_Separator_Query;
protected static $_Separator_Fragment;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Precompiled common URLs for quick retrieval
protected static $Base_Host;
protected static $Base_App;
protected static $Base_Script;
protected static $Base_Current;
protected static $Base_Public;
protected static $Base_Skin;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Raw URI segments saved from extracted data
protected static $__Segments = array(
'SCHEME' => '',
'USER' => '',
'PASSWD' => '',
'Host' => '',
'PORT' => '',
'PATH' => '',
'SCRIPT' => '',
'INFO' => '',
'QUERY' => '',
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* URI data asigned to specific keywords.
protected static $__Parsers;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize the class
* @access public
* @param $Params [array] - An associative array of supported parrameters
* @return void
public static function __Init($Params=array())
// Configure the class
self::$_Script_Hidden = (isset($Params['Script_Hidden'])) ? $Params['Script_Hidden'] : FALSE;
self::$_Public_Path = (isset($Params['Public_Path'])) ? $Params['Public_Path'] : 'public';
self::$_Public_Relative = (isset($Params['Public_Relative'])) ? $Params['Public_Relative'] : TRUE;
self::$_Public_Skin = (isset($Params['Public_Skin'])) ? $Params['Public_Skin'] : TRUE;
self::$_Skin_Path = (isset($Params['Skin_Path'])) ? $Params['Skin_Path'] : 'themes';
self::$_Skin_Relative = (isset($Params['Skin_Relative'])) ? $Params['Skin_Relative'] : TRUE;
self::$_Skin_Default = (isset($Params['Skin_Default'])) ? $Params['Skin_Default'] : 'default';
self::$_Fallback_Base = (isset($Params['Fallback_Base'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Base'] : '';
self::$_Fallback_Scheme = (isset($Params['Fallback_Scheme'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Scheme'] : 'http';
self::$_Fallback_User = (isset($Params['Fallback_User'])) ? $Params['Fallback_User'] : '';
self::$_Fallback_Passwd = (isset($Params['Fallback_Passwd'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Passwd'] : '';
self::$_Fallback_Host = (isset($Params['Fallback_Host'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Host'] : '';
self::$_Fallback_Port = (isset($Params['Fallback_Port'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Port'] : '';
self::$_Fallback_Script = (isset($Params['Fallback_Script'])) ? $Params['Fallback_Script'] : 'index.php';
self::$_Separator_Scheme = (isset($Params['Separator_Scheme'])) ? $Params['Separator_Scheme'] : '://';
self::$_Separator_Credentials = (isset($Params['Separator_Credentials'])) ? $Params['Separator_Credentials'] : ':';
self::$_Separator_Auth = (isset($Params['Separator_Auth'])) ? $Params['Separator_Auth'] : '@';
self::$_Separator_Port = (isset($Params['Separator_Port'])) ? $Params['Separator_Port'] : ':';
self::$_Separator_Query = (isset($Params['Separator_Query'])) ? $Params['Separator_Query'] : '?';
self::$_Separator_Fragment = (isset($Params['Separator_Fragment'])) ? $Params['Separator_Fragment'] : '#';
// Do some clean up of the configurations
self::$_Public_Path = implode('/', explode('/', str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', self::$_Public_Path)));
self::$_Skin_Path = implode('/', explode('/', str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', self::$_Skin_Path)));
// Extract the URL information
// Precompile common bases
self::$Base_Host = self::Compile('Host');
self::$Base_App = self::Compile('PATH');
self::$Base_Script = self::$Base_App.(self::$_Script_Hidden ? '' : '/'.self::$__Segments['SCRIPT']);
self::$Base_Current = self::$Base_Script.(empty(self::$__Segments['INFO']) ? '' : '/'.self::$__Segments['INFO']);
self::$Base_Public = self::$_Public_Relative ? self::$_Public_Path : self::$Base_App.'/'.self::$_Public_Path;
self::$Base_Skin = self::$_Skin_Relative ? self::$_Skin_Path : self::$Base_Public.'/'.self::$_Skin_Path;
self::$Base_Skin .= '/'.self::$_Skin_Default;
// Setup the parsers
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%HostBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_Host;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%AppBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_App;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%ScriptBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_Script;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%CurrentBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_Current;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%PublicBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_Public;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%SkinBase%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$Base_Skin;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['SCHEME'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%UserSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['USER'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%PasswdSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['PASSWD'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%HostSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['Host'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%PortSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['PORT'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%PathSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['PATH'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%ScriptSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%InfoSegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['INFO'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%QuerySegment%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$__Segments['QUERY'];
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%PublicPath%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$_Public_Path;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%SkinPath%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$_Skin_Path;
self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'][] = '%DefaultSkin%';
self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'][] =& self::$_Skin_Default;
// Everything OK so far
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Try every posibility to obtain all the segments of the current URL
* @access public
* @return array
public static function Extract()
// No point in executing twice to get the same result
if (!empty(self::$__Segments['Host'])) return self::$__Segments;
// Let's try to have a falback for most basic data
$Script_URI = (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) ? parse_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']) : array();
if (empty($Script_URI)) {
$Script_URI = parse_url(self::$_Fallback_Base);
// Try ever possibility to obtain the data that surounds the script name
if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
$Script_Path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$Script_Path = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} elseif (isset($Script_URI['path'])) {
$Script_Path = $Script_URI['path'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
$Script_Path = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']).(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '');
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) && isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
$Script_Path = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']),
$Script_Path .= (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '');
} else {
$Script_Path = '';
// Explode the previously extracted data
if (strlen($Script_Path) > 0) {
$Script_Path = preg_split('/[\/]/', $Script_Path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
} else {
$Script_Path = array();
// Try to obtain the name of the currently executed script
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
$Script_Name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
$Script_Name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
} else {
$Script_Name = self::$_Fallback_Script;
// Try to find the name of the script in the script path
$Script_Split = (is_string($Script_Name)) ? array_search($Script_Name, $Script_Path, TRUE) : NULL;
// Try to obtain the request scheme
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'])) {
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) {
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] = strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']);
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] = substr(self::$__Segments['SCHEME'], 0, strpos(self::$__Segments['SCHEME'], '/'));
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] .= (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on') ? 's' : '';
} elseif (isset($Script_URI['scheme'])) {
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] = $Script_URI['scheme'];
} else {
self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] = self::$_Fallback_Scheme;
// Try to obtain the user name (if one was used)
if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
self::$__Segments['USER'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
} elseif (isset($Script_URI['user'])) {
self::$__Segments['USER'] = $Script_URI['user'];
} else {
self::$__Segments['USER'] = self::$_Fallback_User;
// Try to obtain the user password (if one was used)
if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
} elseif (isset($Script_URI['pass'])) {
self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] = $Script_URI['pass'];
} else {
self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] = self::$_Fallback_Passwd;
// Try to obtai the Host name
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
self::$__Segments['Host'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_Host'])) {
self::$__Segments['Host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'];
} elseif (isset($Script_URI['Host'])) {
self::$__Segments['Host'] = $Script_URI['Host'];
} else {
self::$__Segments['Host'] = self::$_Fallback_Host;
// Try to obtain the port number (if one was used)
if (isset($Script_URI['port'])) {
self::$__Segments['PORT'] = $Script_URI['port'];
} else {
self::$__Segments['PORT'] = self::$_Fallback_Port;
// Try to obtain the path to the script
if (is_numeric($Script_Split)) {
self::$__Segments['PATH'] = implode('/', array_slice($Script_Path, 0, $Script_Split, TRUE));
} else {
self::$__Segments['PATH'] = '';
// Try to obtain the Script name
if (is_string($Script_Name)) {
self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] = $Script_Name;
} else {
self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] = '';
// Try to obtain any passed info
if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
self::$__Segments['INFO'] = implode('/', preg_split('/[\/]/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
} elseif (is_numeric($Script_Split)) {
self::$__Segments['INFO'] = implode('/', array_slice($Script_Path, $Script_Split+1));
} else {
self::$__Segments['INFO'] = '';
// -----Pending Feature: Try to also extract the query string
// Return the extracted URI segments
return self::$__Segments;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile raw URI segments into a usable URL
* @access public
* @param $Until [string] - The name of the segment where compilation should stop and return
* @return string
public static function Compile($Until=NULL)
$URI= '';
$Until = (is_string($Until)) ? strtoupper($Until) : $Until;
if ($Until === 'SCHEME') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['SCHEME'].self::$_Separator_Scheme : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['SCHEME'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['SCHEME'].self::$_Separator_Scheme : '';
if ($Until === 'USER') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['USER'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['USER'].self::$_Separator_Credentials : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['USER'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['USER'] : '';
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['USER'] !== '' || self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] !== '') ? self::$_Separator_Credentials : '';
if ($Until === 'PASSWD') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['PASSWD'].self::$_Separator_Auth : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] : '';
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['USER'] !== '' || self::$__Segments['PASSWD'] !== '') ? self::$_Separator_Auth : '';
if ($Until === 'Host') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['Host'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['Host'] : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['Host'] !== '') ? self::$__Segments['Host'] : '';
if ($Until === 'PORT') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['PORT'] !== '') ? self::$_Separator_Port.self::$__Segments['PORT'] : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['PORT'] !== '') ? self::$_Separator_Port.self::$__Segments['PORT'] : '';
if ($Until === 'PATH') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['PATH'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['PATH'] : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['PATH'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['PATH'] : '';
if ($Until === 'SCRIPT') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['SCRIPT'] : '';
if ($Until === 'INFO') {
return $URI .= (self::$__Segments['INFO'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['INFO'] : '';
} else {
$URI .= (self::$__Segments['INFO'] !== '') ? '/'.self::$__Segments['INFO'] : '';
return $URI;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return a specific URI segment
* @access public
* @param $Name [string] - The name of the segment you want
* @return string (on success) bool (on failure)
public static function Segment($Name)
if (isset(self::$__Segments[$Name])) {
return self::$__Segments[$Name];
} return FALSE;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return a specific precompiled base
* @access public
* @param $Name [string] - The name of the base you want
* @return mixed (on success) boolean (on failure)
public static function Base($Name)
switch ($Name) {
case 'Host':
case 'Domain':
return self::$Base_Host;
case 'App':
case 'Base':
return self::$Base_App;
case 'Script':
case 'Index':
return self::$Base_Script;
case 'Current':
case 'This':
return self::$Base_Current;
case 'Public':
case 'Web':
return self::$Base_Public;
case 'Skin':
case 'Theme':
return self::$Base_Skin;
case 'All':
return array(
} return FALSE;
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Replace known keywords in the specified string with current URI data
* @access public
* @param $String [string] - A string that you want to parse
* @return void
public static function Parse($String)
if (is_string($String)) {
return str_replace(self::$__Parsers['SR_Key'], self::$__Parsers['SR_Data'], $String);
} elseif (is_array($String)) {
foreach ($String as $K => $V) {
$Parsed[$K] = self::$replace($V);
} return $Parsed;
} return FALSE;
if (isset($_URI_Params)) {
} else {
Bien sûr, vous devez l’adapter à vos besoins et à votre système!?!
// Change a few parameters before loading the class.
$_URI_Params = array(
'Public_Relative' => FALSE,
'Skin_Relative' => FALSE,
'Skin_Default' => 'classic',
// etc.
// Get the URI class
// Output all extracted URI segments
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Output extracted segments individually
echo 'Scheme: '._URI::Segment('SCHEME').'<br/>';
echo 'User: '._URI::Segment('USER').'<br/>';
echo 'Password: '._URI::Segment('PASSWD').'<br/>';
echo 'Host: '._URI::Segment('Host').'<br/>';
echo 'Port: '._URI::Segment('PORT').'<br/>';
echo 'Path: '._URI::Segment('PATH').'<br/>';
echo 'Script: '._URI::Segment('SCRIPT').'<br/>';
echo 'Info: '._URI::Segment('INFO').'<br/>';
// Compile extracted segments into a usable URL
echo '<br/>';
echo 'Full Compiled URI: '._URI::Compile().'<br/>';
echo '<br/>';
// Output precompiled common bases for a faster result and better performance
echo 'Host Base: '._URI::Base('Host').'<br/>';
echo 'Application Base: '._URI::Base('App').'<br/>';
echo 'Running Script: '._URI::Base('Script').'<br/>';
echo 'Current URI Base: '._URI::Base('Current').'<br/>';
echo 'Public Folder Base: '._URI::Base('Public').'<br/>';
echo 'Skin Folder Base: '._URI::Base('Skin').'<br/>';
// Get all the precompiled bases in an associative array
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Parse an example string and replace known keys with actual URI data.
echo _URI::Parse('This is my current domain: %HostBase%
And the current application is here: %AppBase%
I load my skins form: %SkinBase%
Il doit encore être perfectionné, mais c’est une bonne solution pour un système d’URI centralisé: D
Voici la solution à votre problème:
//Fetch page URL by this
echo "$url<br />";
//It will print
//fetch Host by this
echo "$Host<br />";
//You can fetch the full URL by this
$fullurl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_Host'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
echo $fullurl;
J'ai utilisé cette déclaration.
$base = "http://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]:$_SERVER[SERVER_PORT]$my_web_base_path";
$url = $base . "/" . dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
J'espère que cela t'aidera.
$base_dir = __DIR__; // Absolute path to your installation, ex: /var/www/mywebsite
$doc_root = preg_replace("!{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}$!", '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); # ex: /var/www
$base_url = preg_replace("!^{$doc_root}!", '', $base_dir); # ex: '' or '/mywebsite'
$base_url = str_replace('\\', '/', $base_url);//On Windows
$base_url = str_replace($doc_root, '', $base_url);//On Windows
$protocol = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https';
$port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$disp_port = ($protocol == 'http' && $port == 80 || $protocol == 'https' && $port == 443) ? '' : ":$port";
$domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$full_url = "$protocol://{$domain}{$disp_port}{$base_url}"; # Ex: 'http://example.com', 'https://example.com/mywebsite', etc.
source: http://blog.lavoie.sl/2013/02/php-document-root-path-and-url-detection.html
J'ai utilisé le code ci-dessous, et cela fonctionne très bien pour moi, dans les deux cas, HTTP et HTTPS.
function curPageURL() {
if(isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && !empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != 'on' )) {
$url = 'https://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];//https url
} else {
$url = 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];//http url
if(( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80 )) {
$url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
$url .= $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
return $url;
echo curPageURL();
Voici la base d'une version plus sécurisée de la réponse acceptée, utilisant la fonction filter_input de PHP, qui compense également le manque potentiel de $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
$protocol_https = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTPS', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$Host = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_Host', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$request_uri = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
if(strlen($request_uri) == 0)
$request_uri = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'SCRIPT_NAME', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$query_string = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$request_uri .= '?' . $query_string;
$full_url = ($protocol_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $Host . $request_uri;
Vous pouvez utiliser différents filtres pour le modifier à votre guise.
public static function getCurrentUrl($withQuery = true)
$protocol = stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], 'https') === false ? 'http' : 'https';
$uri = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
return $withQuery ? $uri : str_replace('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', $uri);
Utilisation très simple:
function current_url() {
$current_url = ( $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != 'on' ) ? 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] : 'https://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
$current_url .= ( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80 ) ? ":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : "";
$current_url .= $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
return $current_url;
Vous pouvez utiliser HTTP_Origin
comme illustré dans l'extrait de code ci-dessous:
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'HTTP_Origin', $_SERVER ) ) {
$this->referer = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
} else {
$this->referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_Origin'];
Cela fonctionne à la fois pour HTTP et HTTPS.
echo 'http' . (($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
Sortir quelque chose comme ça.
Je pense que cette méthode est bonne
if($_SERVER['HTTP_Host'] == "localhost"){
define('SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host']);
define('CSS', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/css/');
define('IMAGES', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/images/');
define('SITEURL', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_Host']);
define('TEMPLATE', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/incs/template/');
define('CSS', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/css/');
define('IMAGES', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/images/');