Je continue à chercher comment ajouter un champ supplémentaire sur chaque widget WordPress disponible, quelque chose comme Subtitle
après le widget Title
Existe-t-il un moyen d’accrocher tous les widgets disponibles?
Je sais que le plugin Widget Logic fait exactement cela.
En disséquant son code, l'extrait ci-dessous générera une zone de texte dans tous les widgets.
Mais s'il vous plaît noter que:
if ( is_admin() )
add_action( 'sidebar_admin_setup', 'widget_logic_expand_control' );
// CALLED VIA 'sidebar_admin_setup' ACTION
// adds in the admin control per widget, but also processes import/export
function widget_logic_expand_control()
global $wp_registered_widgets, $wp_registered_widget_controls, $wl_options;
// pop the widget id on the params array (as it's not in the main params so not provided to the callback)
foreach ( $wp_registered_widgets as $id => $widget )
{ // controll-less widgets need an empty function so the callback function is called.
if (!$wp_registered_widget_controls[$id])
wp_register_widget_control($id,$widget['name'], 'widget_logic_empty_control');
$wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['callback_wl_redirect'] = $wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['callback'];
$wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['callback'] = 'widget_logic_extra_control';
array_Push( $wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['params'], $id );
// added to widget functionality in 'widget_logic_expand_control' (above)
function widget_logic_empty_control() {}
// added to widget functionality in 'widget_logic_expand_control' (above)
function widget_logic_extra_control()
global $wp_registered_widget_controls, $wl_options;
$params = func_get_args();
$id = array_pop($params);
// go to the original control function
$callback = $wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['callback_wl_redirect'];
if ( is_callable($callback) )
call_user_func_array($callback, $params);
$value = !empty( $wl_options[$id] ) ? htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $wl_options[$id ] ),ENT_QUOTES ) : '';
// dealing with multiple widgets - get the number. if -1 this is the 'template' for the admin interface
if ($number==-1) {
if ( isset($number) )
$id_disp = $wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]['id_base'].'-'.$number;
// output our extra widget logic field
echo "<p><label for='".$id_disp."-widget_logic'>My logic <textarea class='widefat' type='text' name='".$id_disp."-widget_logic' id='".$id_disp."-widget_logic' >".$value."</textarea></label></p>";