
Développer un formulaire sécurisé d’affichage frontal

Je souhaite ajouter une fonctionnalité de publication frontale à l'un de mes sites Wordpress. Pour plus de contrôle et pour mieux comprendre comment cela fonctionne (je ne suis pas un programmeur professionnel), j'ai choisi d'utiliser comme base de développement futur une solution provenant du wpkb.com site (voir le code ci-dessous). Cette solution fonctionne, mais la question est comment elle est protégée contre les problèmes de sécurité/les attaques malveillantes ?

Deuxièmement, lorsqu'un nouveau message est envoyé, il est enregistré, mais génère également un avis, et je ne comprends pas pourquoi:

Avis: Variable non définie: hasError dans .../submit-from-front.php à la ligne 106

Ceci est la ligne 106:

//Check if any error was detected in validation.
if($hasError == true) {

Le code complet:

class WPSubmitFromFront {

    protected $pluginPath;  
    protected $pluginUrl;  

    public function __construct() {  

        // Set Plugin Path  
        $this->pluginPath = dirname(__FILE__);  
        // Set Plugin URL  
        $this->pluginUrl = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/submitfromfront';

         //Add CSS for the form.
        add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'addStyles'));

        //Add the short code
        add_shortcode('post_from_front', array($this, 'handleFrontEndForm'));  

 function handleFrontEndForm() {
        //Check if the user has permission to publish the post.
        if ( !current_user_can('publish_posts') ) {
            echo "<h2>Please Login to post links.</h2>";

        if($this->isFormSubmitted() && $this->isNonceSet()) {
            if($this->isFormValid()) {
            } else {
        } else {


    //This function displays the HTML form.
    public function displayForm() {
        <div id ="frontpostform">
            <form action="" id="formpost" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                    <label for="postTitle">Post Title</label>

                    <input type="text" name="postTitle" id="postTitle" />

                    <label for="postContent">Content</label>

                    <textarea name="postContent" id="postContent" rows="10" cols="35" ></textarea>

                    <button type="submit" name="submitForm" >Create Post</button>

                <?php wp_nonce_field( 'front_end_new_post' , 'nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post'); ?>


    function addStyles() {
        // Register the style for the form
        wp_register_style( 'submitform-style', plugins_url( 'submitfromfront/submitfromfront.css'));
        wp_enqueue_style( 'submitform-style' );

    function isFormSubmitted() {
        if( isset( $_POST['submitForm'] ) ) return true;
        else return false;

    function isNonceSet() {
        if( isset( $_POST['nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post'] )  &&
          wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce_field_for_front_end_new_post'], 'front_end_new_post' ) ) return true;
        else return false;

    function isFormValid() {
        //Check all mandatory fields are present.
        if ( trim( $_POST['postTitle'] ) === '' ) {
            $error = 'Please enter a title.';
            $hasError = true;
        } else if ( trim( $_POST['postContent'] ) === '' ) {
            $error = 'Please enter the content.';
            $hasError = true;

        //Check if any error was detected in validation.
        if($hasError == true) {
            echo $error;
            return false;
        return true;

   function createPost() {

        //Get the ID of currently logged in user to set as post author
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $currentuserid = $current_user->ID;

        //Get the details from the form which was posted
        $postTitle = $_POST['postTitle'];
        $contentOfPost = $_POST['postContent'] ;
        $postSatus = 'publish'; // 'pending' - in case you want to manually aprove all posts;

        //Create the post in WordPress
        $post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
                        'post_title'        => $postTitle,
                        'post_content'      => $contentOfPost,
                        'post_status'       => $postSatus , 
                        'post_author'       => $currentuserid



$wpSubmitFromFEObj = new WPSubmitFromFront();
Iurie Malai

Espérons que le code suffira à décrire les points clés, mais veuillez commenter si vous avez d'autres questions:


class WPSE_Submit_From_Front {
    const NONCE_VALUE = 'front_end_new_post';
    const NONCE_FIELD = 'fenp_nonce';

    protected $pluginPath;
    protected $pluginUrl;
    protected $errors = array();
    protected $data = array();

    function __construct() {
        $this->pluginPath = plugin_dir_path( __file__ );
        $this->pluginUrl  = plugins_url( '', __file__ );

        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'addStyles' ) );
        add_shortcode( 'post_from_front', array( $this, 'shortcode' ) );

        // Listen for the form submit & process before headers output
        add_action( 'template_redirect',  array( $this, 'handleForm' ) );

    function addStyles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'submitform-style', "$this->pluginUrl/submitfromfront.css" );

     * Shortcodes should return data, NOT echo it.
     * @return string
    function shortcode() {
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'publish_posts' ) )
            return sprintf( '<p>Please <a href="%s">login</a> to post links.</p>', esc_url( wp_login_url(  get_permalink() ) ) );
        elseif ( $this->isFormSuccess() )
            return '<p class="success">Nice one, post created.</p>';
            return $this->getForm();

     * Process the form and redirect if sucessful.
    function handleForm() {
        if ( ! $this->isFormSubmitted() )
            return false;

        // http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-input-array.php
        $data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, array(
            'postTitle'   => FILTER_DEFAULT,
            'location2'   => FILTER_DEFAULT,
            'postContent' => FILTER_DEFAULT,

        $data = wp_unslash( $data );
        $data = array_map( 'trim', $data );

        // You might also want to more aggressively sanitize these fields
        // By default WordPress will handle it pretty well, based on the current user's "unfiltered_html" capability

        $data['postTitle']   = sanitize_text_field( $data['postTitle'] );
        $data['location2']   = sanitize_text_field( $data['location2'] );
        $data['postContent'] = wp_check_invalid_utf8( $data['postContent'] );

        $this->data = $data;

        if ( ! $this->isNonceValid() )
            $this->errors[] = 'Security check failed, please try again.';

        if ( ! $data['postTitle'] )
            $this->errors[] = 'Please enter a title.';

        if ( ! $data['postContent'] )
            $this->errors[] = 'Please enter the content.';

        if ( ! $this->errors ) {
            $post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
                'post_title'   => $data['postTitle'],
                'post_content' => $data['postContent'],
                'post_status'  => 'publish',

            if ( $post_id ) {
                add_post_meta( $post_id, 'location2', $data['location2'] );

                // Redirect to avoid duplicate form submissions
                wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'success', 'true' ) );

            } else {
                $this->errors[] = 'Whoops, please try again.';

     * Use output buffering to *return* the form HTML, not echo it.
     * @return string
    function getForm() {

<div id ="frontpostform">
    <?php foreach ( $this->errors as $error ) : ?>

        <p class="error"><?php echo $error ?></p>

    <?php endforeach ?>

    <form id="formpost" method="post">
            <label for="postTitle">Post Title</label>
            <input type="text" name="postTitle" id="postTitle" value="<?php

                // "Sticky" field, will keep value from last POST if there were errors
                if ( isset( $this->data['postTitle'] ) )
                    echo esc_attr( $this->data['postTitle'] );

            ?>" />

            <label for="postContent">Content</label>
            <textarea name="postContent" id="postContent" rows="10" cols="35" ><?php

                if ( isset( $this->data['postContent'] ) )
                    echo esc_textarea( $this->data['postContent'] );


            <button type="submit" name="submitForm" >Create Post</button>

        <?php wp_nonce_field( self::NONCE_VALUE , self::NONCE_FIELD ) ?>

        return ob_get_clean();

     * Has the form been submitted?
     * @return bool
    function isFormSubmitted() {
        return isset( $_POST['submitForm'] );

     * Has the form been successfully processed?
     * @return bool
    function isFormSuccess() {
        return filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'success' ) === 'true';

     * Is the nonce field valid?
     * @return bool
    function isNonceValid() {
        return isset( $_POST[ self::NONCE_FIELD ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ self::NONCE_FIELD ], self::NONCE_VALUE );

new WPSE_Submit_From_Front;