
Développer les contractions de la langue anglaise en Python

La langue anglaise a quelques contractions . Par exemple:

you've -> you have
he's -> he is

Celles-ci peuvent parfois causer des maux de tête lorsque vous effectuez un traitement en langage naturel. Existe-t-il une bibliothèque Python pouvant développer ces contractions?


J'ai fait cette page de contraction en expansion de Wikipédia dans un dictionnaire python (voir ci-dessous)

Comme vous vous en doutez bien, notez que vous souhaitez utiliser des guillemets doubles pour interroger le dictionnaire:

enter image description here

En outre, j'ai laissé plusieurs options dans comme dans la page Wikipedia. N'hésitez pas à le modifier à votre guise. Notez que la désambiguïsation de l'extension droite serait un problème délicat!

contractions = { 
"ain't": "am not / are not / is not / has not / have not",
"aren't": "are not / am not",
"can't": "cannot",
"can't've": "cannot have",
"'cause": "because",
"could've": "could have",
"couldn't": "could not",
"couldn't've": "could not have",
"didn't": "did not",
"doesn't": "does not",
"don't": "do not",
"hadn't": "had not",
"hadn't've": "had not have",
"hasn't": "has not",
"haven't": "have not",
"he'd": "he had / he would",
"he'd've": "he would have",
"he'll": "he shall / he will",
"he'll've": "he shall have / he will have",
"he's": "he has / he is",
"how'd": "how did",
"how'd'y": "how do you",
"how'll": "how will",
"how's": "how has / how is / how does",
"I'd": "I had / I would",
"I'd've": "I would have",
"I'll": "I shall / I will",
"I'll've": "I shall have / I will have",
"I'm": "I am",
"I've": "I have",
"isn't": "is not",
"it'd": "it had / it would",
"it'd've": "it would have",
"it'll": "it shall / it will",
"it'll've": "it shall have / it will have",
"it's": "it has / it is",
"let's": "let us",
"ma'am": "madam",
"mayn't": "may not",
"might've": "might have",
"mightn't": "might not",
"mightn't've": "might not have",
"must've": "must have",
"mustn't": "must not",
"mustn't've": "must not have",
"needn't": "need not",
"needn't've": "need not have",
"o'clock": "of the clock",
"oughtn't": "ought not",
"oughtn't've": "ought not have",
"shan't": "shall not",
"sha'n't": "shall not",
"shan't've": "shall not have",
"she'd": "she had / she would",
"she'd've": "she would have",
"she'll": "she shall / she will",
"she'll've": "she shall have / she will have",
"she's": "she has / she is",
"should've": "should have",
"shouldn't": "should not",
"shouldn't've": "should not have",
"so've": "so have",
"so's": "so as / so is",
"that'd": "that would / that had",
"that'd've": "that would have",
"that's": "that has / that is",
"there'd": "there had / there would",
"there'd've": "there would have",
"there's": "there has / there is",
"they'd": "they had / they would",
"they'd've": "they would have",
"they'll": "they shall / they will",
"they'll've": "they shall have / they will have",
"they're": "they are",
"they've": "they have",
"to've": "to have",
"wasn't": "was not",
"we'd": "we had / we would",
"we'd've": "we would have",
"we'll": "we will",
"we'll've": "we will have",
"we're": "we are",
"we've": "we have",
"weren't": "were not",
"what'll": "what shall / what will",
"what'll've": "what shall have / what will have",
"what're": "what are",
"what's": "what has / what is",
"what've": "what have",
"when's": "when has / when is",
"when've": "when have",
"where'd": "where did",
"where's": "where has / where is",
"where've": "where have",
"who'll": "who shall / who will",
"who'll've": "who shall have / who will have",
"who's": "who has / who is",
"who've": "who have",
"why's": "why has / why is",
"why've": "why have",
"will've": "will have",
"won't": "will not",
"won't've": "will not have",
"would've": "would have",
"wouldn't": "would not",
"wouldn't've": "would not have",
"y'all": "you all",
"y'all'd": "you all would",
"y'all'd've": "you all would have",
"y'all're": "you all are",
"y'all've": "you all have",
"you'd": "you had / you would",
"you'd've": "you would have",
"you'll": "you shall / you will",
"you'll've": "you shall have / you will have",
"you're": "you are",
"you've": "you have"

Vous n'avez pas besoin d'une bibliothèque, il est possible de faire avec regex par exemple.

>>> import re
>>> contractions_dict = {
...     'didn\'t': 'did not',
...     'don\'t': 'do not',
... }
>>> contractions_re = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(contractions_dict.keys()))
>>> def expand_contractions(s, contractions_dict=contractions_dict):
...     def replace(match):
...         return contractions_dict[match.group(0)]
...     return contractions_re.sub(replace, s)
>>> expand_contractions('You don\'t need a library')
'You do not need a library'

Les réponses ci-dessus vont parfaitement fonctionner et pourraient être meilleures en cas de contraction ambiguë (bien que je dirais qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de cas ambigus). J'utiliserais quelque chose de plus lisible et plus facile à maintenir:

import re

def decontracted(phrase):
    # specific
    phrase = re.sub(r"won\'t", "will not", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"can\'t", "can not", phrase)

    # general
    phrase = re.sub(r"n\'t", " not", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'re", " are", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'s", " is", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'d", " would", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'ll", " will", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'t", " not", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'ve", " have", phrase)
    phrase = re.sub(r"\'m", " am", phrase)
    return phrase

test = "Hey I'm Yann, how're you and how's it going ? That's interesting: I'd love to hear more about it."
# Hey I am Yann, how are you and how is it going ? That is interesting: I would love to hear more about it.

Il y a peut-être des défauts auxquels je n'avais pas pensé.

Republié de mon autre réponse

Yann Dubois

C'est une bibliothèque très cool et facile à utiliser pour le but https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycontractions/1.0.1 .

Exemple d'utilisation (détaillé dans le lien):

from pycontractions import Contractions

# Load your favorite Word2vec model
cont = Contractions('GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin')

# optional, prevents loading on first expand_texts call

out = list(cont.expand_texts(["I'd like to know how I'd done that!",
                            "We're going to the Zoo and I don't think I'll be home for dinner.",
                            "Theyre going to the Zoo and she'll be home for dinner."], precise=True))

Vous aurez également besoin de GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin, lien à télécharger dans le lien pycontractions ci-dessus. * Exemple de code en python3. 


Je voudrais ajouter peu à la réponse d'Alko ici. Si vous cochez wikipedia, le nombre de contractions de la langue anglaise, comme indiqué, est inférieur à 100. Accordé, dans un scénario réel, ce nombre pourrait être supérieur à celui-là. Mais je suis tout à fait sûr que 200 à 300 mots suffiront pour les mots anglais de contraction. Maintenant, voulez-vous une bibliothèque séparée pour ceux-là (je ne pense pas que ce que vous cherchez existe réellement) ?. Cependant, vous pouvez facilement résoudre ce problème avec dictionnaire et utilisation de regex. Je recommanderais d'utiliser un tokenizer de Nice comme Boîte à outils en langage naturel et pour le reste, vous ne devriez avoir aucun problème à vous implémenter.


J'ai trouvé une bibliothèque pour cela, contractions C'est très simple.

import contractions


you have
he is
Hammad Hassan

Même s’il s’agit d’une question ancienne, j’ai pensé pouvoir aussi bien répondre car il n’existe toujours pas de solution réelle à cette question.

J'ai dû travailler dessus sur un projet lié à la PNL et j'ai décidé de m'attaquer au problème car il ne semblait y avoir rien ici. Vous pouvez consulter mon répertoire expander github si vous êtes intéressé.

C'est un programme assez mal optimisé (je pense) basé sur NLTK, les modèles de PNL de Stanford Core, que vous devrez télécharger séparément, et le dictionnaire de la réponse précédente . Toutes les informations nécessaires doivent figurer dans le README et le code abondamment commenté. Je sais que le code commenté est un code mort, mais c’est comme ça que j’écris pour que tout soit clair pour moi.

Les exemples d'entrées dans expander.py sont les phrases suivantes:

    ["I won't let you get away with that",  # won't ->  will not
    "I'm a bad person",  # 'm -> am
    "It's his cat anyway",  # 's -> is
    "It's not what you think",  # 's -> is
    "It's a man's world",  # 's -> is and 's possessive
    "Catherine's been thinking about it",  # 's -> has
    "It'll be done",  # 'll -> will
    "Who'd've thought!",  # 'd -> would, 've -> have
    "She said she'd go.",  # she'd -> she would
    "She said she'd gone.",  # she'd -> had
    "Y'all'd've a great time, wouldn't it be so cold!", # Y'all'd've -> You all would have, wouldn't -> would not
    " My name is Jack.",   # No replacements.
    "'Tis questionable whether Ma'am should be going.", # 'Tis -> it is, Ma'am -> madam
    "As history tells, 'twas the night before Christmas.", # 'Twas -> It was
    "Martha, Peter and Christine've been indulging in a menage-à-trois."] # 've -> have

Pour lequel la sortie est

    ["I will not let you get away with that",
    "I am a bad person",
    "It is his cat anyway",
    "It is not what you think",
    "It is a man's world",
    "Catherine has been thinking about it",
    "It will be done",
    "Who would have thought!",
    "She said she would go.",
    "She said she had gone.",
    "You all would have a great time, would not it be so cold!",
    "My name is Jack.",
    "It is questionable whether Madam should be going.",
    "As history tells, it was the night before Christmas.",
    "Martha, Peter and Christine have been indulging in a menage-à-trois."]

Donc, pour ce petit ensemble de phrases tests, je suis arrivé à tester quelques cas Edge, cela fonctionne bien.

Depuis que ce projet a perdu de son importance en ce moment, je ne le développe plus activement. Toute aide sur ce projet serait appréciée. Les choses à faire sont écrites dans la liste TODO. Ou si vous aviez des conseils pour améliorer mon python, je vous en serais aussi très reconnaissant.
