J'essaie de déployer un modèle d'apprentissage de la machine à Azure ACI, mais je reçois une erreur suivante tout en créant une image Docker
Pip subprocess error:
ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'ruamel-yaml'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot
accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous mon fichier YML pour les dépendances PIP
name: project_environment
# The python interpreter version.
# Currently Azure ML only supports 3.5.2 and later.
- pip:
# Required packages for AzureML execution, history, and data preparation.
- pandas
- azureml-defaults
- azureml-sdk
- azureml-widgets
- numpy
- tensorflow-gpu
- keras
- azureml-defaults
- torch==1.4.0
- scikit-learn==0.22.2.post1
et si j'utilise Conda au lieu de pip, je reçois une erreur suivante
Step 11/13 : RUN CONDA_ROOT_DIR=$(conda info --root) && if [ -n
"$AZUREML_CONDA_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" ]; then conda env update -p
"$AZUREML_CONDA_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" -f '/var/azureml-app/binary_2.yml'; else
conda env update -n base -f '/var/azureml-app/binary_2.yml'; fi && conda
clean -aqy && rm -rf /root/.cache/pip && rm -rf "$CONDA_ROOT_DIR/pkgs" &&
find "$CONDA_ROOT_DIR" -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +
---> Running in 9e6eb7278bfc
[91mUnable to install package for Conda.
Please double check and ensure you dependencies file has
the correct spelling. You might also try installing the
conda-env-Conda package to see if provides the required
[0mThe command '/bin/sh -c CONDA_ROOT_DIR=$(conda info --root) && if [ -n
"$AZUREML_CONDA_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" ]; then conda env update -p
"$AZUREML_CONDA_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" -f '/var/azureml-app/binary_2.yml'; else
conda env update -n base -f '/var/azureml-app/binary_2.yml'; fi && conda
-aqy && rm -rf /root/.cache/pip && rm -rf "$CONDA_ROOT_DIR/pkgs" && find
"$CONDA_ROOT_DIR" -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +' returned a
zero code: 255
2020/08/12 19:36:09 Container failed during run: acb_step_0. No retries
failed to run step ID: acb_step_0: exit status 255
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