Je crée un jeu de labyrinthie à base de texte, mais j’imaginais qu’il fallait quelques images pour illustrer ce qui se passait. Pour une raison quelconque, il meurt lorsque j'essaie d'aller en a2 (où l'image devrait apparaître). Je suis un débutant alors ne jugez pas tellement mon code ^^
import Image
a1 = ("a1 Go to the start of the Labyrinth", "You're at the start of the labyrinth") #Start
a2 = ("a2 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left, unfortunatly it leads to nothing.") #Fail route
a3 = ("a3 Go Right", "You've chosen to go right.") #Right route
a4 = ("a4 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left") #Fail route
a5 = ("a5 Go Right", "You've chosen to go right") #Right route
a6 = ("a6 Go Right", "You've chosen to go right") #Fail route; end
a7 = ("a7 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left") #Fail route
a8 = ("a8 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left") #Fail route; end
a9 = ("a9 Go Right", "You've chosen to go right") #Fail route; end
a10 = ("a10 Go Forwards", "You've chosen to go forwards") #Right route
a11 = ("a11 Go left", "You've chosen to go left; Congratulations, you won! You may restart") #Right route; end; victory
fail = ("fail End game", "You lost!") #End game
b1 = ("b1 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left")
b2 = ("b2 Go Right", "You've chosen to go right")
b3 = ("b3 Go Left", "You've chosen to go left")
transitions = {
a1: (a2, a3),
a2: (fail, a1),
a3: (b1,),
b1: (a4, a5,),
a4: (b2,),
b2: (a7, a6,),
a5: (b3,),
b3: (a9, a10,),
a6: (fail, a1),
a7: (a8,),
a8: (fail, a1),
a9: (fail, a1),
a10: (a11,),
a11: (a1,)
location = a1
while True:
print location[1]
print ("Here you can: ")
for (i, t) in enumerate(transitions[location]):
print i + 1, t[0]
choice = int(raw_input("Choose one "))
location = transitions[location][choice - 1]
if location == a2:
Au lieu de
Tu aurais dû
from PIL import Image
img ='picture.jpg')
Vous devriez probablement aussi penser à un autre système pour afficher vos messages, car de cette façon, le travail sera manuel. Examinez la substitution de chaîne (en utilisant %s
ou .format()
Ouvrir n'importe quel fichier
import os
if location == a2:
img ="picture.jpg")
Assurez-vous que le nom de l'image est entre parenthèses .___. Cela devrait fonctionner