
R: légende avec des points et des lignes de couleurs différentes (pour le même élément de légende)

En utilisant la fonction legend (), est-il possible d'avoir le point et la ligne de couleurs différentes? J'ai l'impression de manquer quelque chose d'assez évident. Le pt.bg l'option peut changer la couleur d'arrière-plan, mais je ne vois pas de pt.fg option

Le survient dans le cas où vous utilisez la commande lines () et points () séparément avec des couleurs différentes et que la légende représente ce qui est tracé.

J'ai pensé que cela pourrait être possible avec les options merge, mais je ne comprends clairement pas à quoi cela sert.


plot( 0, type="n", xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,5) )
A <- matrix( c( c(1,2,3,4), c(2,1,2,4)), ncol=2 )
B <- matrix( c( c(1,2,3,4), c(1,3,3,2)), ncol=2 )
lines( A, col="red" )
points( A, col="blue", pch=15 )
lines( B, col="green" )
points( B, col="purple", pch=17 )

legend( x="topleft", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        col=c("red","green"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), 
        pch=c(15,17) )

legend( x="bottomleft", 
        legend=c("Red line","blue points","Green line","purple points"),
        col=c("red","blue","green","purple"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,NA,2,NA),
        pch=c(NA,15,NA,17) )

legend( x="left", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        col=c("red","green"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), pch=c(15,17), merge=FALSE )

legend( x="bottomright", 
        legend=c("Red line","blue points","Green line","purple points"), 
        col=c("red","blue","green","purple"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,NA,2,NA), 
        pch=c(NA,15,NA,17), merge=FALSE )

legend( x="topright", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"), 
        col=c("red","blue","green","purple"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), 
        pch=c(15,17), merge=FALSE )



J'ai piraté la fonction legend () pour utiliser deux vecteurs de couleurs différentes:

LEGEND <- function (x, y = NULL, legend, fill = NULL, 
    col = par("col"), pt.col=col, line.col=col,
    border = "black", lty, lwd, pch, angle = 45, density = NULL,
    bty = "o", bg = par("bg"), box.lwd = par("lwd"), box.lty = par("lty"),
    box.col = par("fg"), pt.bg = NA, cex = 1, pt.cex = cex, pt.lwd = lwd,
    xjust = 0, yjust = 1, x.intersp = 1, y.intersp = 1, adj = c(0,
        0.5), text.width = NULL, text.col = par("col"), text.font = NULL,
    merge = do.lines && has.pch, trace = FALSE, plot = TRUE,
    ncol = 1, horiz = FALSE, title = NULL, inset = 0, xpd, title.col = text.col,
    title.adj = 0.5, seg.len = 2)
    if (missing(legend) && !missing(y) && (is.character(y) ||
        is.expression(y))) {
        legend <- y
        y <- NULL
    mfill <- !missing(fill) || !missing(density)
    if (!missing(xpd)) {
        op <- par("xpd")
        on.exit(par(xpd = op))
        par(xpd = xpd)
    title <- as.graphicsAnnot(title)
    if (length(title) > 1)
        stop("invalid 'title'")
    legend <- as.graphicsAnnot(legend)
    n.leg <- if (is.call(legend))
    else length(legend)
    if (n.leg == 0)
        stop("'legend' is of length 0")
    auto <- if (is.character(x))
        match.arg(x, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft",
            "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))
    else NA
    if (is.na(auto)) {
        xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y
        nx <- length(x)
        if (nx < 1 || nx > 2)
            stop("invalid coordinate lengths")
    else nx <- 0
    xlog <- par("xlog")
    ylog <- par("ylog")
    rect2 <- function(left, top, dx, dy, density = NULL, angle,
        ...) {
        r <- left + dx
        if (xlog) {
            left <- 10^left
            r <- 10^r
        b <- top - dy
        if (ylog) {
            top <- 10^top
            b <- 10^b
        rect(left, top, r, b, angle = angle, density = density,
    segments2 <- function(x1, y1, dx, dy, ...) {
        x2 <- x1 + dx
        if (xlog) {
            x1 <- 10^x1
            x2 <- 10^x2
        y2 <- y1 + dy
        if (ylog) {
            y1 <- 10^y1
            y2 <- 10^y2
        segments(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)
    points2 <- function(x, y, ...) {
        if (xlog)
            x <- 10^x
        if (ylog)
            y <- 10^y
        points(x, y, ...)
    text2 <- function(x, y, ...) {
        if (xlog)
            x <- 10^x
        if (ylog)
            y <- 10^y
        text(x, y, ...)
    if (trace)
        catn <- function(...) do.call("cat", c(lapply(list(...),
            formatC), list("\n")))
    cin <- par("cin")
    Cex <- cex * par("cex")
    if (is.null(text.width))
        text.width <- max(abs(strwidth(legend, units = "user",
            cex = cex, font = text.font)))
    else if (!is.numeric(text.width) || text.width < 0)
        stop("'text.width' must be numeric, >= 0")
    xc <- Cex * xinch(cin[1L], warn.log = FALSE)
    yc <- Cex * yinch(cin[2L], warn.log = FALSE)
    if (xc < 0)
        text.width <- -text.width
    xchar <- xc
    xextra <- 0
    yextra <- yc * (y.intersp - 1)
    ymax <- yc * max(1, strheight(legend, units = "user", cex = cex)/yc)
    ychar <- yextra + ymax
    if (trace)
        catn("  xchar=", xchar, "; (yextra,ychar)=", c(yextra,
    if (mfill) {
        xbox <- xc * 0.8
        ybox <- yc * 0.5
        dx.fill <- xbox
    do.lines <- (!missing(lty) && (is.character(lty) || any(lty >
        0))) || !missing(lwd)
    n.legpercol <- if (horiz) {
        if (ncol != 1)
            warning(gettextf("horizontal specification overrides: Number of columns := %d",
                n.leg), domain = NA)
        ncol <- n.leg
    else ceiling(n.leg/ncol)
    has.pch <- !missing(pch) && length(pch) > 0
    if (do.lines) {
        x.off <- if (merge)
        else 0
    else if (merge)
        warning("'merge = TRUE' has no effect when no line segments are drawn")
    if (has.pch) {
        if (is.character(pch) && !is.na(pch[1L]) && nchar(pch[1L],
            type = "c") > 1) {
            if (length(pch) > 1)
                warning("not using pch[2..] since pch[1L] has multiple chars")
            np <- nchar(pch[1L], type = "c")
            pch <- substr(rep.int(pch[1L], np), 1L:np, 1L:np)
        if (!is.character(pch))
            pch <- as.integer(pch)
    if (is.na(auto)) {
        if (xlog)
            x <- log10(x)
        if (ylog)
            y <- log10(y)
    if (nx == 2) {
        x <- sort(x)
        y <- sort(y)
        left <- x[1L]
        top <- y[2L]
        w <- diff(x)
        h <- diff(y)
        w0 <- w/ncol
        x <- mean(x)
        y <- mean(y)
        if (missing(xjust))
            xjust <- 0.5
        if (missing(yjust))
            yjust <- 0.5
    else {
        h <- (n.legpercol + (!is.null(title))) * ychar + yc
        w0 <- text.width + (x.intersp + 1) * xchar
        if (mfill)
            w0 <- w0 + dx.fill
        if (do.lines)
            w0 <- w0 + (seg.len + x.off) * xchar
        w <- ncol * w0 + 0.5 * xchar
        if (!is.null(title) && (abs(tw <- strwidth(title, units = "user",
            cex = cex) + 0.5 * xchar)) > abs(w)) {
            xextra <- (tw - w)/2
            w <- tw
        if (is.na(auto)) {
            left <- x - xjust * w
            top <- y + (1 - yjust) * h
        else {
            usr <- par("usr")
            inset <- rep_len(inset, 2)
            insetx <- inset[1L] * (usr[2L] - usr[1L])
            left <- switch(auto, bottomright = , topright = ,
                right = usr[2L] - w - insetx, bottomleft = ,
                left = , topleft = usr[1L] + insetx, bottom = ,
                top = , center = (usr[1L] + usr[2L] - w)/2)
            insety <- inset[2L] * (usr[4L] - usr[3L])
            top <- switch(auto, bottomright = , bottom = , bottomleft = usr[3L] +
                h + insety, topleft = , top = , topright = usr[4L] -
                insety, left = , right = , center = (usr[3L] +
                usr[4L] + h)/2)
    if (plot && bty != "n") {
        if (trace)
            catn("  rect2(", left, ",", top, ", w=", w, ", h=",
                h, ", ...)", sep = "")
        rect2(left, top, dx = w, dy = h, col = bg, density = NULL,
            lwd = box.lwd, lty = box.lty, border = box.col)
    xt <- left + xchar + xextra + (w0 * rep.int(0:(ncol - 1),
        rep.int(n.legpercol, ncol)))[1L:n.leg]
    yt <- top - 0.5 * yextra - ymax - (rep.int(1L:n.legpercol,
        ncol)[1L:n.leg] - 1 + (!is.null(title))) * ychar
    if (mfill) {
        if (plot) {
            if (!is.null(fill))
                fill <- rep_len(fill, n.leg)
            rect2(left = xt, top = yt + ybox/2, dx = xbox, dy = ybox,
                col = fill, density = density, angle = angle,
                border = border)
        xt <- xt + dx.fill
    if (plot && (has.pch || do.lines)) {
        pt.COL <- rep_len(pt.col, n.leg)
        line.COL <- rep_len(line.col, n.leg)
    if (missing(lwd) || is.null(lwd))
        lwd <- par("lwd")
    if (do.lines) {
        if (missing(lty) || is.null(lty))
            lty <- 1
        lty <- rep_len(lty, n.leg)
        lwd <- rep_len(lwd, n.leg)
        ok.l <- !is.na(lty) & (is.character(lty) | lty > 0) &
        if (trace)
            catn("  segments2(", xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, ",",
                yt[ok.l], ", dx=", seg.len * xchar, ", dy=0, ...)")
        if (plot)
            segments2(xt[ok.l] + x.off * xchar, yt[ok.l], dx = seg.len *
                xchar, dy = 0, lty = lty[ok.l], lwd = lwd[ok.l],
                col = line.COL[ok.l])
        xt <- xt + (seg.len + x.off) * xchar
    if (has.pch) {
        pch <- rep_len(pch, n.leg)
        pt.bg <- rep_len(pt.bg, n.leg)
        pt.cex <- rep_len(pt.cex, n.leg)
        pt.lwd <- rep_len(pt.lwd, n.leg)
        ok <- !is.na(pch)
        if (!is.character(pch)) {
            ok <- ok & (pch >= 0 | pch <= -32)
        else {
            ok <- ok & nzchar(pch)
        x1 <- (if (merge && do.lines)
            xt - (seg.len/2) * xchar
        else xt)[ok]
        y1 <- yt[ok]
        if (trace)
            catn("  points2(", x1, ",", y1, ", pch=", pch[ok],
                ", ...)")
        if (plot)
            points2(x1, y1, pch = pch[ok], col = pt.COL[ok], cex = pt.cex[ok],
                bg = pt.bg[ok], lwd = pt.lwd[ok])
    xt <- xt + x.intersp * xchar
    if (plot) {
        if (!is.null(title))
            text2(left + w * title.adj, top - ymax, labels = title,
                adj = c(title.adj, 0), cex = cex, col = title.col)
        text2(xt, yt, labels = legend, adj = adj, cex = cex,
            col = text.col, font = text.font)
    invisible(list(rect = list(w = w, h = h, left = left, top = top),
        text = list(x = xt, y = yt)))

Et utilisé comme suit:

LEGEND( x="bottomleft", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), pch=c(15,17) )

LEGEND( x="bottomright", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        pt.col=c("blue","purple"), line.col=c("red","green"),
        lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), pch=c(15,17) )

Vous pouvez le faire avec 2 appels à legend, la première fois trace les lignes, puis le deuxième appel trace sur le dessus avec des lignes invisibles, mais trace les points dans les couleurs souhaitées:

plot( 0, type="n", xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,5) )
A <- matrix( c( c(1,2,3,4), c(2,1,2,4)), ncol=2 )
B <- matrix( c( c(1,2,3,4), c(1,3,3,2)), ncol=2 )
lines( A, col="red" )
points( A, col="blue", pch=15 )
lines( B, col="green" )
points( B, col="purple", pch=17 )

legend( x="topleft", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        col=c("red","green"), lwd=1, lty=c(1,2), 
        pch=c(NA,NA) )

legend( x="topleft", 
        legend=c("Red line, blue points","Green line, purple points"),
        col=c("blue","purple"), lwd=1, lty=c(0,0), 
        pch=c(15,17) )

ou pour le deuxième appel à legend vous pouvez faire quelque chose comme ça (donc vous n'avez pas 2 copies du texte l'une sur l'autre):

legend( x="topleft", 
        col=c("blue","purple"), lwd=1, lty=c(0,0), 
        pch=c(15,17), bty='n' )

Bien sûr, cela ne fonctionne correctement que de gauche. Si vous souhaitez que le tracé se trouve dans l'un des coins à droite, enregistrez la valeur de retour du premier appel dans legend et utilisez-la pour le placement dans le deuxième appel.

Greg Snow