Je veux créer mon propre modèle et je veux qu'il soit basé sur Bootstrap 4 (mais je pourrais changer à l'avenir).
Je peux créer mes positions de module, mais comment puis-je affecter une classe à chaque module, c'est-à-dire class="col"
// Count the modules
$belowBanner = ($this->countModules('belowBanner'));
// if the position below module has modules then output code
<?php if ($belowBanner) : ?>
// my container div gives the width. Bootstrap requires a div with the class row for each row. I also add a section.
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<section id="<?php echo "belowBanner" ?>">
// insert a module position. The type is always modules. Give it a unique name "belowBanner" and give it the default module chrome of "bootstrap4"
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="belowBanner" style="bootstrap4" />
<?php endif ?>
module.php qui se trouve dans le dossier/html /
* @package Joomla.Administrator
* @subpackage Templates.joomla-london
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* This is a file to add template specific chrome to module rendering. To use it you would
* set the style attribute for the given module(s) include in your template to use the style
* for each given modChrome function.
* This gives template designers ultimate control over how modules are rendered.
* NOTICE: All chrome wrapping methods should be named: modChrome_{STYLE} and take the same
* two arguments.
* Module chrome for rendering the module in a belowBanner
// make sure you name it correctly. it always starts modChrome and I have named it bootstrap4 as I will be using that framework. I could have called it anything, but I thought this was the most meaningful/descriptive name.
function modChrome_bootstrap4($module, &$params, &$attribs)
// if the module has content
if ($module->content)
// Get module params
// get Bootstrap size and make sure it is returned as an integer
$bootstrapSize = (int) $params->get('bootstrap_size');
// if nothing has been selected then just use the class cols
$cols = "col";
// if the bootstrap class is anything except 0 then insert the class cols- and add the bootstrap size class
if ($bootstrapSize != '0') {
$cols = "col-" . $bootstrapSize;}
// If the modules title is set to show... then show it
if ($module->showtitle)
echo '<h2>' .$module->title .'</h2>';
// output a div and add the column class to it. It will either be col or col-x depending on the bootstrap size. So perhaps col-6 or col-4
<div class="items<?php echo " ". $cols;?> ">
<div class="item">
// output the module content
<?php echo $module->content; ?>