Comment puis-je ajouter un contrôle déroulant à WordPress Theme Customizer et utiliser sa valeur dans la source du thème?
Je souhaite utiliser la valeur déroulante pour modifier certains noms de fichiers CSS
Merci beaucoup
Ajouter une section au personnalisateur de thème:
$wp_customize->add_section( 'parsmizban_options',
'title' => __( 'Theme Options', 'parsmizban' ), //Visible title of section
'priority' => 20, //Determines what order this appears in
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', //Capability needed to Tweak
'description' => __('Allows you to customize settings for Theme.', 'parsmizban'), //Descriptive tooltip
Ajouter un nouveau réglage:
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'bootstrap_theme_name', //No need to use a SERIALIZED name, as `theme_mod` settings already live under one db record
'default' => 'default', //Default setting/value to save
'type' => 'theme_mod', //Is this an 'option' or a 'theme_mod'?
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', //Optional. Special permissions for accessing this setting.
//'transport' => 'postMessage', //What triggers a refresh of the setting? 'refresh' or 'postMessage' (instant)?
Ajouter un nouveau contrôle:
/ * Prend en charge les types d'entrée de base text
, checkbox
, textarea
, radio
, select
et dropdown-pages
. * Les types d'entrées supplémentaires tels que email
, url
, number
, hidden
et date
sont pris en charge implicitement. * /
//3. Finally, we define the control itself (which links a setting to a section and renders the HTML controls)...
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Control(
$wp_customize, //Pass the $wp_customize object (required)
'parsmizban_theme_name', //Set a unique ID for the control
'label' => __( 'Select Theme Name', 'parsmizban' ), //Admin-visible name of the control
'description' => __( 'Using this option you can change the theme colors' ),
'settings' => 'bootstrap_theme_name', //Which setting to load and manipulate (serialized is okay)
'priority' => 10, //Determines the order this control appears in for the specified section
'section' => 'parsmizban_options', //ID of the section this control should render in (can be one of yours, or a WordPress default section)
'type' => 'select',
'choices' => array(
'default' => 'Default',
'cerulean' => 'Cerulean',
'cosmo' => 'Cosmo',
'cyborg' => 'cyborg',
) );
Utilisez cette commande:
<?php esc_html_e( get_theme_mod( 'bootstrap_theme_name' ) ); ?>