Je ne peux pas utiliser lightdm pour me connecter, lorsque j'utilise des pilotes NVIDIA. Je vois juste une petite zone dans le coin gauche avec les icônes et le champ de texte du mot de passe. Bien que je puisse me connecter, je ne peux pas choisir ma session ou me connecter. Mes erreurs de réception d'unité (/var/log/lightdm/seat0-greeter.log) Je n'ai aucune erreur dans .xession-errors ou /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log
(unity-greeter:1662): Gtk-WARNING **: Allocating size to Background 0x55dae3d5c1f0 without calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width/height(). How does the code know the size to allocate?
[+0.30s] DEBUG: background.vala:485: Regenerating backgrounds
[+0.30s] DEBUG: background.vala:68: Making background /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png at 0x0
[+0.30s] DEBUG: background.vala:68: Making background /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-teal.jpg at 0x0
[+0.31s] DEBUG: unity-greeter.vala:227: starting system-ready sound
[+0.37s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_new: assertion 'width > 0' failed
[+0.37s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_scale: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (dest)' failed
[+0.38s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_new: assertion 'width > 0' failed
[+0.38s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_scale: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (dest)' failed
[+0.38s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_new: assertion 'width > 0' failed
[+0.38s] CRITICAL: gdk_pixbuf_scale: assertion 'GDK_IS_PIXBUF (dest)' failed
(nm-applet:1696): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GtkWidget'
(nm-applet:1696): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
(nm-applet:1696): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GtkWidget'
(nm-applet:1696): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
(nm-applet:1696): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GtkWidget'
(nm-applet:1696): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
(nm-applet:1696): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GtkWidget'
(nm-applet:1696): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_show: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:121: Render of background /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-teal.jpg complete
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:138: images[0] was null for /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-teal.jpg
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:121: Render of background /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-teal.jpg complete
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:138: images[0] was null for /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/xfce-teal.jpg
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:121: Render of background /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png complete
[+6.24s] DEBUG: background.vala:138: images[0] was null for /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png
[+6.26s] DEBUG: user-list.vala:1030: Adding/updating user swadnerkar ()
[+9.65s] DEBUG: Providing response to display manager
[+9.65s] DEBUG: Wrote 24 bytes to daemon
[+9.72s] DEBUG: Read 8 bytes from daemon
[+9.72s] DEBUG: Read 22 bytes from daemon
[+9.72s] DEBUG: Authentication complete for user swadnerkar with return code 0
[+9.72s] DEBUG: Starting session i3
[+9.72s] DEBUG: Wrote 14 bytes to daemon
upstart: indicator-bluetooth main process (1702) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-power main process (1703) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-datetime main process (1704) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-session main process (1707) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-application main process (1717) killed by TERM signal
upstart: indicator-messages main process (1701) killed by HUP signal
upstart: indicator-keyboard main process (1705) killed by HUP signal
upstart: indicator-sound main process (1706) killed by HUP signal
Je n'ai aucun problème avec lxdm. Ma version d'Ubuntu:
$ cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Zesty Zapus (development branch)"
Je fais face à ce problème depuis Xenial. Il ne s'agit donc pas de la dernière version d'Ubuntu.
J'ai accidentellement trouvé la solution. J'ai installé lubuntu-core, qui a installé le package lubuntu-default-settings qui a installé la configuration correcte pour lightdm-gtk-greeter dans/etc/lightdm, après quoi lightdm a commencé à fonctionner. Pour GNOME, il existe des paramètres ubuntu-gnome-default-settings, et pour xubuntu, xubuntu-default-settings. Il semble donc que nous ayons juste besoin de nous assurer que l'un des packages * -default-settings est installé.
Auparavant, je n'avais aucun environnement de bureau installé (j'utilisais uniquement i3 comme WM). Donc, cela ressemble à Ubuntu, nous devons avoir au moins un environnement de bureau installé, sinon certaines choses ne fonctionneront pas correctement. À la maison, j'utilise volontiers Arch sans environnement de bureau avec lightdm. Ubuntu est mon bureau de travail.