Je démarre une machine virtuelle avec:
vagrant up
Le fournisseur est VirtualBox.
Après quelques secondes, le système se bloque et je ne peux plus rien faire. Seule une réinitialisation matérielle est possible.
Malheureusement, je ne vois rien de suspect dans les journaux:
00:00:00.143578 ******************** End of CPUID dump **********************
00:00:00.145703 VM: Halt method global1 (5)
00:00:00.145710 HaltedGlobal1 config: cNsSpinBlockThresholdCfg=2000
00:00:00.145714 Changing the VM state from 'CREATING' to 'CREATED'.
00:00:00.146015 SharedFolders Host service: adding Host mapping
00:00:00.146020 Host path '/home/user_name/project_name/devbox', map name 'vagrant', writable, automount=false, create_symlinks=true, missing=false
00:00:00.146097 Changing the VM state from 'CREATED' to 'POWERING_ON'.
00:00:00.146710 NAT: set redirect TCP Host => guest
00:00:00.146806 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_ON' to 'RUNNING'.
00:00:00.148732 Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 4.3.26
00:00:00.148818 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:00.157868 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={480b372c-c0b5-4c23-9bd7-dcbb85b1594c} aComponent={Display} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false
00:00:00.168034 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1
00:00:00.174891 AHCI#0: Reset the HBA
00:00:00.174953 AHCI#0: Port 0 reset
00:00:00.175519 Guest Log: BIOS: AHCI 0-P#0: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63 83886080 sectors
00:00:00.175577 PIT: mode=2 count=0x48d3 (18643) - 64.00 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:00.190899 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=00007fa8d5937000 w=640 h=480 bpp=32 cbLine=0xA00, flags=0x1
00:00:00.537461 NAT: old socket rcv size: 128KB
00:00:00.537476 NAT: old socket snd size: 128KB
00:00:02.648091 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1
00:00:02.650582 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:02.650757 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=1, bootseq=0002
00:00:02.651025 Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from Hard Disk...
00:00:03.091510 PIT: mode=2 count=0x12a5 (4773) - 249.98 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:03.408419 PIT: mode=0 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:03.709126 AHCI#0: Reset the HBA
00:00:03.728571 AHCI#0: Port 0 reset
00:00:06.861887 Guest Additions information report: Version 4.3.10 r93012 '4.3.10_Ubuntu'
00:00:06.861928 Guest Additions information report: Interface = 0x00010004 osType = 0x00053100 (64-bit)
00:00:06.861974 Guest Additions capability report: (0x0 -> 0x0) seamless: no, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: no
00:00:06.862019 Guest reported fixed hypervisor window at 00000c00000 (size = 0x800000, rc = VINF_SUCCESS)
00:00:06.881410 Guest Log: vboxguest: major 0, IRQ 20, I/O port d020, MMIO at 00000000f0400000 (size 0x400000)
00:00:08.425021 NAT: IPv6 not supported
00:00:08.443541 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
00:00:08.445786 NAT: DHCP offered IP address
00:00:09.070544 NAT: link up
Comment puis-je déboguer ce problème?
Statistiques système:
$ uname -a
Linux user-Inspiron-7548 3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 30 16:09:58 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 15.04
Release: 15.04
Codename: vivid
J'utilise le cryptage de disque.
Mise à jour:
2015.05.13 - ce problème n'apparaît pas lorsque j'utilise une machine virtuelle 32 bits
mkdir vagrant_32; cd vagrant_32
vagrant init -m hashicorp/precise32
vagrant up
# works fine
Je pourrais résoudre ce problème en mettant à jour vers VirtualBox 5.0 .
J'ai enlevé mon ancien VirtualBox 4.3 , puis j'ai téléchargé la version 5.0 de ici (paquet digne de confiance).
Ensuite, j'ai installé 5.0 et je peux enfin commencer un 64 bits VM sur le VirtualBox GUI!
Malheureusement, Vagrant 1.7.2 actuel ne prend pas en charge VirtualBox 5.0 selon this documentatioin .
J'ai eu ce message d'erreur:
$ vagrant status
No usable default provider could be found for your system.
Vagrant relies on interactions with 3rd party systems, known as
"providers", to provide Vagrant with resources to run development
environments. Examples are VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V.
The easiest solution to this message is to install VirtualBox, which
is available for free on all major platforms.
If you believe you already have a provider available, make sure it
is properly installed and configured. You can see more details about
why a particular provider isn't working by forcing usage with
`vagrant up --provider=PROVIDER`, which should give you a more specific
error message for that particular provider.
Vagrant a déjà un correctif pour cela, mais vous devez attendre la prochaine version.
Jusque-là, vous pouvez suivre ces instructions pour le patcher. C'est très simple, il vous suffit de modifier/créer quelques fichiers dans /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/
Tous les crédits vont au groupe Google vagrant .